#nft metaverse launchpad development
socials-world · 30 days
Metaverse Development Solutions - Mobiloitte
Enter the next frontier of digital innovation with Mobiloitte's Metaverse Development Solutions. Seamlessly blend virtual and physical realities, unlocking limitless possibilities for businesses. Our expertise crafts immersive experiences, scalable platforms, and cutting-edge technologies to redefine engagement. Elevate your brand presence and future-proof your business in the metaverse with Mobiloitte.Metaverse Development Solutions Experience tomorrow, today
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mobiloittesingapore2 · 8 months
Leading Metaverse Development Company In Singapore- Mobiloitte
Mobiloitte, a leading Metaverse development company based out of Singapore, helps businesses of all sizes create and launch immersive and engaging Metaverse experiences. Our services include: Metaverse design and development, Metaverse asset creation, Metaverse integration with existing systems, Metaverse marketing and promotion. Contact us today to learn more about our development services.
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mobiloittet · 1 year
Metaverse and Artificial Intelligence: The Future of Virtual Worlds
The metaverse is a rapidly evolving concept that has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with the world around us. By combining virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and artificial intelligence (AI), the metaverse promises to create a more immersive and interactive experience than anything that has come before.
AI is already playing a major role in the development of the metaverse. For example, AI is being used to generate realistic 3D models of objects and environments, as well as to create intelligent agents that can interact with users in a natural way. As the metaverse continues to grow, AI is likely to become even more important, enabling new and innovative applications that we can't even imagine today.
Here are some of the ways that AI is being used in the metaverse today:
Generating realistic 3D models: AI can be used to generate realistic 3D models of objects and environments, which can then be used to create immersive virtual worlds. For example, the company NVIDIA is using AI to create photorealistic 3D models of cities and landmarks, which can then be used to create virtual worlds that are indistinguishable from the real world.
Creating intelligent agents: AI can also be used to create intelligent agents that can interact with users in a natural way. These agents can be used to provide information, answer questions, and even help users with tasks. For example, the company Amazon is using AI to create virtual assistants that can help users shop, manage their finances, and even book appointments.
Personalizing experiences: AI can also be used to personalize experiences in the metaverse. For example, AI can be used to track users' preferences and then use that information to recommend content and experiences that they are likely to enjoy. This can help to create a more engaging and personalized experience for users.
As the metaverse continues to grow, AI is likely to become even more important. AI will be used to create more realistic and immersive virtual worlds, to develop more intelligent agents, and to personalize experiences for users. This will make the metaverse a more engaging and useful place for everyone.
In addition to the above, here are some other potential benefits of the synergy between metaverse and AI:
Improved communication and collaboration: The metaverse can be used to create virtual spaces where people can meet and collaborate in real time. This can be especially beneficial for businesses and educational institutions, as it can help to improve communication and collaboration between team members.
New forms of entertainment: The metaverse can be used to create new and immersive forms of entertainment. For example, users can watch movies or concerts in VR, or they can play games that allow them to interact with other players in a virtual world.
Enhanced learning experiences: The metaverse can be used to create enhanced learning experiences. For example, students can learn about different cultures or historical events by visiting virtual worlds that have been created for educational purposes.
Of course, there are also some potential risks associated with the synergy between metaverse and AI:
Privacy concerns: As users spend more time in the metaverse, they may be more likely to share personal information with others. This could lead to privacy concerns, as it could be used to track users' activities or to target them with advertising.
Cybersecurity risks: The metaverse is a complex and interconnected system, which makes it vulnerable to cyberattacks. If the metaverse is not properly secured, it could be used to steal users' data or to disrupt their activities.
Addiction: The metaverse could be addictive, as it can provide users with a sense of escapism and immersion. This could lead to users spending too much time in the metaverse, which could have negative consequences for their physical and mental health.
Overall, the synergy between metaverse and AI has the potential to create a more immersive, interactive, and engaging world. However, there are also some potential risks associated with this synergy, which need to be carefully considered.
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johnmaths · 2 years
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The Resurgence of Token Fundraising: Exploring New Avenues Beyond ICOs
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Innovative methods emerge as token fundraising makes a comeback
After the initial coin offering (ICO) mania of 2017 and 2018, which was marred by scams and regulatory scrutiny, it seemed that ICOs were a thing of the past. However, the world of token fundraising has seen a resurgence, with new methods and approaches emerging. Despite the challenges faced by ICOs, tokens remain an innovative way to raise money for new projects.
In this article, we explore the evolving landscape of token fundraising and the alternatives that have gained traction.
ICO Alternatives: Initial Exchange Offerings (IEOs) and Airdrops
Following the decline of ICOs, alternative methods such as initial exchange offerings (IEOs) and airdrops have gained prominence. IEOs still require regulatory compliance but offer a more transparent way to engage with the community and raise funds. On the other hand, airdrops have become a popular marketing technique, offering free tokens in exchange for market awareness.
These methods have allowed projects to navigate the regulatory landscape while still leveraging the benefits of token fundraising.
