#or a jaded grad student with other things on their mind (like their relatives being drafted to fight in ukraine) (fair)
fractallogic · 2 years
I have such simple desires. I just want my coauthors to use zotero (or at least not get in my way when I am the citations boss and decide that I am using zotero so please do not touch the citations I have put in unless you too are going to edit them in zotero). I have zotero deeply integrated into my writing workflow and if you make zotero grumpy by fucking up my citations and references, I too will be grumpy. you are actually SO LUCKY that I'm so obsessed with zotero (and also a people-pleaser), because that means I will go through an entire document's citations when they're just typed and PUT THEM INTO ZOTERO, or I will de-link all of MY citations when I'm sure we're done so that the bibliography that I have automatically generated with zotero can be interspersed with your citations that you've typed out by hand. I WILL MAKE MY INSANE DESIRES WORK WITH YOU.
please just do this one easy thing that, if you explore with an open mind, you too may come to see how incredibly useful and awesome it is.
listen. I too used to love the exercise of typing out all of my citations and references by hand. I love tedious things, especially in the morning before my brain has gotten started or when I don't want to actually do anything.
but you know what's better?
when you push a button and your bibliography is generated. and if you need to change anything, you just pick the menu item that's about the document preferences and just change the whole citation/reference style to something ENTIRELY DIFFERENT with ONE CLICK. or something's fucked up in the entry itself? no problem, you can go into the desktop app, fix it, hit "sync", go into your document, hit "refresh", and BAM. fixed. magically.
just like. ZOTERO, man. it's free and open-source. it has so much functionality if you're any flavor of academic. it has so many plugins (because it's open-source) and works with so many different applications. I spent most of my working hours today doing SOMETHING with zotero because you know what, that's how fucking pervasive the need for citations is when you're some kind of academic!!
please god stop getting in the fucking way of me using zotero it is one of the few things keeping me sane right now
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