#monster hunter as an ip adamantly refuses to elaborate about the world it takes place in
celepeace · 1 year
Sometimes I'm surprised that monster hunter isn't more popular among the creature design and spec evo corners of tumblr, at least the portions that also play video games, and then I remember that it's just about as hard as soulsborne games (I'd argue some specific entries are even harder) but doesn't have any of the atmospheric or story elements to attract people. It gets by on sheer gameplay alone and isn't a pvp game either. There is no way to make the game easier besides picking one of the less mechanically complex weapons and git gud. If it wasn't for the neat dinosaurs I couldn't think of a game less alluring to the average tumblr user
#a lot of other games it's a combination of escaping into another world with stuff like immersion and story#monster hunter as an ip adamantly refuses to elaborate about the world it takes place in#there is no overarching story and there's basically no lore with few exceptions e.g. fatalis but even that's really barebones#mh is just like. you're a hunter. now go kick the shit out of dinosaurs with your giant guts sword#there have been a lot of memes over the years about how it also doesn't have a tutorial it just expects you to figure it out#it has extensive ''explain how this works'' popups but they only exist for certain mechanics#and somehow half the time manage to communicate nothing of use#but actually important stuff like ''how do i use this weapon'' are not explained ANYWHERE within the game itself#and it has some of the most complicated mechanics i've ever seen in a real-time combat game i.e. charge blade and hunting horn pre rise#it just does the equivalent of giving you a gun you need a master's degree to operate at full potential and throws you to the wolves#and if you try to naively look up how some of the weapons work you get multi-page hard-to-parse essays#i STILL don't know how hunting horn works pre-rise because every time i try to read a guide my eyes glaze over#like there are perhaps few other franchises more unfriendly to an ''easy mode my beloved''-type person#not to rag on those people. there's nothing wrong with that but some games are just NOT going to work with you in that way#i pretty much only like it because i'm unfortunately a Tryhard Gamer#and the feeling of being a small human killing a dragon god by sheer skill and willpower is like crack cocaine to me#i would be more frustrated by mh's lack of any lore to speak of if it weren't for the gameplay injecting dopamine straight into my brain
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