Crypto Presales and NFT Sales
Another approach that has gained traction is crypto presales, where projects raise funds through preselling tokens. This method allows projects to gather wallet addresses, which are more valuable than mere emails. Additionally, the gaming industry has embraced token fundraising by incorporating in-game rewards and mechanics.
Some gaming projects have opted for NFT sales instead of traditional token launches, leveraging the growing popularity of non-fungible tokens.
NFT Backed INOs and Node Sales
NFT-backed initial node offerings (INOs) have emerged as a unique fundraising method. These offerings guarantee income in the form of native tokens, which can be redeemed on exchanges. Node sales, which enable decentralized physical infrastructure projects, allow retail investors to participate in the movement by providing both hardware and capital.
These innovative approaches highlight the potential of tokens in revolutionizing fundraising and decentralization.
Upland's Reversal of the Traditional Token Launch Model
Upland, a metaverse project, took a different approach by focusing on the development of its gaming platform instead of launching a tradable token. The project introduced Spark as an in-platform utility token, which has never been sold or traded within the Upland metaverse. However, a recent ruling in the Ripple case opened up new possibilities for Upland to bridge its in-game token to other chains, allowing holders to trade it.
This unique approach showcases the adaptability of token fundraising in the face of regulatory challenges.
The Return of Utility Tokens and Token Sales
Undrgrnd, a Web3 media company, has embraced the concept of utility tokens to fundraise. By offering a social token with utility, Undrgrnd allows users to promote their own work or other artists' work on its platform. This approach ensures that the token retains its value and serves its intended purpose.
Additionally, more traditional token sales, similar to ICOs but with improved practices, are still prevalent. These token sales, conducted through initial DEX offerings (IDOs) and launchpads, provide a regulated and transparent way for projects to raise funds.
The world of token fundraising has evolved significantly since the decline of ICOs. Alternative methods such as IEOs, airdrops, presales, NFT sales, and node sales have emerged, offering new avenues for projects to raise funds. Additionally, projects like Upland have taken a unique approach by building their ecosystems first and then launching their tokens.
The return of utility tokens and more regulated token sales also indicate the resilience and adaptability of token fundraising. As the crypto industry continues to evolve, token fundraising will likely remain a viable option for innovative projects looking to raise funds and build communities.
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morocoinreview · 5 months
Morocoin Review: Tokens and Tokenized Economy
Tokenization and Token Economy Solutions
Transforming products and services into tokens to establish a blockchain business model
In Web3.0 and blockchain applications, tokens are an indispensable element. Each blockchain project, protocol, and decentralized application (DApp) has its own tokens. Tokenizing products and services or issuing tokens is the first step in establishing a blockchain business model. This is followed by developing a token economy (Tokenomics), establishing a token ecosystem, and ensuring sustainable business development.
The UD team at Morocoin Exchange possesses expertise in blockchain, network security, and cloud technologies, along with extensive experience in implementing tokenization and token economy solutions of various scales. From consulting, planning, design, development, engineering to management, we help elevate your business to a new dimension using tokens.
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Which Businesses are Suitable for Tokenization?
Traditional businesses planning to integrate their existing business models with blockchain and Web3.0.
Businesses planning to establish new business models or DApps in blockchain and Web3.0.
Businesses with blockchain projects and DApps that have issued tokens:
NFT projects
GameFi (Gamified Finance)
DeFi (Decentralized Finance)
Token Issuance Platforms (Launchpads)
Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs)
Types of Tokens
There are thousands of tokens, which can be categorized into four major types:
Payment Tokens
These tokens are used for transactions and as a store of value within the blockchain, serving as an alternative to traditional fiat currency. (Example: Bitcoin)
Utility Tokens
These tokens are the entry tickets to blockchain protocols, applications, networks, platforms, and services, allowing participation in various activities and contributions to the blockchain organization. (Example: Ether)
Asset-Backed Tokens
These tokens are characterized by being linked to tangible assets, such as US dollars, gold, real estate, etc. (Example: Stablecoins)
Security Tokens
These tokens have securities-like features and are subject to traditional financial regulations. (Example: Nexo)
Token Economy: The Backbone of Tokens
The ‘token economy’ is the economic model and ecosystem built on the supply and demand of tokens, influenced by various factors. When issuing tokens, consider the interests of different stakeholders, including issuers, developers, investors, and users, to establish a sustainable token ecosystem.
Why is the Token Economy Needed?
The token economy not only affects the value of the token but also impacts the credibility and sustainability of the business model. It’s like a business plan for a token (or cryptocurrency), containing strategies and methods to determine the development and roadmap of the token, such as supply control, issuance schedule, allocation, functionality, rewards, dividends, usage rights, contributions, etc. The aim is to balance the interests of all stakeholders and establish a mature token ecosystem.
Token Economy Strategies
Suitable for starting from scratch, preparing for tokenization of products and services, and expanding business in blockchain and Web3.0.
Tokenizing existing products and services
Establishing a token economy and ecosystem
Creating new blockchain business models
Token Economy Development
Suitable for businesses with existing tokenization and token economy plans.
