#maybe i am developing a reflexive aversion to nose bandages. sorry
bobbimorses · 3 months
need your thoughts on hawkeye & black widow #1 so badly tbh !!
this is like the third story in a decade where clint is being pursued for an assassination that he may or may not have committed and then reveals "well maybe i Did. you ever think about that???" "but clint...that's against your code!" "oh so NOW we remember that- i mean yes. i SHOT them." (explanation pending)
it is also the second story where multiple assassins are pursuing him simultaneously and then they explode him and break his ribs and cut up his leg and poison him but the first one had all that happening in the sewers after he got a prescription for his UTI so that one was funny. also those villains were in dog costumes and juggling.
ANYWAYS! i feel like they were unsure of who the secondary character in a black widow story was gonna be, and then someone remembered "oh shit! it's her and hawkeye's 60th anniversary!" and voila. i mean, i'm glad someone remembered? if only they remembered to make a corner box logo earlier than 15 minutes before press. it very much feels like a black widow story
which leads us to the bobbi page. it's as if everybody expected someone to have run with the bobbi-clint story threads post-thunderbolts, and then went "oh, wait, nobody actually did that?" bc what was that explanation. why is bobbi cool hanging back and mostly just listening to the CIA. i may retract my complaints if bobbi comes out of the woodwork with a plan or maybe even if they go on a date bc i can be bought off.
i do enjoy some whump myself, but i have to admit that many a series since fraction & aja's hawkeye v4 have clint smash head-first into the concrete early into an issue so he can have bandages all over his nose and face in all subsequent panels, but ignoring any other aspects of injuries? his humanness isn't just for aesthetic purposes--it's his whole thing! in said dog and juggler assassins hunting him down in the sewers storyline, clint was limping and slowed down by his injuries, having trouble drawing his bow; showing operating in a superhuman realm as a human is an impressive feat, but it has its consequences, injuries have consequences! here, we had an ambulance ride and slow-down, so that was nice. but also at the end he's standing around, face bandaged--i think this is just me nitpicking after historical portrayal. lest we forget mr. "i was underneath a taxi. yeah i lifted it up. i am fine."
in conclusion: oh shit guys clint's in a comic again?
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