#n don't get me started on the effects of circadian rhythms in insects n birds n turtles n humans for that matter
paeinovis · 1 year
"GFZ German Research Center for Geosciences physicist Christopher Kyba and colleagues found that the night sky has brightened by roughly 7 to 10 percent every year, from 2011 to 2022.
That's equivalent to the night sky doubling in brightness in fewer than eight years or more than quadrupling in 18 years. The researchers estimate that a child born under a night sky with 250 visible stars would see fewer than 100 stars in that same patch of darkness by the time they finish school."
Support the International Dark Sky Association
(Bonus: if you hate Elon Musk, the IDA is suing SpaceX for launching their stupid gazillion satellites that were providing internet for Ukraine which he threatened to pull support for because it was 'too expensive' ($80 million) despite buying Twitter for $44 billion.)
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