#ok ritsu talk over god bless im going back to my games now
asakamasanobu · 3 years
my finals are over !!!!! crowd goes wild !!!!!! there is no crowd but anywaY i’m starting to read the fan translations for the trifecta light novels and just finished chapter 1 in between my gaming sessions and i have to say ..... i’m going to be dumping so many thoughts here probably omfg
first of all i almost cannot believe that after six years of following sekakoi and being a yokozawa liker in general, i’m only finally reading the light novels about him now @___@ to be fair it’s because i’m only truly invested in ritsu (and yukina and kisa too i love their chapters ;w;) and also because i’ve always sort of avoided light novels but after otrfk (which i’m not about to get into now but holy fuck) i’ve learnt that you know what ..... it’s possible to gloss over questionable writing and the incompatibility of translating japanese light novels to english ........ even if it can be janky at times the content inside facking slaps Hard
anyway . digressing as always but i think the biggest thing that chapter 1 left on me is reminding me how much i hate when BL writers characterise their characters as “i’m in love with a man but it’s not like i’m gay! i’m definitely straight and this is the only man i’ll swing the other way for so yeah definitely straight” like. god i cannot stress how much i dislike this particular trope or characterisation or whatever like it popped up in otrfk too and it bothers me so much. like yeah, as a fellow gay person i understand internalised homophobia and especially how disorientating it is to realise you have romantic feelings towards someone of the same sex for the first time when you’re brought up in this heteronormative world, but the way it’s been written is less of that and more of 1) acting as if bisexuality is not a thing and 2) pandering with the concept that these men only have these “forbidden feelings” for each other and if not for each other they’d be dating girls or fuck all. and it just rubs me the wrong way i wish this trope would die off it’s not that hard to create characters that are bi or unaware that they’re queer like c’mon guys!
it also really fucks with my interpretation of yokozawa quite a bit because i do see him as gay..... not even bi LOL sorry and the fact that he’s so aggressive towards ritsu and assertive about loving takano has clearly indicated to me that he has come to terms with liking men. so him vehemently rejecting himself as gay is just so ????? ooc ?????? idk. the good thing this wasn’t part of the movie so i’m going to do my usual sekakoi thing where i pick and choose things i like from different mediums and create my own narrative thumbs up emoji
okay enough bitching there was a lot of good stuff too !!!!! the one really nice thing about light novels is that you get to hear characters’ thoughts a lot more in-depth and there’s a lot more detail than can usually be shown in other mediums so i absolutely enjoyed getting yokozawa’s pov of his run-in with ritsu in the elevator ;w; his thought process at the point where he asked ritsu “do you really love masamune” really did line up with what i interpreted where he acknowledged ritsu as a person and wanted to give his hesitant ass a little push like CRYYYY CRYING MY EYES OUT MR YOKOZAWA-SAN YOU ARE THE BESTEST...... truly a good man
also thought that the difference from the movie where kirishima came down to yokozawa’s department instead of yokozawa going up was very fun ^__^ and the banter was a lot more fun it’s kind of sad that a lot of it was cut out for the movie but ! well !!!! at least i get to enjoy it now very happy looking forward to slowly reading more bc thankfully i’m not longer in light novel lockdown mode
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