#maybe not as heinous as his brother but literally the bar's beneath the floor so am i supposed to GIVE a shit...
fideidefenswhore · 2 years
[Thomas] Seymour had asked [for his daughter] Mary to be sent to live with her mother's friend, the Duchess of Suffolk. Lady Suffolk did not readily agree to this [due to the cost] ; [...] to persuade her, the Duchess of Somerset promised that Mary's possessions, including her silver tableware, should be transported with her. This settled the matter and [Mary did indeed reside the Duchess of Suffolk] [...] Unfortunately, however, Lady Somerset's promise proved worthless, and Mary's valuables disappeared into the Duchess [of Somerset]'s grasping possession. At the same time, Protector Somerset refused to pay the infant's pension.
NORTON, E. (2016). The Temptation of Elizabeth Tudor: Elizabeth I, Thomas Seymour, and the Making of a Virgin Queen.
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