chaifootsteps · 4 months
To the anon who said Lucifer cheated on Lilith in the message batch...
I don't think that's necessarily true. Yes, he said "Your first wife didn't seem to mind what I had to offer" (clearly sexual indicated by his hand gesture), but imo adding "or the second" was actually a reference to the apple/fruit of knowledge of good and evil that he wanted to rub in Adam's face (evil of him? Yes. Cheating? No). I understand that the tone can be confusing because they're one after the other, but I think that's the point.
The following story uses key characteristics of Lilith and Lucifer from the show (Lucifer not being evil, Lilith being all about free will):
Now...entertaining the thought that both Eve and Lilith were with Lucifer, I think this is actually not a cheating situation either. Imagine Lilith and Lucifer meeting in the garden and falling in love. Lucifer tells Lilith about his wild dreams of free will for humanity and that hits Lilith right in the feels, as someone who would desperately crave freedom. Freedom from Adam and his shitty behaviours, from God, from the picture perfect place that is Eden, where even if you throw a stone at someone, it probably turns to fluffy clouds or something.
Now, imagine the two witnessing the creation of Eve. They saw this woman that was made to live in subservience to someone so horrible (going off of the fact that Adam is show!Adam levels of douchebag, who thinks everything is his for the taking on the basis of being the first man), but unlike Lilith, Eve has no choice BUT to serve Adam. It's in her very fiber, she has no reason to deny divine ordainment because she doesn't know what free will even IS. So Lucifer and Lilith offered the fruit to Eve, both as a reason to offer free will to the whole of humanity, but also as a way to at least make Eve *aware* of her situation.
Now, I know that tehnically the two fell immediately after, but Vivzie doesn't care for Bible lore, so I'll allow me this innacuracy for the sake of this story. Eve learns about the difference between good and evil, free will and obedience and chooses to...not give Adam the fruit. She chooses to discover what she is capable of, what is this new thing that her body craves ("sins of the flesh") far away from him. She joins Lilith and Lucifer and the three have a romance together.
The first is overjoyed that she used her free will into putting herself first and also, for Lilith an absolute expression of free will would be sharing her love with more people, why should she be connected to only one person if she can offer so much more? Who decided that? Eve is, for the first time, treated as an equal, something to be cherished and adored and she's blossoming from that. Sure, grappling with her new awarness is so daunting, but she's having this amazing woman and an ANGEL by her side to support her. And Lucifer? He's just adoring these two women and the choices they're making, the things they're creating. For example, Lilith creates, for the first time, music! This was his dream for humanity and for a while, in the garden of Eden, the three are very happy.
Then one day Adam finds them and the rest is history. The two are separated from their beautiful Eve and sent to Hell. And now Eve has to live with an aggravated Adam...
Eve × Lilith × Lucifer has very interesting implications that Viv better stay FAR AWAY FROM, she'll have to pry this ship from my cold dead hands.
Yeah, that was my impression too. I don't know exactly what the mechanics of it were, just that everyone was on board and that Lucifer and Lilith probably went to town on Eve at the same time.
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