#my bet is that theyre just generic other people recruited into the ros then erased from existence but an official explanation would be nice
raizelsknights · 7 months
recently i finished rereading room of swords (+ finally getting around to the last ~30 chapters i stopped reading at) and while the resolution was absolutely beautiful and more perfect than anything i could have imagined, i'm still kind of,,,confused over the main loop lol
correct me of wrong but basically the room of swords is a prison for anomalies like kodya/sylvia/tori/the other ros cast/etc and gyrus, iro, amelia, & don are all npcs designed to keep them trapped ? and if so . . . gyrus was the one who designed the room but how did he do that if he's an. npc. also how did tori know amelia from beforehand if amelia's an npc? and was vsc an actual thing from the world they came from or was it just part of the recursion loop? plus what happened to the world the non-npc characters came from? the story ends with them creating a whole new earth so did the previous earth cease to exist or do they just exist simultaneously?
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