#onward to whatever the trippy fuck this week will be
Nancy Drew: The Lady of Larkspur Lane AKA None of this is a Good Plan Guys
So I fell really behind in the show (and every show) with the start of the semester, but I have finally caught up, and am right back on my bullshit.
Commentary time! With many ellipses tonight
What was that smashing on the ground? Hopefully not something important/that will come back to haunt us (possibly literally) later…
In every universe Nancy’s fashion sense is questionable. Wear the Horse Shirt and Mom Jeans Bess!
Bess and Ace’s relationship is so wholesome and I love it
Is she really okay with it though?
I hate that this episode is a spooky mental hospital episode because it’s going to be tropey and that has a high likelihood of possible ableism…
Mmm. Don’t like you Amaya. Bess is more than a pretty face and deserves to be treated with respect. Fight me.
Oh no. If Carson dies…
I mean it would be easy to cover up. Prominent lawyer. Small town/local prison. Plenty of disgruntled clients and opponents. Of course, Mrs. Hudson didn’t sound interested in keeping her involvement secret, but if she did want to…
All our hope is on you Ace. Hey. Stop rambling and panicking darling, you’ve got this. Probably.
Why are you not driving your beloved truck?
She is about to be locked into that file room I swear…
Suspicious, sudden, aggressive mold
Oh, ok, I guess I was wrong, but that’s ghost footsteps if I’ve ever heard them
I mean she looks nothing like your “runner” from earlier but sure
Oh are they going to try and put her in a room as a patient…is that what they mean by runner? God kill me now.
How is that cover working?
Of course there’s a haunting and she’s talking the one person who super believes in it
Damn son, the sass
How convenient that Ryan and Bess are having lunch only a table or so apart (love her face as Ace goes by)
Straight to the point. Alrighty. Maybe learn just a little subtlety when discussing hits on people…?
That was interesting emphasis. Your father wouldn’t, but you don’t deny that someone might have.
Ace, I’d say don’t ruin this for Bess, but that woman’s initial attitude and apparent ignoring her the entire lunch made me kind of want it ruined – but what do you think Bess can achieve here that you can’t?
Why does this orderly remind me of George Salazaar and why is that deeply unsettling?
Welp, it’s not sealed off anymore. Once again, nice job breaking it Drew.
So much sass. First Ace, now Bess. My favs are really bringing it
Tall jar of mayonnaise? Really?
No, Bess, don’t just spill everything to this stranger. That’s a terrible plan.
I find it highly suspicious that now that it looks like she’s connected to the Hudson and or/shady dealings, you’re suddenly interested
I repeat, don’t hurt Papa Drew…oh thank god! A transfer to State is the best worst thing that could happen
That doesn’t look like an official transfer vehicle…is this a fakeout and now the hit’s going to happen? Easier to fake a death in a traffic accident (round 2)
Ace! Are you perpetrating a prison break you wonderful, disaster of a human?! I love you!
It sounds bad when you put it that way Carson…
More sass, this time about your laundry list of Crimes!
Noble dumbass
That is the vaguest plan I’ve ever heard of
That is the first place they’ll look for him…oy…
George is unimpressed. I am just glad that question didn’t go where I feared it might
Archery and Axes are not the same thing, trust me
Why do you have a massive axe in your house anyway, Carson?
That shot was entirely for the audience to see how well-built Ace is, wasn’t it? Not that I’m complaining…
Oh this is interesting…I’m a little surprised how easy that was.
Why does Mrs. Dodd know what Kate’s necklace looked like to the point of that being how she “recognized” her? That seems like an odd detail
“Other lady”? So not someone she knows. Lucy’s secret? A real key or a metaphorical one?
The Thin Man is another spirit. I’d stake my life on it. But is his book real?
Ace…not…not the right approach. In fact the absolute wrong way of handling probably the worst possible way for this situation to go
I still don’t like you, but you have a point at the immediate moment
I love you Bess, take her down and win her over all at once
You done fucked up Drew. Flickering lights, creepy fast-spreading mold, ball with what looks like blood on it rolling about the hall unprompted. I sense a jumpscare a-comin’
Surprisingly fewer “the ghosts of dead patients gone violent in limbo” than I was expecting, pleasantly so.
Of course Nick-not-Ned knows Bible quotes. Because he has been established as the resident Book NerdTM and therefore knows important quotes from all books ever written
Creepy demon has a Bible? That seems off. Not an evil spirit then? Someone alive?
Of course they did, because the Hudsons and their people are smart
I like this new badass business bitch Bess. Also kinda hot. (better if she goes back to her usual hair though, the poodle is not a good style choice)
Mr. Roper? I think that falls under Names to Run Away from Very Quickly
The Whisper Box? Seriously?
Is that blood on the ball or just a flower? It bugs me that I can’t tell
Nancy! Bad plan.
A life for a life. That’s not a bad negotiation. But if anyone can find a digital footprint, I believe it’s Ace.
Maybe I misjudged you almost as much as you misjudged Bess…
Don’t ignore Lisbeth…L
Well shit. I’m almost concerned for Ryan’s life. I mean he’s still a scummy douche-canoe and has not redeemed himself, but I almost care.
No. No romantic bullshit. Platonic teamwork is fine.
What is so bad about pulling the alarm?
Okay, it’s a flower. Somehow that makes it worse?
A keycard? To what/where? And will it work after so long?
The door disappears. That’s…not good. And that’s a Lot of Bugs
I am deeply unsettled by all of this
Nancy, you need to stop having near death experiences…
Excuse me, what?! That’s the end of the episode?!
So next week we’re going to end up with part 2 in the Sanitarium right? So I can only mark this as “so far so good in terms of ‘not as ableist as you could have been’”?