Blockchain projects (multi-chain, private chain, hyperledger)
Developing smart contracts
Establishing blockchain applications and platforms
Supporting Web3.0
Cryptocurrency and fiat currency payment systems
Morocoin Exchange looks forward to helping you understand more about tokens and achieve greater success in investing in cryptocurrencies!
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kristikinzel12 · 8 months
Is The Era Of Dogecoin & Shiba Inu Over? ABC Network (#ABCN) Steps Into The Limelight
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If you are someone who is not familiar with cryptocurrency, chances are that you will have heard of either Dogecoin or Shiba Inu. Both are prominent meme coins in the crypto sphere, however, it seems like their glory days might be behind them. Old does not always mean gold, and while they will always be established projects, it seems like their potential to make investors profit is dwindling.
However, that does not mean there’s no room to make money in cryptocurrency these days. In fact, it is quite the opposite, with more projects and more investors by the day, the crypto sphere is full of opportunity. This article is going to explore why ABCN has been surging in popularity recently.
So, What Does The New Wave Of Cryptocurrency Look Like?
Crypto presales have always been an effective way to make money on your investments. The idea is that you get in on a project early, at a better price, and then as time goes by, the price increases bit by bit until launch. This is a common method adopted by presales. Some opt for a static price throughout but working in stages has shown a lot of success recently. For example, Wall Street Memes had a 30-stage presale and saw a 2x success on launch!
But that’s launched now, so if you are looking for a new Blockchain Project, then you should check out Abc Network. This new Platform has already made a splash in the crypto sphere. Quite an impressive feat and it does not seem to be slowing down yet.
ABCN Amazing Products
Ace Blockchain Crypto Network is a public blockchain operating on the PoA consensus mechanism to offer fast transactions with low energy consumption, similar to Ethereum or Binance.
ABCN coin — Native asset of the Ace blockchain network, launched with perfect standard tokenomics built on Binance Smart Chain that can be used as fees, different modes of payment, transactions, and trading factors.
ABCN Scan Explorer — A dedicated explorer was introduced for ABCN coins, similar to Ether Scan and BSC Scan, to monitor all sorts of transactions executed within the ecosystem and contracts using ABCN coins.
Staking Program — Staking pool program for ABC Network using ABCN coins deployed with a motive to offer a stable income rather than a high income.
Crypto Wallet — Non-custodial wallet for users to keep, send, and receive ABCN coins or any other assets deployed on the Ace blockchain, which will soon initiate multi-chain features for Binance, Ethereum, Solana, etc.
Crypto Exchange — Centralized cryptocurrency exchange plans to offer high-volume trading with 300+ assets.
NFT Lab — NFT Marketplace for non-fungible tokens built on the Ace blockchain or any other networks added, whereas this panel will associate NFT Launchpad with virtual real estate, another set of lands, and multi-chain smart contracts.
Metaverse Panel — Development of different metaverse cities, virtual offices, and plots to give you an effective experience. Moreover, this application will cover the aspects of games, healthcare, banking, application services, avatars, and real estate.
Defi DApps — While the decentralized industry crosses the $15 billion target count, Ace Network presents major DApps developing and exploring decentralized exchanges, yield farming, crowdfunding, and other smart contract audit services.
Booking Apps — Decentralized application that uses ABCN coin for utility payments and booking activities with extended regions, categories, and discounts
website: https://abcn.io/
Telegram: https://t.me/abcnetworkchat
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makenapeta · 9 months
Fleamint: A dynamic ecosystem that combines a wallet, integrated DEX, and IDO launchpad, bringing self-custody and a range of DeFi ventures
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Introduction of Fleamint
Fleamint is revolutionizing the fight against product forgery by leveraging the power of Blockchain technology and NFTs. Our innovative solution harnesses the immutability of web3 to address real-world challenges effectively. Fleamint offer a VC bridge that enables web2 businesses to raise capital at more favorable interest rates through DeFi. Through FLM staking, you will have the unique opportunity to participate in our VC projects, providing essential funding while circumventing traditional funding sources. This approach not only offers projects a superior APR but also ensures that our DeFi community enjoys true DeFi returns. Fleamint's mission is to break down current boundaries and create a seamless experience to change how Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 interact with one another. The company's main goal is to provide token utility that is scaffolded by reputable companies with high Fleamint Trust scores and have tangible, quantifiable real world economic values.
Launch your Venture on fleamint now
Fleamint Ventures is a launchpad offering comprehensive support and guidance to project teams in token issuance and launch. Our full-service offering encompasses advisory services, from pre-token issuance to post-listing, as well as marketing support. Our primary objective is to empower project teams to concentrate on product development while we handle marketing, exposure, and building the initial user base. We actively seek out projects with strong teams, a distinctive and innovative vision within both web2 and web3 space. If you believe your project fits this description, apply below.
High Staking Rewards Program: Up to 888% Returns
Complementing the paradigm-shifting deflationary mechanism, Fleamint is proud to introduce an unparalleled single-sided staking program, offering participants astonishing staking rewards of up to 888%. This exceptional rewards structure serves as a testament to Fleamint’s dedication to fostering long-term engagement within its ecosystem and enabling users to extract maximum value from their investments. By providing an avenue for individuals to substantially amplify their returns, this visionary staking initiative solidifies Fleamint’s standing as an industry pioneer, continually raising the bar for what can be achieved in the realm of digital finance.
