#moonjo 'well u looked pretty'
sweetlullabyebye 2 months
Moonjo just filming Jongwoo out of nowhere was so unhinged like dude you already stalk him spy on him in his bedroom have a printed picture of him you did NOT need to take a video of him too
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achillesunly 2 years
Characters review on Strangers From Hell: PART 2
Min Ji Eun aka worst girl
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Worst girlfriend. Over looking bfs fears, worries and everything he says as long as it's not happy, or even his role in life (with his boss etc) bonus point for not having cheated on him but still. Being cute serves u what if you're a bitch. I don't even know why they showed us your life I don't care we don't care u don't care u mom doesn't care nobody cares. I don't care if your boss bullies u. Girlboss we love it but u r not enough so we love U. If you goin for it go all the way. Ure just vain. You should have died. That's plothole. Or whatever this called. Missed opportunity, direction hole. Why did they show us your shitty life. If someone knows. This trash bag. Openly idgaf. Fuck away u bf gay.
So Jung Hwa aka best girl
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Or GODDESS OF ENGINEERING! Yet another fuckING CUTIIIE. What's the uno reverse of malewife? That's her. Reliable. Relatable . +10 points to Gryffindor for working with such bitchass annoying useless fellow policemen. And 10 other points for having such a beautiful dentist. How come you don't have time to go? jeez. I would even if I had nothing wrong. A lill slow but stubborn and determined. But too nice with other officers (especially from the other department I would smack em hard). Go out with your junior btw he wouldn't 70% let u down. A really good human. I love her. She's cute and clever . If you gave this woman more power I swear the drama would have ended very differently ( so I'm thankful) Second only person I would trust , not daring enough, so second position. She wouldn't let me down if I was dying in a pit. She would 50% break her legs trying to get to me , and 50% go seeking help. That would be on our first date. I would happen to see her crazily good looking dentist in casual clothes walk by. We would have a chat. He would kill me bc I would have asked him to. Beautiful date 馃憠馃憟
Yoon Jong Woo aka Jong U re the one
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Tired of this shit 脳1000000000^蟺. I wouldn't have half his courage. My man walked in, saw a rutting pervert, pissing extrovert auntie, weirdass good looking button down, bully thug, the Joker and his non-drooling twin, and the lovechild of Adonis and Apollon offering staring and human flesh for lunch, and he really said everyone here is weird but I'll make it work. Amazing . Mastered the skill to look both disgusted and tired in any social situation which is a big flex. Shiny eyes when his real self. Kind of a dick. Really pisses me off sometimes. Genuinely. Short and short tempered. Example of how army isn't made for everyone (no offense meant), shitty life with shitty boss and shitty girlfriend and shitty flat. Kind of reminds me of Eddie edi Eddie eddy edy? from venom in his anger control. I wish he would snap sooner BC repressed too much and it's more fun when unfettered nd batshit crazy. Yeah walk up those gay stairs it'll change u. More flustered after talking with MoonJo in one 1 evening than with his girlfriend the entire series. Amazing. Also weirdass mom who gives off weirdass warnings heard from old shufu in the mountains random yet expect her son to not be in a constant state of mental breakdown. Love the way hes just like ok the second time he's called THE word like well aight mate go off ig. Paranoid. A tad bit too late. But strong ig. Sick strap btw bro. I really like the uh huh... Jewelry I guess... I .. yeah... Cool.
I wouldn't trust him cause Im so annoying he would kill me or have his bf do it. If we ever got along tho, we d be writing buddies and I'd tell MoonJo I'm gay so he doesn't have to worry or kill me. but anyways I know Yoon would just let me down whenever he'd have the chance to get D so. Cause he's the one ( rubber ducky ure th-) Yeah, he's really, I yeah.. it's um.. okay...hhuh .. um ... I'm foine I swear :(
Seo Moon Jo aka the only one I didn't have to look up the name
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He's the cutest bunny beauty smiley, his lill teeth, big eyes, crow hair, his stance, slender figure, his quirks, his flip of hair, his mind, the way he kills adorable. His love eyes, and the way he fights, how he holds Yoon s face when they were fighting, his voice HIS VOICE CHANGE IN EP 10 AROU-WAIT ILL GET IT:
He's so much . How can a character like THAT be created ??? ITS NOT LEGAL???? YOUVE BEEN TO STOP! There's just so much to say but yeah.. Seo Moon Jo 鉂わ笍鉂わ笍馃Ψ馃悁馃敧
He's cute and rock and the way he tries to blend in (nice dentist, scaring off kids but that's just what we are all supposed to do, playing local when he kills the journalist/spits!/ /I know some of y'all sickfucks whish he spat in your mouth jeez )
I could just spend literals hours taking ab him but I think we should all get a conference day or sleepover and just write ff, draw fanarts and do theories, conspiracy on iphones, together. that would be cleverer.
