#or when the fucked up heater send a spree of boiling water
victastuffblog · 2 years
Personal rant ahead!
Last year, we finally moved out of the cramped little apartment we were living to a new, fancy little apartment. Only for the owner, who had gone to live at the coast, came back 6 months later saying he didn't want to rent it anymore. So off we go.
Now. We got a new, big, kinda fancy apartment with an amazing view! Lots of natural light. Has some shitty bits, but it was really nice.
Now, a year later, owners got tired from living at the coast, and want to live here, so, off we will go again.
If they gave me a penny for every time an owner got tired of living at the coast bc of the cold weather, and wanted to kick us out waaay earlier than stipulated by the agreement, I would have 2 pennies, which isn't much, but it's strange it happened twice.
Before now, I was really considerated and tried to keep this place in mint condition, hell, we were thinking on fixing and polishing the wood floors out of our own money.
Now? I'm going all in on my petty revenge mode.
Whatever isn't screwed to the wall will be mine to keep. They can go a get some new curtains for the blinding sun that gets in every day at 5 am, and go and find the bathtub curtain's pole.
And good luck trying to figure out the trick to get the warm water running long enough to avoid freezing while showering.
And they complained from the cold weather? Try living here without actual working room-heaters. The shitty things were all broken before we moved in.
The ceramic tiles of the bathroom falls from only looking at it too long.
The old ass oven it's a danger to any human. We had to buy our own little oven.
They will have to buy their own electrodomestics. These are ours. And it won't be cheap.
We fixed every fucking door. None closed before. Do I get to break them again?
The toilet was clogged with a fucking towel when we moved in. It took the plumber a week to get it out. Each time a neighbor took a shower our bathroom would seem like an inundation was happening.
I'm thinking of clogging it again.
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