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Fleamint and GDA International collaboration
Fleamint and GDA International have decided to collaborate in order to usher in a new era of innovation within the realm of digital assets and blockchain technology. GDA International, a major advisor and investor in the blockchain, digital asset, metaverse/gaming and decentralized finance (DeFi) industries, has partnered with Fleamint, a leading platform for seamless and safe cryptocurrency exchange and NFT Digital Twinning. Fleamint is the leading platform for seamless and secure cryptocurrency exchange and is a first mover in the emerging multi-trillion dollar Super Dapp paradigm.
Incubating, advising, and investing in technology startups has been a successful strategy for GDA International in the past, and the company continues to do so now. GDA International is a true pioneer in the market because of its expertise in emerging trends such as blockchain technology, digital assets, and metaverse and gaming platforms and DeFi. Their consulting services are in high demand, as evidenced by the fact that Fortune 500 firms and governments from across the world have sought them out. As a result, they are a partner of choice for companies that want to achieve success in this dynamic and fast-expanding field.
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Fleamint PARTNER
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Token information
Ticker: FLMC
Type: Utility-token
Token standard: BEP-20
Token distribution:
Team - 6%
Partners - 4%
Genesis Round - 0.005%
Seed - 1.8%
Staking - 25%
Private 1 - 2%
Private 2 - 10%
DEX Liquidity - 1.5%
Advisors - 1.5%
Treasury - 21.4%
Institutional Facility - 25%
Public - 1.5%
CEX Liquidity - 0.15%
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James Gillingham: Founder + Chief Executive Officer
Michael L: CTO
James Austen: Chief Commercial Officer
Sean Uddin: Chief Operations Officer
Adrian Hawkins: Chief of Staff
Adedamola Adeniyi: Product Manager
Syed Asad Hussain: UI/UX designer
Pontus Falk: Säljare
Thomas Brown: Head of Marketing
Daniel Aideyan: Community Manager
Septian Rizal Dewantara: Graphic Designer
Jon Cho: Community Director
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Website: https://fleamint.com. Medium: https://fleamint.medium.com/ Whitepaper: https://fleamint.gitbook.io/fleamint-wp-version-1.05/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/FleamintNFT LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/fleamintofficial/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fleamintofficial/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FleamintOfficial/
Bitcointalk name: Makena Peta Bitcointalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3475164 Telegram username: @MakenaPeta Wallet address: 0xe5A6b141C771f20765AAE815D3AbD117dd3F82e7
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marksanndspencer · 9 months
Fleamint: Revolutionize your ownership experience in the decentralized web and proudly showcase your diverse collections
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Introduction of Fleamint
Fleamint is revolutionizing the fight against product forgery by leveraging the power of Blockchain technology and NFTs. Our innovative solution harnesses the immutability of web3 to address real-world challenges effectively. Fleamint offer a VC bridge that enables web2 businesses to raise capital at more favorable interest rates through DeFi. Through FLM staking, you will have the unique opportunity to participate in our VC projects, providing essential funding while circumventing traditional funding sources. This approach not only offers projects a superior APR but also ensures that our DeFi community enjoys true DeFi returns. Fleamint's mission is to break down current boundaries and create a seamless experience to change how Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 interact with one another. The company's main goal is to provide token utility that is scaffolded by reputable companies with high Fleamint Trust scores and have tangible, quantifiable real world economic values.
Launch your Venture on fleamint now
Fleamint Ventures is a launchpad offering comprehensive support and guidance to project teams in token issuance and launch. Our full-service offering encompasses advisory services, from pre-token issuance to post-listing, as well as marketing support. Our primary objective is to empower project teams to concentrate on product development while we handle marketing, exposure, and building the initial user base. We actively seek out projects with strong teams, a distinctive and innovative vision within both web2 and web3 space. If you believe your project fits this description, apply below.
High Staking Rewards Program: Up to 888% Returns
Complementing the paradigm-shifting deflationary mechanism, Fleamint is proud to introduce an unparalleled single-sided staking program, offering participants astonishing staking rewards of up to 888%. This exceptional rewards structure serves as a testament to Fleamint’s dedication to fostering long-term engagement within its ecosystem and enabling users to extract maximum value from their investments. By providing an avenue for individuals to substantially amplify their returns, this visionary staking initiative solidifies Fleamint’s standing as an industry pioneer, continually raising the bar for what can be achieved in the realm of digital finance.
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Fleamint and GDA International collaboration
Fleamint and GDA International have decided to collaborate in order to usher in a new era of innovation within the realm of digital assets and blockchain technology. GDA International, a major advisor and investor in the blockchain, digital asset, metaverse/gaming and decentralized finance (DeFi) industries, has partnered with Fleamint, a leading platform for seamless and safe cryptocurrency exchange and NFT Digital Twinning. Fleamint is the leading platform for seamless and secure cryptocurrency exchange and is a first mover in the emerging multi-trillion dollar Super Dapp paradigm.
