#oh and I have angst lore for wambus too
the-artist-of-chaos · 8 months
Mmmmm. Twiffy headcanons go brrr 👁️👁️ (minor spoilers for bugsnax btw-) OH, and there’s gonna be a couple angst Hcs too, and some hurt/comfort lottaham. be warned, don’t kill me.
•First met wambus at a grocery store during their freshmen year (so around 14-15)
•Okay. Yes. I know. When she says she has 2 left feet, she means that she can’t dance that well, figurative language, yea yea- WHAT ABOUT LITERALLY TOO? IM GIVING HER 2 LEFT FEET.
•I feel like one of her stims would be quietly mumbling wamby to herself <3
•has scared the wind out of people before because she can be very quiet. It’s scary. One moment she’ll be in her research tent, and the next? She’ll be right beside you!
•has a HUGE spice tolerance.
•would absolutely love Halloween
•would also smack the shit out of you with a pillow if you woke her up before 8 AM.
(Okay, now it’s time for the big angst/hurt comfort guns)
•Dated someone else for a good 3 years (between ages 16 - 19) before she dated wambus, this said someone else was an absolute selfish piece of sh!t that would act like a full on narcissist, would hurt Triffany verbally and emotionally. Wambus kinda knew about the relationship and would BEG Triffany to leave them. As much as Triffany wanted to be with wambus, she kept getting manipulated by said ex to stay with them, so the first couple times wambus tried separating them, it didn’t work, but once Triffany realized that she was being used, she broke up with them and got with wambus. (Hehehehe, I’m gonna be such a sucka later, I HAVE ANGST LORE)
•Had trouble asking for assistance, expressing her true self, and relaxing due to said ex. After the whole shitshow, Wambus gave Triffany time to heal and recover. He didn’t want her to immediately jump into a relationship after just leaving one, an abusive one to be exact. It took about a month before Triffany was comfortable enough to date wambus, and about 20-25 years later, they’re happy married! (MAN I LOVE SELF PROJECTING)
•Has nights where she can’t sleep because the memories will just come creeping around the corner, and sometimes, it’s obvious; she’ll be trembling like a leaf while staring into space. Wambus already has an entire set of instructions memorized in his head on what to do in this situation, and is going to stay by his wife’s said no matter what.
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