#my dad saw the bell on hiyori’s waist and has begun lurking for Christmas merch in the crazy rich neighborhoods like a gremlin
taviokapudding · 1 year
Okay so the horns are curved but also the size of their chin to tip of their forehead…hmm
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*processing in cosplayer*
I wasn’t a Homestucker nor a Homestuck cosplayer but I think I understand what I need to do based off what everyone has said, I’m just worried about wind and weight hmmmm. I already have a wig (not pictured below) and I started making all the red ropes out of some extra red yarn I had
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It’s 3 smaller braids, braided into each other to create a 9 rope tri braid. I have a pile in my room now that are just ready to go but I forgot to take pics. I’ll have to do that later.
To everyone who thought I was joking about cosplaying Hiyori, y e a h I hyperfixated around the construction and contractor ADHD father and it’s too late to back peddle now. He joked we had plastic Christmas ornaments I could use for the necklace and then insisted we could use this metal sheet so I made stencils (one was too bit so I made another that’s a bit smaller below) so tldr tomorrow is power tools day.
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