Incubating, advising, and investing in technology startups has been a successful strategy for GDA International in the past, and the company continues to do so now. GDA International is a true pioneer in the market because of its expertise in emerging trends such as blockchain technology, digital assets, and metaverse and gaming platforms and DeFi. Their consulting services are in high demand, as evidenced by the fact that Fortune 500 firms and governments from across the world have sought them out. As a result, they are a partner of choice for companies that want to achieve success in this dynamic and fast-expanding field.
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Fleamint PARTNER
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Token information
Ticker: FLMC
Type: Utility-token
Token standard: BEP-20
Token distribution:
Team - 6%
Partners - 4%
Genesis Round - 0.005%
Seed - 1.8%
Staking - 25%
Private 1 - 2%
Private 2 - 10%
DEX Liquidity - 1.5%
Advisors - 1.5%
Treasury - 21.4%
Institutional Facility - 25%
Public - 1.5%
CEX Liquidity - 0.15%
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James Gillingham: Founder + Chief Executive Officer
Michael L: CTO
James Austen: Chief Commercial Officer
Sean Uddin: Chief Operations Officer
Adrian Hawkins: Chief of Staff
Adedamola Adeniyi: Product Manager
Syed Asad Hussain: UI/UX designer
Pontus Falk: Säljare
Thomas Brown: Head of Marketing
Daniel Aideyan: Community Manager
Septian Rizal Dewantara: Graphic Designer
Jon Cho: Community Director
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Website: https://fleamint.com. Medium: https://fleamint.medium.com/ Whitepaper: https://fleamint.gitbook.io/fleamint-wp-version-1.05/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/FleamintNFT LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/fleamintofficial/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fleamintofficial/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FleamintOfficial/
Forum Username: Aldehyde Forum Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2813893 ETH Wallet Address: 0x3Bcd50FbCB3e91b702f8e59248d841d7747d2DaF
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socials-world · 4 months
Metaverse 3d Dpace Development by Mobiloitte
Ready to dive into the Metaverse? Picture your business thriving in a 3D wonderland crafted just for you by Mobiloitte’s Metaverse 3d space development services. We offer a huge range of product and services such as Metaverse 3D space such as avatar creation, Virtual Marketplaces, Gamification Elements, Multiplayer Support, Chat And Voice Support, Dynamic Login, Decentralization at metaverse, Spatial Computing, Creator Economy, Gaming Spaces, NFT Marketplaces, Metaverse Real estate, Metaverse in Healthcare, Metaverse in E-commerce, and many more. Boost your brand in the virtual realm and watch your profits skyrocket! Contact Us today!
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mobiloittesingapore2 · 8 months
Mobiloitte Singapore: Leading AR, VR, WebGL Metaverse Development Expertise 
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Mobiloitte, a Singapore in Metaverse solutions, specializes in Metaverse 3D space development and Metaverse NFT marketplace development. Our expert team offers Metaverse DApp development services, creating immersive digital experiences. Harness the potential of the Metaverse with Mobiloitte's cutting-edge solutions, paving the way for innovation and growth in the dynamic world of digital realities.
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johnmaths · 2 years
what does a successful IDO look like
An initial DEX offering, or IDO, is an innovative and sensational type of decentralized and permission less crowdfunding platform, which is opening up a new way of fundraising in the crypto space. 
If a business is launching an IDO, it means the development is initiating a coin or token by the decentralized liquidity exchange. This type of crypto asset exchange rest on liquidity pools where brokers can exchange tokens, including crypto coins and stable coins. 
On CoinMarketCap's ICO board there is a record of upcoming, live, and past projects that are fundraising. The projects are considered based on the various phases of its fundraising IDO, IEO, private sale, public sale, and crowd loan. As in the past few months of projects fundraising are IDOs, conceivably signaling its popularity and fundraising method.
IDO – a Better Crypto Fundraising Model?
IDOs are the successors of other crypto fundraising models containing initial coin offerings, security token offerings, and initial exchange offerings. Offering enhanced and instant liquidity at each price close due to its mechanism, IDOs is the best option for new projects and startups to launch a token and access immediate funds.