He just makes the whole drama. Literally. He's amazing and a deep character and damn. Yeah. His loving shiny eyes. Whenever I remember them I feel the deepness of the character wash back over me again and hhhh. Yeah. Damn.
I wouldn't trust him either cause such a beauty would never stand being stared at for hours without wanting to kill me. + if I was dying ,depending on the context ofc if it's related to the residence then bye y'all but-, he sure would help but if he ever gets a call from bf he would just throw me on the road right away to get sum. So yeah. no. Cause you don't know if he feels like doing art on Tuesday. And id end up in the dirty dental chair. So.
Still I would give him warmth and family ( not in the sexual way Jesus he got Yoon for that ) but it would change him just a bit then no. Cause he's perfect the way he is and hh. I guess what I'm trying to say is:
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So yeah I love him like that. Very much. More than words. His voice. The whole character is really something else. Never been done before, one of time character. One of a kind and that's wow . The whole drama is him actually. So in the end there's the word that will never have the same meaning again and I don't want to hear it from anywhere else or I'll fucking jugeo blro. He's a masterpiece himself.
I hadn't realised that I lowered my standards be4 seeing him and his love. Not in the extreme way but he's just dedicated and poetic. ....Yeah..... so .......鉂わ笍 Seo Moon Jo 鉂わ笍
+ he's not dead folks 馃檭 he's a bad bitch so you can't kill him.
Finally great drama in the purer sense G R E A T
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sweetlullabyebye 1 month
ok so during a strangers from hell rewatch i started looking at jongwoo and moonjo's outfits and
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i find it pretty interesting how their outfits (well, their shirts) contrast each other so here is my analysis (feel free to disagree) (also i tried to apply it to other characters too but except for seokyoon it didn't work so well):
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first time they see each other (first image): moonjo is doing that thing where he tries to pretend like he's 100% normal and getting jongwoo's trust. he got rid of his black jacket that he was wearing earlier in the day, and as you can see, they're both wearing more or less the exact same thing. jongwoo's trust in him is still high
second time: technically the second time they meet they're not wearing clothes, so it's pretty difficult to make a comparison here
third time (second image): i couldn't tell exactly whether moonjo's suit is navy blue something or black, but honestly their shirts' colors aren't too dissimilar. jongwoo still half trusts him, but he definitely doesn't trust him as much as before.
fourth time (third image): this time jongwoo doesn't trust him, moonjo just made the 'do u think it's human meat haha' joke-that-isn't-a-joke, their shirts are not so similar in colors (also their trousers are opposite colors with jongwoo's very light colored trousers and moonjo's black ones)
fifth time (fourth image): moonjo is being a little creep as usual, jongwoo realized that everyone in the building is very very weird, and their clothes are opposite colours (shirts are white/black)
sixth time (fifth image): jongwoo is growing convinced that moonjo is stalking him (and he's right) and he absolutely does not trust him and calls him a creep a few moments later, and their clothes are opposite again (jongwoo has a lighter yellowish white shirt, and moonjo is in all black)
seventh time (sixth image): this time completely opposite, with jongwoo wearing all light cream/grey colored clothes, while moonjo... is in the mood where you just don't want to change your clothes at all, so same as last image. jongwoo is disturbed and does not trust him, as per usual
seventh image (i'm not taking into account moonjo appearing to stalk him wearing his stalking outfit because i'm never sure when those scenes are real or not): actually seok-yoon doesn't appear in the picture, but he wears both jongwoo's white-and-some-red colors, and moonjo's black colors, as he is still in somewhat of in a middleground. jongwoo and moonjo still wear opposite colors, with jongwoo wearing a white shirt with red and blue lines (at least that's what it looks like on my screen), and moonjo is still in all black
eighth image: still the same day, but moonjo changed into a blue-and-white shirt with lines (although jongwoo's lines go - and his go |), as he tries to convince jongwoo to kill people. seokyoon and jongwoo are still wearing the same clothes, but seokyoon doesn't trust moonjo that much anymore, and his black patterns no longer match moonjo's black outfit
ninth image: jongwoo beat up some kids, just like moonjo wanted, congratulations, but jongwoo is very scared of moonjo and even if their buttoned shirts both look dark in this picture, jongwoo's is a lighter blue while moonjo's is a darker brown.
tenth image: jongwoo is scared of moonjo and doesn't want to be near him, is still wearing the blue shirt with blood on it, and moonjo's back in his black outfit
eleventh image: the whole massacre happens, jongwoo is in a dark brown shirt, moonjo is in his black outfit. especially with the lighting in this episode, the colors don't look too dissimilar, as jongwoo becomes a fellow serial murderer.
