#might rb this later just as a bump/reminder also but sdjfskdfsd hey. hi. thanks 4 reading n understanding.
lusus · 5 years
i have to make this kind of post in 2139204 places and change my art tag and a bunch of stuff but i actually talk to ppl who follow me here more than any of my other social media lmao so uhhhh hey uh
ive been thinking abt this pretty much since the year began and got more comfy calling myself nb/nb man/etc and while trans+nb+gay dude are still true + comfy for me ive realized agender specifically is what i like the most and, most importantly, the name craig just........ isnt really what i’m Feeling anymore (which IS a big change i know, ive used this name for literally 10 years)
i tested this out w/ my twin first and then our dnd group for a bit now but i’ve decided to start going by elliot instead and using they/them pronouns (he/it still good tho! feel free to switch ‘em up. just Prefer they/them first) and i’m not gonna be upset if anyone uses craig for a while still since this is such a change but.... yea. new name and additional+preferred pronouns babey. its pride month this is me. thank you :’)
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