Unlike the above-mentioned fundraising methods, IDOs are mostly considered an impartial way to launch a new cryptocurrency project by avoiding pre-mines, which is an issuing system that helps business developers through community members. For more information visit : www.chaintechsource.com
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ailtrahq · 9 months
New York, New York, September 14th, 2023, ChainwireLBank has announced that MetaExpand will be the second project to issue a native token on its integrated Launchpad. The UMM token will be available to LBank users, who will have the first chance to claim an allocation and participate in the MetaExpand ecosystem.Despite tough market conditions, LBank Launchpad has proven a success with its sophomore project PINS (Chat to Earn). Its token has increased 1,600% from launch. The second project on LBank Launchpad is another GameFi offering in the form of MetaExpand (UMM).MetaExpand bridges the gap between public chains and metaverse applications. It offers storage, communication, privacy, cross-chain, and transaction plugins and development standards, making it easier for developers to create metaverse applications without worrying about underlying blockchain technology. Its game 'Jurassic Virus' allows players to explore and interact in a complex metaverse.To qualify for the MetaExpand Launchpad event, LBank users will need to be eligible during the snapshot period that runs from 00:00 on September 1, 2023 - 00:00 on September 27 (UTC). The subscription period, to participate in the sale, then runs from 06:00 to 11:00 on September 28. LBank users can participate here:https://support.lbank.com/hc/en-gb/articles/22853229665305Prominent Twitter KOLs like @Rocky_Bitcoin have predicted that GameFi will be one of the major directions for the next web3 cycle. Based on observations during a personal visit to Kuala Lumpur, @Rocky_Bitcoin asserted that Q4 could witness a significant boom in GameFi. GameFi tokens listed on exchanges recently have generally performed well. For instance, MetaMecha on KUCOIN surged by 20%, Typeit on Bitget and LBANK soared by 1,322%, and PINS on LBANK also saw a 1,600% increase.Buyers who participated in the Launchpad event for PINS Network have potentially earned up to $1,6000, based on the individual hard cap of $1,000. A social metaverse project (Chat to Earn), PINS enables users to nurture their NFT Noki pets by increasing their interactive behavior on Twitter. Currently, PINs has 14.1K followers, and each post in recent days has reached over 50K views, with an engagement rate close to 6K. This shows that aside from price speculation, such X to Earn projects have a large number of users willing to engage genuinely.LBank's latest Launchpad offering, UMM, has similar features. Tokens used in the 'Jurassic Virus' game can only be obtained through $UMM. They can be used for various in-game activities but can only be converted back to $UMM after successful game interactions.About LBankLBank is one of the top crypto exchanges, established in 2015. It offers specialized financial derivatives, expert asset management services, and safe crypto trading to its users. The platform holds over 9 million users from more than 210 regions across the world. LBank is a cutting-edge growing platform that ensures the integrity of users’ funds and aims to contribute to the global adoption of cryptocurrencies. Zoe [email protected] Source
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liftcorec · 9 months
Fleamint: A global, cutting-edge ecosystem that leverages advanced Web 3.0 technology and decentralized finance (DeFi) solutions
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Introduction of Fleamint
Fleamint is revolutionizing the fight against product forgery by leveraging the power of Blockchain technology and NFTs. Our innovative solution harnesses the immutability of web3 to address real-world challenges effectively. Fleamint offer a VC bridge that enables web2 businesses to raise capital at more favorable interest rates through DeFi. Through FLM staking, you will have the unique opportunity to participate in our VC projects, providing essential funding while circumventing traditional funding sources. This approach not only offers projects a superior APR but also ensures that our DeFi community enjoys true DeFi returns. Fleamint's mission is to break down current boundaries and create a seamless experience to change how Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 interact with one another. The company's main goal is to provide token utility that is scaffolded by reputable companies with high Fleamint Trust scores and have tangible, quantifiable real world economic values.
Launch your Venture on fleamint now
Fleamint Ventures is a launchpad offering comprehensive support and guidance to project teams in token issuance and launch. Our full-service offering encompasses advisory services, from pre-token issuance to post-listing, as well as marketing support. Our primary objective is to empower project teams to concentrate on product development while we handle marketing, exposure, and building the initial user base. We actively seek out projects with strong teams, a distinctive and innovative vision within both web2 and web3 space. If you believe your project fits this description, apply below.
High Staking Rewards Program: Up to 888% Returns
Complementing the paradigm-shifting deflationary mechanism, Fleamint is proud to introduce an unparalleled single-sided staking program, offering participants astonishing staking rewards of up to 888%. This exceptional rewards structure serves as a testament to Fleamint’s dedication to fostering long-term engagement within its ecosystem and enabling users to extract maximum value from their investments. By providing an avenue for individuals to substantially amplify their returns, this visionary staking initiative solidifies Fleamint’s standing as an industry pioneer, continually raising the bar for what can be achieved in the realm of digital finance.
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Fleamint and GDA International collaboration
Fleamint and GDA International have decided to collaborate in order to usher in a new era of innovation within the realm of digital assets and blockchain technology. GDA International, a major advisor and investor in the blockchain, digital asset, metaverse/gaming and decentralized finance (DeFi) industries, has partnered with Fleamint, a leading platform for seamless and safe cryptocurrency exchange and NFT Digital Twinning. Fleamint is the leading platform for seamless and secure cryptocurrency exchange and is a first mover in the emerging multi-trillion dollar Super Dapp paradigm.
Incubating, advising, and investing in technology startups has been a successful strategy for GDA International in the past, and the company continues to do so now. GDA International is a true pioneer in the market because of its expertise in emerging trends such as blockchain technology, digital assets, and metaverse and gaming platforms and DeFi. Their consulting services are in high demand, as evidenced by the fact that Fortune 500 firms and governments from across the world have sought them out. As a result, they are a partner of choice for companies that want to achieve success in this dynamic and fast-expanding field.
