#my parents on the other hand. both have had several precancerous growths removed and all they ever did was lie out in the sun
marzipanandminutiae · 7 months
my mom's friend just had to get skin cancer on her nose removed. they had to take a huge amount of tissue to get it all- so now she's going to have even more pain and expense and stress and trauma with reconstructive surgery
this woman is incredibly sweet. the last time I saw her in person was at my high school graduation party, when she and her husband gave me big hugs and an antique locket. she's also a full-time caregiver for her disabled daughter. I can't imagine what she's going through right now
this is why you should use sun protection. not any anti-aging BS, although if that lights a fire under you, great. you don't have to be scared or obsessive. just take common sense precautions like covering up and/or (preferably And) wearing sunscreen, sitting in the shade if you're outdoors for long periods of time, etc. yes, even if you have dark skin. arguably ESPECIALLY if you have dark skin, because skin cancer tends to go undetected longer on dark complexions and therefore have worse outcomes
nobody deserves to go through this. and she's one of the lucky ones- she's still alive
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