(also when we see seokyoon again, he is wearing white when jongwoo abandons him, which contrasts with both jongwoo and moonjo's darker clothes)
twelth image: congratulations to moonjo on completing his 1 week masterpiece, they're both in white and we even get the final shot of jongwoo being moonjo
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achillesunly 2 years
Characters review on Strangers From Hell: PART 1
Ah Hee Joong aka my hubby
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Look at this beautiful man. Tired of all the shit happening in the residence yet hopefull ("I'll move out next week" yeah to the fourth floor). Still the one I trust the most out there. Reliable. Solid. Old fashioned and bad fashioned but that's just clothes right. A thug 馃お lebecca play criminal by Britney Spears-. Deserves to open his business in Busan . Handy with knives. (We be gettin a type with jaeyi from BE). Capable. Look at his scar. Damn son. He's so so tired. I would nurse him to health. But not mental :/ imean he went through so much there's nothing to do here... I'd give him a pretty socket for his injured leg.
Hong Nam Bok aka Dora the Explorer
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The man just cracks me up. Uncomfortable awkward but not stupid and it's a quality out there hey. I'm trying here ok? Just the way he stands in the halls 馃the faces I can't. The man is garbage but he's just so fun. When he talks to his parole officer his smiley bhaah. His room blro. He's handy knives AND scissors. He could do a rad bullet journal and I'm here for it. He got potential. Still must die tho.
Bonus photo BC I want to:
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I almost love him.
Eom Bok Soon aka twisty noona
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Hum. Too pushy even before we learn she's madwoman. Blro don't force people to your residence jeez. As a person with social anxiety Ur pushing behaviour would have scared me right away and I wouldn't have got to live what Yoon lived which unacceptable. Plus you eat like a pig your human flesh I swear with the fingers and everything I just had that picture. And the eggs scarred me for life no cap tho im forever repulsed by eggs now. But the day I see one crack and there's blood I'll look for a tall dark handsome. Still a dipshit. And honestly? A tad bit of a bitch. Look at those crazy eyes. + If I had met MoonJo as a lill kid I would have raised him in health and love. Jugeo.
Byun Beuk Jong aka that one kid I know and it creeps me out the resemblance
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I'm sorry he's just funny. He makes me laugh ok. Idk if that's a real illness he has like something that doesn't always lead to crazyness but still very creepy. I swear I just want to hit him in the face with a plastic toy and he'd laugh and I'd laugh. I would openly like him if he didn't kill animals. Which is a no-no and I'm happy you died but I hoped it would have been worse. Fuck you, too. And your brother I don't even want to talk about him. Great add to the uneasiness of the residence u play well kid.
Yoo Ki Hyuk aka beautiful man #1
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I swear I thought that was him the second lead. He cute as fuck. Also, JB what are you doing here.
I mean...
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I can't be the only one to see it. When he talks I swear you see it better. Yeah so he's beautiful pretty pretty. Gives off calm and charming energy. Honestly I want to see him in lead in another gay drama. He got the shapes for that. If he weren't busy stealin another man's personality and clothes then maybe he'd have the chance to live longer :/ he's so cute I'm not even jealous he had been called THE word by MoonJo before Yoon. I tend to get possessive for others. But he's just so cute. Yeah no possible. Plus he dies quick so...
Kang Seok Yoon aka the weird cutie
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A ball of sunshine sure, but I didn't forget ur creepy demand for Yoon s charger when urs was working just fine. What were u trying to do and why was it so creepy if you only did that to have an excuse to talk to him? I mean I can understand the technique to make friends that's clever and honestly I would have done the same or just cried straight up. He's really a cutie but I like him better like that:
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Blood suits you little one. Anyways your rap was way too suspicious and telltale so I'm uncomfortable. Yeah that's a pity you died I actually liked you if not for your dubious eyes. And you made MoonJo jealous which is very funny and I loved it. A bit too much gullible. So. Yeah :/
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