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Fleamint PARTNER
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Token information
Ticker: FLMC
Type: Utility-token
Token standard: BEP-20
Token distribution:
Team - 6%
Partners - 4%
Genesis Round - 0.005%
Seed - 1.8%
Staking - 25%
Private 1 - 2%
Private 2 - 10%
DEX Liquidity - 1.5%
Advisors - 1.5%
Treasury - 21.4%
Institutional Facility - 25%
Public - 1.5%
CEX Liquidity - 0.15%
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James Gillingham: Founder + Chief Executive Officer
Michael L: CTO
James Austen: Chief Commercial Officer
Sean Uddin: Chief Operations Officer
Adrian Hawkins: Chief of Staff
Adedamola Adeniyi: Product Manager
Syed Asad Hussain: UI/UX designer
Pontus Falk: Säljare
Thomas Brown: Head of Marketing
Daniel Aideyan: Community Manager
Septian Rizal Dewantara: Graphic Designer
Jon Cho: Community Director
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Website: https://fleamint.com. Medium: https://fleamint.medium.com/ Whitepaper: https://fleamint.gitbook.io/fleamint-wp-version-1.05/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/FleamintNFT LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/fleamintofficial/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fleamintofficial/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FleamintOfficial/
Bitcointalk username: Lift Core Bitcointalk profile link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3403164 Telegram username: @LiftCore Wallet address: 0xC8199E8A032D41953a403Aa88c8131b83ccC44df
0 notes
zaydeaston · 9 months
Fleamint: Buying and selling NFT's that represent digital and real-world assets
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Introduction of Fleamint
Fleamint is revolutionizing the fight against product forgery by leveraging the power of Blockchain technology and NFTs. Our innovative solution harnesses the immutability of web3 to address real-world challenges effectively. Fleamint offer a VC bridge that enables web2 businesses to raise capital at more favorable interest rates through DeFi. Through FLM staking, you will have the unique opportunity to participate in our VC projects, providing essential funding while circumventing traditional funding sources. This approach not only offers projects a superior APR but also ensures that our DeFi community enjoys true DeFi returns. Fleamint's mission is to break down current boundaries and create a seamless experience to change how Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 interact with one another. The company's main goal is to provide token utility that is scaffolded by reputable companies with high Fleamint Trust scores and have tangible, quantifiable real world economic values.
Launch your Venture on fleamint now
Fleamint Ventures is a launchpad offering comprehensive support and guidance to project teams in token issuance and launch. Our full-service offering encompasses advisory services, from pre-token issuance to post-listing, as well as marketing support. Our primary objective is to empower project teams to concentrate on product development while we handle marketing, exposure, and building the initial user base. We actively seek out projects with strong teams, a distinctive and innovative vision within both web2 and web3 space. If you believe your project fits this description, apply below.
High Staking Rewards Program: Up to 888% Returns
Complementing the paradigm-shifting deflationary mechanism, Fleamint is proud to introduce an unparalleled single-sided staking program, offering participants astonishing staking rewards of up to 888%. This exceptional rewards structure serves as a testament to Fleamint’s dedication to fostering long-term engagement within its ecosystem and enabling users to extract maximum value from their investments. By providing an avenue for individuals to substantially amplify their returns, this visionary staking initiative solidifies Fleamint’s standing as an industry pioneer, continually raising the bar for what can be achieved in the realm of digital finance.
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Fleamint and GDA International collaboration
Fleamint and GDA International have decided to collaborate in order to usher in a new era of innovation within the realm of digital assets and blockchain technology. GDA International, a major advisor and investor in the blockchain, digital asset, metaverse/gaming and decentralized finance (DeFi) industries, has partnered with Fleamint, a leading platform for seamless and safe cryptocurrency exchange and NFT Digital Twinning. Fleamint is the leading platform for seamless and secure cryptocurrency exchange and is a first mover in the emerging multi-trillion dollar Super Dapp paradigm.
Incubating, advising, and investing in technology startups has been a successful strategy for GDA International in the past, and the company continues to do so now. GDA International is a true pioneer in the market because of its expertise in emerging trends such as blockchain technology, digital assets, and metaverse and gaming platforms and DeFi. Their consulting services are in high demand, as evidenced by the fact that Fortune 500 firms and governments from across the world have sought them out. As a result, they are a partner of choice for companies that want to achieve success in this dynamic and fast-expanding field.