0 notes
rowanblaez-blog · 5 years
Sleeping on a Yoga mat for a week: results
For about a year now, I've been having random hip pains that flair up sometimes just from walking. It never lasts long, but considering my age, it just shouldn't be happening. And for the past month I've had mild back pains. I can't afford to get health isnurance, let alone afford to see a doctor, so I've researched alternative methods. I study herbalism, which works for mild things like colds, allergies, headaches and acne, but these aches I've been having aren't things plants can help with on a permanent basis. Not only that, but I've come a long way in my strives for minimalism, and this seems like a good next step. So here we go. Floor sleeping on just a yoga mat with a sheet over it, a pillow under my head and a pillow for my legs (and a blanket over me). One final thing to note, is during my week of doing this, I'll predominately be sitting on the floor or in chairs instead of on the bed. Night1: I used another blanket underneath the mat for a little extra cushion. It was a little awkward at first to settle in. Laying on my back wasn't all that comfortable, so I turned over on to my side - which wasn't any better. But normally when you're already uncomfortable and slightly in pain, things get worse and worse over time. This was not the case. Each position I switched to was slightly painful at first, but after just a few seconds, it started to get more comfortable. I slept well enough, but was very aware every time I switched positions (especially since I was using a pillow between my knees while on my sides and would position it under my legs while on my back) - but then my body fell back in to comfort and I was able to get back to sleep just fine. One pretty startling note I'd like to mention: at one point in the middle of the night I woke up on my back. And while in that position, I thought to myself "This must be what it's like to be on acid. Because right now, my body feels PERFECT and it's pretty damn trippy." This was the one time I struggled to fall back asleep because I was just. . . so. . . COMFORTABLE Day1: Woke up feeling slightly tired, but not a big deal. My body felt totally fine. No aches or pains. Night2: Took away that extra blanket, so it's just the yoga mat and sheet under me. Mostly because I'm exceptionally lazy, and it was more work to get my yoga mat and sheet set up with that blanekt as well. Settled in and fell asleep as fast as I usually do. Woke up less when switching positions despite continuing to use that second pillow. I'd say I slept comparable to how I sleep while in a normal bed. Day2: Back pains. Nothing severe, but it's worse than what I've been feeling the past month. However it's managable and ignorable without pain killers, so whatever. I feel about as well rested as I do when I sleep in a normal bed. Towards the end of the day (around 7pm), my back was really bugging me. Under normal circumstances I probably would have taken some pain killers or asked my man to give me a back rub. However, I refrained from both. Those who have done this on youtube claim it gets better, so I decided to stick it out and see how I'd progress without outside influences. Kind of wondering why the fuck I'm doing this to myself, but owell. Maximum effort. Night3: Fell asleep fine, but it wasn't entirely restful. As the night progressed, sleeping on my sides hurt more and more, to the point where the only position I could sleep in was on my back. However sleeping on my back was perfectly fine - I even experienced that euphoric "my body feels perfect" feeling. But I'm used to sleeping on my sides as well, and couldn't, so all in all, not very restful. Day3: When I got up, I realized I have what feels like bruises forming on each side of my hips (which explains why it hurt to roll on to my sides during the night). Fucking bruises. No one on the internet mentions this problem. Is it just me?? Am I such a wimpy, squishy American that my fatty-licious hips can't handle floor sleeping? Apparently. But I'm stubborn enough to continue onwards with my experiment. If my body doesn't like it then it'll just have to fuckin get used to it. As far as my back goes, it's a little sore, but perfectly managable without painkillers. As the day progressed, my back pains continued to be very minimal, though I noticed some in my neck now too. Why does no one else seem to have these issues with floor sleeping? Night4: Nothing really to add. Hips still hurt too much to side sleep. Fell asleep fine and it was about as restful as night3. Day4: God damn, it's only been 4 days? Despite not sleeping terribly well, I suprisingly don't feel more worn out or tired than usual. . . so that's neat, I guess. I've also noticed that it's easier to get up in the mornings, but I suspect that's mostly because I'm sleeping on a hard ass surface and who the fuck would want to just lay there longer than neccesary. My back is "eh" - about as achy as it was when I first started this, though my neck is still mildly sore too. Idk. At this point I'm really just trying to keep my minimalism lifestyle goals in mind because this obviously isn't helping my body like people say it does. Fucking floor sleeping liars. Night5: uugggghhh. So. I caved. I did the unthinkable, and I slept in a traditional bed. BUT with good reasons. 1) By the end of the day (around like 10pm or so) I was completely exhausted. We don't usually go to bed until 2 or 3am, so this wasn't normal. I tried to sleep, but just couldn't. After an hour and a half, I just got in bed with my man. 2) My man and I are pretty independant people. We've lived together (and been together) for 6 years, and most days we really just do our own things. We have date day once a week, but this week, all we did together was run errands. . . and then for the rest of the day we went back to doing our own shit. I've been sleeping on the floor next to the bed, and it's just not the same as sleeping next to him IN bed. So I felt this whole thing was kind of distancing us. 3) This has not helped my back at all. In fact, the only day I was completely fine was day1 - the other 3 days my back was either worse, or the same as it has been; with added neck pain and hip bruises that I didn't have before. My man isn't going to want to try this if it doesn't work for me, and so far it hasn't. So while he and I are together, we'd be keeping the bed for him, which means there's no point in my trying to sleep on the floor. Being next to him would end up being what I truly wanted anyways. So there you have it. Only managed 4 days, and it was interestingly undesirable. I will mention that after sleeping in a super comfortable bed, my back still hurts about as much as it did before I started, and my neck continues to ache. So whatever. For now, I'm admitting defeat. You win, floor. You win.
0 notes