tingnee · 4 years
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Completed another project❤️❤️ Chocolate Cake by #MumBakerSandy #MumBaker Next week project Chocolate Banana Cake.. 🤟 https://www.instagram.com/p/CA2ap73AJDWTNqbD4Vu9v4mefmVkbE9mwjy3GI0/?igshid=1q6oawfo4nw4j
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tingnee · 4 years
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Sampai jak rumah lepas abis kerja... Trus pi dapur.. Terjadi lah kejadian Roti Pisang😊. Roti pisang sedap kalo dimakan dengan ice cream vanilla. #rotipisang #MumBaker #MumBakerSandy https://www.instagram.com/p/CAxUwPugo2K6up1pDFsxuZtOXoA6H0N-tqnZhY0/?igshid=1otpxfzc4coqk
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tingnee · 4 years
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Dessert time... ❤️ #mangofloat #MumBakerSandy #MumBaker https://www.instagram.com/p/CAhUT3egQX82Biw4P2ptXAMD1gggtc5c-dk1mQ0/?igshid=xyyiigjpdeey
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tingnee · 4 years
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Chocolate Burnt Cheesecake Mango Float waiting fornthe whipping cream ready to be put on top.. #burntcheesecake #mangofloat #MumBakerSandy #mumbaker #MumBaker https://www.instagram.com/p/CAfpwSBALC2OuFMIvaSRwAqDiHRadosBZJ7xKY0/?igshid=nafnqfd1kbjw
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tingnee · 4 years
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Pinjam dulu gambar dari google... It is confirm I need to have a deep sleep.. Burnt Cheese Cake without whipping cream.. What you think of the result? Luckily my brain 🧠 battery 🔋 still have 5%, while do the cleaning, recall back the taste of my cheese cake batter after transferred it to the pan... Taste weird and masam.. Oh my terlompat sekejap! I FORGOT TO PUT MY WHIPPING CREAM! Luckily batter belum masuk oven.. 🥴... Nevermind people said "bukan kek buat kita, kita yang buat kek" So add on je bahan yang terlupa tu😅 #MumBakerSandy #burntcheesecake https://www.instagram.com/p/CANiVv6g0TkKXce9OXX72WvkOP8MSHpR865EPI0/?igshid=1p9sax90nfyv3
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tingnee · 4 years
Hello gaiss... Video pertama dalam youtube channel #MumBakerSandy pasal Burnt Cheesecake 🤗🤗 Click Button Subcribe, Like and Share ya.. Thank you🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️ https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=yqeIUHdyNls https://www.instagram.com/p/CAkIj8ZgaGFBgDzxh1SPFX4x86YHQORox-rHhk0/?igshid=exlyn76u9t3d
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tingnee · 4 years
Mini Cheese Cake #MumBakerSandy #MumBaker #minicheesecakes https://www.instagram.com/p/CARkfQdg67mxTgVWVoKtm5MUfLt1gIX-LDPTyc0/?igshid=1ntxirpja0jv8
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