#ollie vc: i like you but come into my house and disrespect my rules like that and i'll become so much worse
knockout-arrow · 7 months
@toirsire said : “ what? no witty remark? nothing clever to say? ”
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" and they say i'm the hotheaded one. it's like everyone forgets that if you're stubborn enough then a magical ring might come down and reward you for it. " oliver said, sighing as he tried to think of something else to say, perhaps something helpful, or even self aware. . .a man could dream.
" listen kyle, i'm not saying that you don't have a point. you're smart and i won't disrespect you like that. what i was trying to say is that there's better ways we can solve this problem than relying on you and your silly little ring. this is my city, so we're going to do things my way, or you can go fly off and have the whimsical adventure you thought you were going to have, somewhere else. how's that sound? "
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