#noa would be interested but not really like eat it regularly
misclogarts · 2 months
itlog, important-ish question, who among the d4 girls would love dirty ice cream/sorbetes?
hmmm let me try narrowing it down..
the first people that come to mind are honestly rinku and towa, since those two seem to have a sweet tooth.. miiko is a close second, since she's travelled around(?) or at least been exposed to a lot of cultures so she wouldn't hesitate to try some as well:)
rei probably? but imo she and esora seem like they'd like halo-halo more instead ...
weronika? she'd have some as an after-show treat and drag sophia along. from my own experience the vendors don't usually sell strawberry ice cream, but she miiight like ube or mango instead
dalia but like only as a cheat day snack (since like. carbs.)
this is a pretty funny pick with all things considered but like: lumina. unichord all goes to get ice cream together as soon as they hear the vendor's bell and michiru imports a jpeg of the ice cream for lumina to "eat" (boohoo) so she doesn't feel left behind
toka would like the texture imo. very much like shaved ice but slightly more creamy. the flavor is a bonus
honestly i feel like the ones who'd like it are basically any of the characters with a sweet tooth lol
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