#not interacting with much of the actual townspeople until he got injured and they had no choice but to get help
bonetrousledbones · 1 year
It really weirds me out sometimes with how far the sanscest shipping gets. Like, when they have kids who have kids with the kids of other sanses? why. what is the need. also dont get shipping sanses with sanses.
tbh that is one part i never really got into,, i get the appeal of making fankids bc its fun to explore how that would go and they’re basically OCs so you can go crazy! but on the shipping them together side,,, idk why but anything to do with shipping characters who are minors has always made me a bit uncomfortable. it’s entirely a me problem and i’m fully aware that there’s nothing inherently wrong with it its just!! weird to me idk!!!!!
as for the selfcest bit tbh as a selfcest shipper myself i deadass do not have a goddamn clue what about it appeals to me. i guess its a bit of wanting to see how these two “different” characters would interact with each other? honestly i think if you change up their backgrounds enough you can make it so that while they’re technically the same person, they’re also just as much their own self as if they were different, and yet they can still use their “sameness” as a way to find a deeper understanding in themselves that they might not have seen otherwise. that’s how i do mine anyway!
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kiiruna-a · 5 years
skyrim verses to be added !
to honor my favorite game, a lot more muses are getting skyrim alternate verses! these verses can be interacted with by any muse that is from a medieval fantasy setting. lbr, we love doing it, but modern verses are the trend right now so it’s difficult to find someone to do it with. well, here i am! these will be added to the au page as soon as i find the time. these are the scribbles i have for what’s to come:
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nemo : a nord vampire living undercover as an inn owner. considered to be charming, & has friends in many big, influential meaderies around skyrim. does not have any affiliations with other vampires, because he considers it to be too big of a risk to his lifestyle. his inn is located inside of solitude, & he uses the business hours for drinks as his excuse for sleeping & never having interactions during daytime. no one knows anything about his past, but the truth is that his family is still alive & well in riften, although they believe their son died many years ago.
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ciaran : half nord half imperial, ciaran is a son of the might black-briar family. with great influence around the entire province, ciaran grew up spoiled, dripping in money, mead & men. he got anything he wanted. however, that carefree lifestyle soon caught up with him, once he started using his family’s money for betting. once he lost enough for his parents to notice, they were furious, & kicked him out of his home with nothing but the clothes on his back. “earn that money back, or don’t come back at all” they said. ciaran couldn’t fight, couldn’t hunt or fish, & couldn’t mine or farm, so the only thing left for him to do was to join one of the local bandit groups. it’s been years now, & he is still struggling to get his money back as he has to share with the other members of the group; so he has also picked up brawling, where he usually bets on himself to lose. no one has caught him yet.
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kristoffer : kristoffer was raised on a tiny far in the middle of the pale, & he is the son of a nord father & a forsworn mother. no one knows about the forsworn side of his family, & they have fought hard to keep it that way. he never really thought he’d do much except taking care of his family’s crops until the day a giant stepped into their land & started destroying not only their very soil but also their house. kristoffer was busy protecting his younger siblings & neither of them knew how to fight such a beast. however, rescue wasn’t far away; companions emerged from the woods & fought the giant until it fell to the ground. kristoffer was astonished. he had heard a lot about the old companions, legends & tales, but now he stood face to face with them, his rescuers. from that day on he knew he wanted to learn how to fight so he, too, could join the honory path of the companions. four years later, & he has finally left home to settle in whiterun & learn their ways; although all he does for now is usually fetching weapons & mead for his superiors.
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tabitha : a pure-blooded high elf vampire of the volkihar clan, tabitha resides in castle volkihar as a senior member of harkon's court. a very old & powerful vampire lord, tabitha used to be a corrupt sea captain who chased immortality for the sake of money & power. the outside world no longer remembers her, for she has lived with her clan on a secluded island for longer than any mortal has lived. she very rarely takes on a voyage outside of the castle. she takes very well care of the low ranking members of the court & acts as a “mother figure” for them. however, she is hot-tempered, & does not take kindly to anyone who acts as a threat towards lord harkon or any other vampires.
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steff : a high-elf from a famous family of great wizards, who is currently residing & studying at the college of winterhold. steff has always been an outcast, mostly because of being the only high-elf with auburn hair that most people have ever met. they study destruction magic & care very little about being a great wizard, but has yet to see a way out of following in their parents’ footsteps. most of all steff’s passion is cooking, & wouldn’t mind becoming a high-end chef one day, maybe even at a jarl’s castle.
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angel : together with steff, angel is also the child of the same powerful bloodline of high-elf wizards. angel studies restoration magic & is very passionate about his studies. however, being a wizard in winterhold is something he struggles with, as he hates how the townspeople & local nords wish him out of their sight as fast as he goes outside of the college. more than anything, angel would love to make friends, but somewhere between being from an influential family & being something of a childish person, he is a hard swallow pill for most people. as a result, angel’s closest friend is his cousin steff.
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aleksanteri : a nord & captain in the stormcloak rebellion, aleksanteri is originally from winterhold, but spent many years in the companions, earning a good reputation for being a great & honorable warrior. however, when ulfric stormcloak killed the high king & declared war on the empire, aleksanteri felt that he was summoned to help the cause of returning skyrim to the nords. his grandfather was a soldier in the great war, & from him aleksanteri has gotten a big hatred for the thalmor. with his great leadership ability & history of winning fights, he has climbed his way up the ranks & now many men listen to his command. he is very dedicated to their cause, & will not hesitate to kill anyone who stands in it’s way.
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tim : a petty thief, tim is a pain in the ass for any guard in riften, & while all of them know to look out for him, he has never been caught for what he is really meddling with; skooma. he is a young member of the thieves guild, & is known to take from the rich & give to the poor. not many people actually consider him a bad person, as he is actually very charming, but that doesn’t change the fact he doesn’t care about following any laws. he is a skooma addict & meddles with a lot of the illegal dealing that goes on around the rift. he gives it away to other struggling addicts, but uses it as blackmail & sells it for an outrageous prize to the influential, rich people he has come in contact with. many people think it won’t take long until someone pays to have the dark brotherhood take care of him.
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seth : an imperial by blood, seth is born & raised in a tiny settlement outside of solitude, where him & his family worked for a farm since they migrated from cyrodiil. he has always carried a great deal of responsibility on small shoulders, as his grandparents are old & weak, & his father was hurt in a mining accident long ago, injuring his legs. he worked from early morning to late evening to scratch together the money to pay for medicine to the rest of his family members. however, sleeping outside started becoming more & more dangerous when all of a sudden the war broke out. his family escaped war a long time ago, & now it seemed to have followed them. the stormcloaks wanted his kind out of skyrim, & wanted to crush the empire which had managed to stop the last war & keep peace between the races. he was angry about this. so, with the safety of his family in mind, he joined up with the imperial legion, & while he has yet to be sent out on any real fights, he runs errands & does courier work to assist the commander in his mission to keep skyrim intact.
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natanael : a struggling imperial wizard, natanael is currently studying alteration magic, & he has dedicated a lot of his life to it. he was raised by a single mother, a priestess of mara who practiced restoration magic, & he grew up seeing her kindly & selflessly healing the wounds of soliders & helping addicts get poison out of their system. to make her proud, he traveled to the college of winterhold, hoping to become a great wizard & pay her back for raising him all on her own. however, many of the scholars & other students at the college pity him; he seems to have little natural talent for the arts, & he struggles with his sleeping schedule from reading all the books he can find in order to make up for this fact. you can usually find him scratching his head & taking notes in the college library, or drowning his sorrows at the local inn.
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