#narrander coad headcanons
suvidrache · 1 year
Haunted Memories
age in bio when interacting. minors do not interact.
Word Count: 1,123 / Read it on AO3 / Wattpad
Warning: mentions of loss, trauma, and tragic events.
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Narrander's dreams had always been plagued with nightmares.
It had been many moons, years, and yet it was still as painful as it once was.
Years ago, Narrander was a mage he had joined in with a group of other mages. They claimed that they were working for a good cause, to save the world. To better the world.
Narrander wasn't naïve. He quickly saw and realized their true intentions. He left and wanted nothing further to do with them.
Then it happened. Far too quickly.
Narrander's son, Narik, had been kidnapped by the other mages. The mages, also known as the Soul Eaters.
The leader of the Soul Eaters took Narik hostage as a way of trying to force Narrander into doing as she requested.
Narrander didn't give up. He walked for many days, not bothering to sleep much, if at all, as he looked for his son.
A fire broke out across the forest. The largest fire the forest had seen. A fire known as the Great Fire.
The fire opal was a very powerful stone that the Soul Eaters used. A stone that helped them control and manipulate demons into their will.
The fire had been started by one of the other Soul Eaters shattering the stone, wishing to leave the group and destroy all that the mages had done, had created, and the lengths they had gone to so far.
Narrander couldn't continue his journey as much as it pained him. He couldn't go into the forest to search. He turned back and waited for days until the fire had gone out.
Slowly, he walked into the charred remains of the forest.
Then, he found the small remains of a body, and he hit the ground. A scream escaped his lips as he put his hands to the sides of his head. Whispering "no" repeatedly over and over again. Tears streamed down his cheeks.
He reached out a shaky hand. He couldn't do it. It was forbidden to touch the dead with bare hands.
He drew his hand back as he slowly rocked himself back and forth.
Narrander quickly grabbed at the pouch on his belt, taking some earth blood out. He dabbed the death marks on Narik, his head, chest, and feet.
Narrander let out a small noise as he cried harder and rocked himself slowly.
He didn't know what to do now. Narik was the only thing he had left in the world. Now he had nothing.
He gently scooped Narik's remains up and carried him back to the Otter clan, wanting to lay him to rest as per clan customs.
For days, Narrander was plagued with nightmares. He was struggling.
The clan, no longer able to stand Narrander's behavior, exiled him from their clan.
Narrander had truly lost everything. His own clan, his son, and there was no one in the world now. His mate had been gone and died during childbirth.
Narrander slowly made his way to the northern part of the lake, far from his clan that camped on the southern shore.
Narrander had made himself a shelter, but he couldn't stand to eat. As time wore on, he began to care for himself less and less.
Most people avoided him due to his behavior and smell. At this point, it was nothing new to Narrander.
If any help came, he would turn them down. He didn't think he deserved help. No one cared for him to begin with. Why should he be helped now?
Narrander eventually lost his eye due to a flint piece. Then sometime later, his toes to frostbite, which he tried feeding to the foxes, but to no avail. He ate them to stop himself from going hungry in the harsh winter.
He no longer had any teeth, some rotting out, some having to be removed due to the pain. His gums eventually turned black
Narrander had lived as a recluse for many years. He would find small creatures and name them as well as refer to them as Narik.
His clothes consisted of a loin cloth, a slimy reed cape, and boots that had been improperly cleaned and cared for.
He had never bothered to clean the skins properly. Why should he bother?
You had been warned numerous times to stay away from him, to avoid him, being told things like "he's insane."
You didn't care. You wanted to help him.
So you went and found him.
He had tried chasing you away, as he did with anyone who dared to step foot into his land.
You were persistent and determined, you didn't give up.
Eventually, Narrander accepted your help.
He expected you to leave as soon as he was "better" and yet you stayed.
You comforted him and stayed with him at his worst of times and at his best.
You never left his side and helped care for him.
His health and hygiene had become much better because of your help.
Although he could now do basic tasks again, such as hunting and cleaning, he still struggled to get out of bed at times.
You never bothered him about it. You stood by and helped him, just as you had done time and time again.
Narrander slept soundly in his sleeping sack with you next to him.
It had been years and eventually, Narrander had taken a liking to you and you had agreed to be his mate (significant other).
Narrander shifted slightly in his sleep and sat up, screaming.
You were instantly awake, your hand on Narrander's shoulder.
"Hey, hey, Narrander. It's okay. You're okay."
You spoke gently as you moved your hand to his back and began gently rubbing.
He lowered his head and began to cry.
You stopped rubbing his back to wrap your arms around him in a hug.
Despite what you've done, and the lengths you took to get him to be at least somewhat okay, he still had nightmares. Even after all the years you've been together.
