#mayyyyyy be a bit biased about words of radiance bc my NOW bf recommended the series to me
litany-writes · 7 months
9 people you want to know better :D
tagged by @songsofsomnia, ty!! no pressure tags: @athenswrites, @shakespeare-smoocher, @like-pilot-lights, @windowgirlpoems, @theartisttoyourmuse, and anyone else that wants to join!!!
current read
words of radiance by brandon sanderson!!! it's the second book in the stormlight archives series and it is SO SO SO good and i've been too busy to sit down and finish it recently but the worldbuilding, the characters, just AAAA everything it's a masterpiece
most recent song
100 bad days by AJR. I may be cringe but I am free, it's catchy alright?? I'm a pop music girlie it's not my fault
currently watching
formula 1: drive to survive i understand the fandom has (understandably) mixed feelings on the show, especially some of the characterizations, but i love the drama and it's well-produced. been watching the 2023 season live as well, i promise i'm not one of those dts anti-max bandwagons <3
current fic i'm reading
also f1, rlly outing myself today but i just finished reading sunday morning; holding you till noon by autumnapricot on ao3. pt 2 to a MASTERFUL lestappen office au; if you like that kinda thing i highly recommend it. 10/10 shenanigans, tomfoolery, and chaos.
next on my to watch list
the PJO show coming out next month!!!!!! gonna watch it w the bf <3 I don't rlly watch a ton of shows in general but I am SO hyped for this one. it's gonna be good. i can feel it in my bones.
current obsession
...formula 1, if that wasn't clear yet. not sure how i got this far in life without knowing about the 20 most dramatic people ever in their silly little car-go-fast sport, but i sure am enjoying it now. watched yesterday's literal circus GP live w my bestie who was there definitely 100% totally of her free will, and i've been subjecting my bf to all of my dumb little rants about it too !!!
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