#nothing happened to me btw im not the target nor would i waste my time sending hate mail ever
red-dyed-sarumane · 4 months
if u can enjoy something 100% & find no flaws in it personally then thats amazing but thats also a very rare experience. ur not a "fake fan" if u dont like a certain part of something & wish it was handled differently. idk why online spaces are so skewed to "if u have anything negative to say then u dont like the thing at all and are a hater" thats not how it works. like at all. if u are in ur own personal spaces going 'i like this but this one part shouldve been better' that doesnt make u any less of a fan of said thing. if u are going out of ur way to seek something out & interject on other people's posts about how awful it is & no one should like it then yeah ur being a hater about it. but disliking a part of a whole is a common experience & can coincide with being a fan of said thing. if u only "like" media that u find no problems with whatsoever u are going to be miserable. its okay & fine to have problems with things u like
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