The nightmares happened every couple of days, the events replaying in his mind every so often. Haunting him as if it were the first day all over again.
You did the best you could with the resources you had. You laid your head on his shoulder.
"Narrander, I'm here."
Sometimes he talked about his nightmares, sometimes he didn't. Tonight would not be one of those nights.
You grabbed a leaf nearby and handed it to him. He blew his nose into it and you wiped your hands gently down his face, drying the tears.
You laid down, and he laid down, his head resting on your shoulder and his arm holding you close.
"Please don't leave me, Y/N."
"I promise you, I won't."
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© SUVIDRACHE — do not copy, translate, modify, or plagiarize my work. reblogs are appreciated!
Tag list: @queendeeshorrorimagines / To join my tag list apply here!
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suvidrache · 1 year
8 with Narrander please 😀
Unholy Thoughts
age in bio when interacting. minors do not interact.
Word Count: 790 / Read it on AO3 / Wattpad | Event List
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Narrander was unusually tall for the Otter Clan people. Many of them were no taller than 175 cm (5'9"). They were all shorter than that. Occasionally, there would be someone as tall, if not taller, but it was unusual for that to happen.
Narrander was well over 182 cm (six feet).
When you both met, he was still suffering from his health issues. The issues he had been suffering from for many years now, on his own, with no one to help and no one to care about him.
You helped to fix him and never gave up.
It was slow and steady progress, but he got better. To this day, he still suffered from the nightmares about his past.
You were shorter than he was and many times he would help you to get things down that were higher up.
He never bothered you about your height. From his time in the Otter Clan, there weren't many that came to the same height as him. There weren't any, actually. None of the Otter Clan members grew to be over the height of 172 cm (5'8").
Another possible reason as to why he was exiled. No one wanted to deal with him.
He wandered the valley with no real purpose until you had found him. Cared for him.
He had waited for moons until he was stable again, to ask you to be his mate (significant other). You accepted, and that was it.
He hasn't tried to make the first move since then. He was nervous and afraid of what you might say. Afraid you didn't actually love him. Or even love him in that way.
He saw the way you looked at him, how you got slightly nervous when he was too close to you. Actually, it wasn't nerves but more of his height difference turning you on.
He had forgotten the word, but he didn't make you nervous.
He sat by the fire, watching the embers crack and glow.
He turned to look back at you. Your back was to him as you tried to hang the meat strips up.
His breathing slowed as your shirt only slightly rose, revealing just the slightest hint of skin.
Narrander turned his head back towards the fire, staring at it as if ashamed to have been caught thinking about such things.
Yet, it was just the two of you in the valley.
You continued to struggle to hang the meat up, but you had finally finished.
You turned around just as a hand pressed against the wooden beam that held your shelter up.
Your eyes slowly traveled up to look at Narrander. His blue eyes met yours.
You gave a small smile, and he looked away.
"Y/N, I like you. I… mean I love you… I…"
"I love you too, Narrander."
Your hands touched his sides and his breathing stopped for just a moment.
He wanted to express his emotions, his feelings, but he couldn't.
He lowered his head, his face in your neck.
You continued to hug him, his breath hot on your neck.
"Y/N…" He said quietly.
You bit your lip as you tried not to giggle at the way his beard tickles your neck.
"Are you okay?" You asked him, hoping your voice wouldn't give.
"Do… Would you like to… mate?"
He said, stumbling over his words. Had he not been by your ear when asking his question, you wouldn’t have heard the ending to his question.
He was slightly embarrassed by his question, but he wanted you.
"Yes, I would." Your hands slipped beneath his jerkin (shirt).
He stood up and removed his jerkin before leaning back down to kiss your neck.
You tilted your head back and his trembling hands worked to undo your belt.
Your hands slowly traveled across his body before sliding further and further down.
Your hands grasped his belt, untying it, and his leggings hit the ground, joining yours.
He stood up as your hands grasped and slowly began to stroke his length. He let out a small moan as his hands worked at getting you off.
Your lips met his neck when he leaned down again and he bit his lip.
Your hands continued their up-and-down motions, tightening and letting go every so often as his hands continued their work on you.
You let out a small moan as you began to cum. His hands grasped your hips as he lifted you and slid himself into you.
Your hands grasped his shoulders as he began to thrust in and out slowly.
Your head tilted back and in that opportunity, Narrander kissed your neck once more.
Your legs around him, your hands on his shoulders, and him deep inside you.
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© SUVIDRACHE — do not copy, translate, modify, or plagiarize my work. reblogs are appreciated!
Tag List: @unlikelypersonalknight1 / To join my tag list apply here!
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