#oc // sylathra ravensong
sunrunneraccord · 4 months
OC + Sexuality
Sexuality headcanons for my World of Warcraft OCs
Adella: Asexual (relationship + sex positive)
Alara: Demisexual
Idriara: Demisexual
Alastrias: Demisexual
Seiryn: Demisexual
Lylath: Bisexual + Poly
Delara: Demisexual
Salandria: Lesbian
Arel: Demisexual
Celen: Bisexual
Itheren: Pansexual (nonbinary)
Theril: Bisexual (sapphic)
Kelendrian: Gay
Eirian: Bisexual
Celestra: Straight
Lynara: Straight
Aratharian: Asexual + Aromantic
Elora: Demisexual
Thalanas: Bisexual
Syrana: Bisexual
Sylathra: Straight
Lyana: Straight
Theralyn: Straight
Elystra: Straight
Meliora: Asexual + Aromantic
Cletos: Asexual
Thena: Asexual + Aromantic
Deryn: Asexual + Aromantic
Alyagosa: Bisexual + Poly
Enyrithra: Pansexual + Poly
Zeradormi: Bisexual + Poly
Jakira: Straight
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sunstridering · 7 months
Tumblr media
Sinec I have my own canon divergent au/timeline (that i update/change depending on how much I like the expansion)
Sylathra never lets go of the Night Warrior curse because she's that bitch
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