The Monarch Butterflies Need Your Help
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Monarch butterflies are the most recognizable and beloved butterflies in North and Central America. Millions of monarchs migrate across the United States; spending their summers in Michigan and winters in Mexico. Despite the small size of monarch butterflies and other insects, they play a very large role in human lives. Insects travel to flowering plants, drinking nectar, and transporting pollen. This results in a pollination service that is responsible for 1/3 of the world's food source.
Due to a loss of habitat, the eastern Monarch population has declined by 90%. Other pollinators are experiencing a decline as well. Bees, which pollinate one third of the world's food crops, have declined 50% in recent decades. However, these alarming declines have sparked conservation programs across the nation to take action. Efforts to protect pollinators and restore habitat have been rewarded with a steady increase in monarch populations over the last few years.
In 2014, President Obama announced the first comprehensive pollinator program ever created in the federal government. The Presidential Memorandum was a collaborative effort between organizations, agencies, and federal departments to raise awareness and provide assistance to pollinators.
Pollinator health begins with you. Join us in celebrating monarchs, bees, and all other pollinators by becoming aware and participating in the tremendous ongoing conservation efforts!
How You Can Help
There are many different ways for YOU to help monarchs and other important pollinators in Michigan!
Report your monarch sightings throughJourney North and Monarch Joint Venture.
Report your bee sightings through the Bee spotter and Bumble Bee Watch.
Learn how to help and stay up to date with the latest pollinator information - Michigan State University Extension
Learn about creating monarch habitat and planting native milkweed - Monarch Joint Venture
Six ways to save monarchs - National Wildlife Federation Blog
Citizen science: opportunities to study monarchs - Monarch Joint Venture
Make a donation to the Nongame Wildlife Fund
Michigan Pollinator Gardening Tips
Michigan Pollinator Gardening Tips (Accessible)
Kids and Teachers
Learn more about monarchs and other important pollinators with these activities and resources:
Learn how to help and stay up to date with the latest pollinator information - Michigan State University Extension
Teaching about the Magnificent Monarch - Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies
Learn about creating monarch habitat and planting native milkweed - Monarch Joint Venture
Citizen science: opportunities to study monarchs - Monarch Joint Venture
School Yard Habitats program through National Wildlife Federation
Monarch Butterfly Info
Learn more about the monarch butterfly with the following resources:
Monarch Conservation - Xerces Society
Monarch Watch
Insects & Pollinators - US Department of Agriculture
Save the Monarch Butterfly - US Fish & Wildlife Service
Monarch Joint Venture resources
Monarch Butterfly Conservation Webinar Series - US Fish & Wildlife Service
Bee - Informed
Did you know globally there are more than 20,000 species of bees and nearly 3,500 species within the United States? Check out the links below for more about bees!
Bumble Bee Conservation - Xerces Society
Reversing Pollinator Decline is Key to Feeding the Future - US Department of Agriculture Blog
Bumble Bee Watch
Rusty Patched Bumble Bee: proposed listing as an endangered species - US Fish & Wildlife Service
Conservation Projects
What's the buzz? Learn all about current projects helping pollinators.
Pollinator Partnership
Monarch Joint Venture Projects
Michigan's Managed Pollinator Protection Plan
Protecting pollinators with cooperative action - Michigan Farm News
Michigan Monarch Strategy
Source: https://www.michigan.gov/dnr/education/michigan-species/insects/monarch
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