#maybe im biased bc like everyone in my extended family has a pit bull and i love them but bucky would def be a pitbull guy idc
lesbiradshaw · 2 years
I really like the idea of a beefier Ben Barnes as Bucky! Also…this is a Sidenote but your mention of orange cats and Steve made me laugh bc he does give me like Oliver from Oliver and company vibes (as smol Steve). Big Steve is more like Totoro (lol) - but I disagree with ppl who claim Steve is a golden retriever bc he big and blonde. I think he’s more like a cat (quiet, more independent/loner, but warms up when he feels comfy. He’s also graceful and agile). He would like both dogs and cats tho
steve being more catlike than doglike is one of the reasons im a firm believer in him preferring cats over dogs although he likes both and is good with both (sidenote, people who say alpine would hate steve or that steve isnt an animal person need to stop speaking on him bc have you seen the panels of him w alpine and the game scenes of him petting lucky ??? also his whole strip with jeff the shark. SO CUTE! not to mention it’s canon that steve watched crocodile hunter episodes to catch up on the future according to his notebook in tws so him watching nature/animal documentaries is a hc near and dear to me). in fics i see him written as a dog guy a lot but i really think that’s mostly a projection of cevans 😭 bc like. steve grew up poor and living in an economically corresponding area of the city. shoebox apartments and a single working mother … no way they would have been able to afford a dog or even entertain the thought. but with the amount of stray cats around and the fact that steve would def be up in arms everytime he saw someone messing with one … he was in those alleys all the time! i bet he made a few feline friends. him feeding them scraps out on the fire escape and naming the ones he regularly sees :,) steve is a fighter and stubborn as hell but he’s also quiet a lot of the time and very reserved and admits he’s a very solitary person who isn’t comfortable in large groups. he’s so catlike.
there’s a whole thing going around tiktok and twt rn about “black cat partner x golden retriever partner” but for stevebucky i think what’s more fitting is “pit-bull boyfriend x orange cat boyfriend”. pit bulls have a reputation of being mean and scary and aggressive and they can be those things but a lot of that comes from how protective and devoted they are. orange cats have a reputation of being weird and a little odd but are lovable and cuddly when they get comfortable with you. SO THEM.
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