#pagasangbayan TuloyPaRinAngLaban FightForWhatIsRight election2022
theycallmesera · 2 years
   Of course, during the beginning months of the campaign, I felt hopeful that there was a very special candidate who really had pure intentions towards the Filipino people and a heart for the marginalized or poor. Plus, this candidate I supported is very intelligent and eloquent, so this presidential candidate directly and clearly speaks her mind, full of conviction. A dream president or leader, we say. I was so proud and happy that I at least attended one of her rallies, the Miting de avance, May 7.  
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   However, with the fast results revealed right after the May 9 elections, covering almost the whole voter population of the country in one day, you can say that I was disheartened for a day or more. I cried a little on the night of May 9, thinking about the uncertainties of the Filipino people's future. During that time, I truly wasn't happy that it made me stiff and lazy for quite some time. I truly wasn't inspired to even do anything (because look at the winners). It was so frustrating. 
   Even now, I am still trying to cope with the post-election depression. I am thankful that I was blessed with a family that still has sufficient resources and that I live in a house with strong foundations and a roof. Yet, thinking about this, there are people who are not lucky enough to attain this kind of comfort that I am afraid they may become poorer.  
I am still looking on the bright side after the outcome of the elections and am slowly accepting the results. Somehow, this served as a lesson for us youngsters. Here I quote what Ko Mun Yeong, of It's Okay to Not Be Okay, said: 
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   I will remember what this election has done to me and my feelings. I will use this memory to study harder and get that degree I am aiming for. With the power of research, education, and respect to history, someday, I will use my voice to amplify the right information so that when our time to vote comes, we will shed a great light on our country, and never bring the horrifying past back to the seats of power in our country. Allow genuine people who have already demonstrated their worth and willingness to serve their countrymen to lead our country. I hope that there will come a time when the Philippines will elect, and give victory to the deserving and/or rightful people for our country. Truly, I end this with a saying that, "I fought for what is right."
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