#obviously Kouki isnt a gold digger BUT he can have some fun with Sei's money.....
geometricalien · 1 year
IDK if this is official or not, but Kōki's motto got me wondering if he's been accustomed to people stealing his credit & claiming it as their own even though Kōki did all the work & they did nothing.
Which got me wondering: Was he a victim of bullying at some point before his high school years in Seirin?
Because, of all the Seirin basketball team members, the first year trio - Kōki, Hiroshi & Kōichi - are the only ones whose backstories are never explored in canon.
And TBH, I have mixed feelings about that.
On one hand, the lack of canonical info about them frustrate me because what if at some point Fujimaki-sensei decides to release official info about the 1st year trio & we've been get some stuff wrong about them all this time?
On the other hand, their mysterious backgrounds mean they're essentially blank canvases - like, it provide fun opportunities for fans to come up with anything their imagination give them!!
On another note, Kōki spends his free time shopping is another new question. Like, what are the items he bought? Maybe related to his hobby? But if railroads is an expensive hobby, then it's unlikely. Or maybe groceries? Or does he shop online? Based on these info below, it's safe to assume he's from an average, middle-class household.
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I don't know if that is official either, it's not mentioned in the wiki or the anime if he was bullied but many people write with the hc that he was. After some careful reviewing of other seirin members mottos I have come to the conclusion that these quotes are A) directly linked to something relating to their part with the plot and B) it reflects their own speech style. For example Kuroko's motto is, "Once-in-a-lifetime encounter." Clearly this references how meeting Kagami was life changing and it is in his cryptic/deadpan way of speaking. Izuki's is "Always flexible." Which I believe is a nod to his eagle eyes and how he can adapt a play BUT IMAGINE HIM ENDING THAT WITH A WINK- INSTANTLY BECOMES AN INDUENDO/PUN! And Hyuga's is clearly a reference to his 3 pointer training/punishment.
With this in mind, Furihata's motto reflects how he began basketball and wanted to succeed in it because of a girl but he ended up forgetting the girl and did basketball because he wanted to. He no longer seeked recognition, or praise, or credit for his effort. It's a very mature outlook! Even I, a near 24 year old, still want to be complimented for my effort! I have called my roommate into my room to see how much I cleaned and organized my room. And although I try very hard to only write fanfic for myself, I am still tickled pink when someone kudos or comments on it. It's very hard to not pursue approval. I feel like I've learned quite a bit about Furihata from analyzing that motto so thank you!
Getting canon knowledge sure is a double edged sword as you described. It would be disheartening to learn that something we hold near and dear about him is actually 1000% false. I've actually seen hc get totally erased before! In Haikyuu people shipped Sakusa and Komori because Komori was like his confidant, the middle man bridging Sakusa to the rest of the world. And they were cute!! Then it was revealed that they were cousins 💀 Embarrassing. Mortifying. But it's okay, it's just a funny story now! The worst that could happen is if Fujimaka-sensei says that Furihata and the rest of the 1st year crew like to kick puppies in their free time or something equally egregious- which isn't going to happen.
I absolutely see him buying/saving up for model trains. Maybe he likes to window shop? Visits these establishments and admires the new models, the employees recognize him, they tell him that the latest model is upstairs, they badger him into getting a part time job so he can get a discount. But if you recall... Furihata is stylish. There are 2 casual outfits that come to mind from the anime: when going to the street tournament Furihata is seen wearing a slimming vest and at Kuroko's birthday party he is wearing a sweater over a plaid button down- very classy. Maybe he likes fashion and clothes!
We do presume that Furihata is from a middle-class household, but God how hilarious would it be if he wasn't?? What if he came from a rich family too? What if Furihata and Akashi knew each other from their families businesses? What if they have seen each other and talked with each other at events/galas/parties/etc? Consider it for a moment....
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