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Fleamint PARTNER
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Token information
Ticker: FLMC
Type: Utility-token
Token standard: BEP-20
Token distribution:
Team - 6%
Partners - 4%
Genesis Round - 0.005%
Seed - 1.8%
Staking - 25%
Private 1 - 2%
Private 2 - 10%
DEX Liquidity - 1.5%
Advisors - 1.5%
Treasury - 21.4%
Institutional Facility - 25%
Public - 1.5%
CEX Liquidity - 0.15%
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James Gillingham: Founder + Chief Executive Officer
Michael L: CTO
James Austen: Chief Commercial Officer
Sean Uddin: Chief Operations Officer
Adrian Hawkins: Chief of Staff
Adedamola Adeniyi: Product Manager
Syed Asad Hussain: UI/UX designer
Pontus Falk: Säljare
Thomas Brown: Head of Marketing
Daniel Aideyan: Community Manager
Septian Rizal Dewantara: Graphic Designer
Jon Cho: Community Director
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Website: https://fleamint.com. Medium: https://fleamint.medium.com/ Whitepaper: https://fleamint.gitbook.io/fleamint-wp-version-1.05/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/FleamintNFT LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/fleamintofficial/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fleamintofficial/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FleamintOfficial/
Author details
Bitcointalk name: Zayd Easton Bitcointalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3386257 Telegram Username: @ZaydEaston wallet address: 0xe11E60615Fe456A880c5FC7A31c372CeCaaec11d
0 notes
timeandspee · 9 months
Fleamint: Buying and selling NFT's that represent digital and real-world assets
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Introduction of Fleamint
Fleamint is revolutionizing the fight against product forgery by leveraging the power of Blockchain technology and NFTs. Our innovative solution harnesses the immutability of web3 to address real-world challenges effectively. Fleamint offer a VC bridge that enables web2 businesses to raise capital at more favorable interest rates through DeFi. Through FLM staking, you will have the unique opportunity to participate in our VC projects, providing essential funding while circumventing traditional funding sources. This approach not only offers projects a superior APR but also ensures that our DeFi community enjoys true DeFi returns. Fleamint's mission is to break down current boundaries and create a seamless experience to change how Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 interact with one another. The company's main goal is to provide token utility that is scaffolded by reputable companies with high Fleamint Trust scores and have tangible, quantifiable real world economic values.
Launch your Venture on fleamint now
Fleamint Ventures is a launchpad offering comprehensive support and guidance to project teams in token issuance and launch. Our full-service offering encompasses advisory services, from pre-token issuance to post-listing, as well as marketing support. Our primary objective is to empower project teams to concentrate on product development while we handle marketing, exposure, and building the initial user base. We actively seek out projects with strong teams, a distinctive and innovative vision within both web2 and web3 space. If you believe your project fits this description, apply below.
High Staking Rewards Program: Up to 888% Returns
Complementing the paradigm-shifting deflationary mechanism, Fleamint is proud to introduce an unparalleled single-sided staking program, offering participants astonishing staking rewards of up to 888%. This exceptional rewards structure serves as a testament to Fleamint’s dedication to fostering long-term engagement within its ecosystem and enabling users to extract maximum value from their investments. By providing an avenue for individuals to substantially amplify their returns, this visionary staking initiative solidifies Fleamint’s standing as an industry pioneer, continually raising the bar for what can be achieved in the realm of digital finance.
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Fleamint and GDA International collaboration
Fleamint and GDA International have decided to collaborate in order to usher in a new era of innovation within the realm of digital assets and blockchain technology. GDA International, a major advisor and investor in the blockchain, digital asset, metaverse/gaming and decentralized finance (DeFi) industries, has partnered with Fleamint, a leading platform for seamless and safe cryptocurrency exchange and NFT Digital Twinning. Fleamint is the leading platform for seamless and secure cryptocurrency exchange and is a first mover in the emerging multi-trillion dollar Super Dapp paradigm.
Incubating, advising, and investing in technology startups has been a successful strategy for GDA International in the past, and the company continues to do so now. GDA International is a true pioneer in the market because of its expertise in emerging trends such as blockchain technology, digital assets, and metaverse and gaming platforms and DeFi. Their consulting services are in high demand, as evidenced by the fact that Fortune 500 firms and governments from across the world have sought them out. As a result, they are a partner of choice for companies that want to achieve success in this dynamic and fast-expanding field.
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Fleamint PARTNER
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Token information
Ticker: FLMC
Type: Utility-token
Token standard: BEP-20
Token distribution:
Team - 6%
Partners - 4%
Genesis Round - 0.005%
Seed - 1.8%
Staking - 25%
Private 1 - 2%
Private 2 - 10%
DEX Liquidity - 1.5%
Advisors - 1.5%
Treasury - 21.4%
Institutional Facility - 25%
Public - 1.5%
CEX Liquidity - 0.15%
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James Gillingham: Founder + Chief Executive Officer
Michael L: CTO
James Austen: Chief Commercial Officer
Sean Uddin: Chief Operations Officer
Adrian Hawkins: Chief of Staff
Adedamola Adeniyi: Product Manager
Syed Asad Hussain: UI/UX designer
Pontus Falk: Säljare
Thomas Brown: Head of Marketing
Daniel Aideyan: Community Manager
Septian Rizal Dewantara: Graphic Designer
Jon Cho: Community Director
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Website: https://fleamint.com. Medium: https://fleamint.medium.com/ Whitepaper: https://fleamint.gitbook.io/fleamint-wp-version-1.05/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/FleamintNFT LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/fleamintofficial/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fleamintofficial/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FleamintOfficial/
Writer Info:
Bitcointalk username : TimeAndSpeed Bitcointalk profile link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3381069 Telegram name : @TimeAndSpeed Wallet address: 0x09c054362e1bf3f954cc7c74955a575535533caf
0 notes