#part 1 of 2 of atr songs that I thought I posted my translation of but actually didn't
1-mini-1 · 7 months
After the Rain- World Sick Boys and Girls (Sekai Shikku ni Shounen Shoujo / セカイシックに少年少女) English Lyrics
常夜の下 灯るロウソク
ソーダの海と 氷の実と
In the never-ending night, candles are lit
There’s a sea of soda, fruit made of ice
And Fôret noire
アーチの上 響いたテノール
ふたりで指差した 夏の大三角
Tenor resounded above the arch
And our fingers pointed at the summer triangle
マクスウェル 想像でディベートして
今日が (終わる)
前に (前に)
溜め息ごと 星座に縫っていこう
If you live drinking tears
Then debate Maxwell’s fantasies
The day is over
Let’s weave through the constellations with each of our sighs
This world, it arbitrarily sings of love,
No matter how many days we threw aside
That just means our yesterdays were painted for and wished by somebody else
ねえ 明日を願っちゃいなくたって
ネームレス 少年少女
Hey, even if we never wish for tomorrow to come
We’re still going to become adults
Oh, how world sick we are
Nameless boys and girls
ねえ お願い 振り向かないで
この傷は君にも 見せたくなかったんだ
Hey, please, don’t turn around
I didn’t want to show these scars to you too
誰もいない 小道を選んで
うつむいて探すんだ 夏の大三角
Picking a path with no people
We hung our heads, searching for the summer triangle 
右も左も 見慣れないフリしているだけ
Left and right, we’re just pretending we haven’t seen any of this before
There were only things I never wanted to understand
Shut both of your eyes
Even the things I loved dearly
When I fall asleep for three days
I forget where they are
Without even knowing where I am, I continue dreaming
ねえ 忘れられた瞬間に
正気さ 少年少女
Hey, when we’re forgotten
Where do we go?
I want to stay here forever
We’re sane boys and girls
ボクは何のため 呼吸を探しているのだろう
This world, it arbitrarily sings of love,
Even if everything disappears
For what reason am I searching for my breaths?
ねえ 誰も望んじゃいなくたって
ネームレス 少年少女
Hey, even if we never wish for tomorrow to come
We’re still going to become adults
Oh, how world sick we are
Nameless boys and girls
夜空が 泣いて 手を振るように落ちていく
両目を 失ってまで得たんだ
未だ泣きだすような 心でも
存外 ハローグッバイ おやすみ
The night sky cried, pouring down as if it was waving us goodbye
I took it all in, all of it until I lost both of my eyes
I don’t mind if I can never see again
Even if it feels like my heart may suddenly burst into tears
This is unexpectedly a hello, a goodbye, and a goodnight
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destination-of-fate · 7 years
(English) After the Rain interview from Utattemita no Hon Magazine (May 2017 edition)
Buy the magazine overseas here (Includes large poster of the Soramafu cover art, as well as lots of other utaite pics and posters!) After the Rain was interviewed in the utaite magazine “Utattemita no Hon” for their May 2017 edition, which was published at the start of April. They discussed each track on their 2 new single CDs, the process that went into making them, and they also answered some random April-themed questions at the end :P Italicized questions here are what the interviewer was asking them to respond to. Enjoy, and let me know if you spot any typos or anything weird~!
Releasing two singles together at the same time is quite a special event. How did you feel when you first planned this?
Soraru: We never thought that we would receive offers to perform the OP and ED for two anime series in the same season, so it was truly an honor. It made me want to be sure that the songs were as good as we possibly could make them. Mafumafu: I associated “singles” with having very few songs included on the CDs, so I caused a fuss and said that I wanted each CD to come with 4 songs. Do you have any memories or topics you’d like to discuss from the creation process? Mafumafu: We immediately failed our “Have a Reasonable Schedule in 2017” plan. Soraru: I was constantly struggling with my bronchitis. It took me much longer than usual to record my vocals, and I really caused Mafumafu a lot of trouble with that… But I believe I did my best, as much as I was able to. Please tell us about your goals and hopes for “After the Rain” in 2017.
Mafumafu: Even if we do large events or sell out concert venues, I hope to spend each day studying things diligently. I want to devote myself to being able to make great music without slacking off or becoming too proud. Soraru: First, I want to be absolutely sure not to neglect my physical health. Other than that, I want to focus and learn how to create even better music. Just like how I played guitar in the filming for our recent music videos, I want to challenge myself to do things that I’ve never done before. -Single #1: Kaidoku Funou- (T/N: Titles in parentheses are my rough English translations of the names. They’re not the official titles, just the meanings.) Kaidoku Funou (Indecipherable) Vocals/Engineering: Soraru | Vocals/Lyrics/Composition/Arrangement: Mafumafu
Soraru: This is the OP song for the anime “Atom: The Beginning.” This is our first theme song as AtR where we handled the sounds and everything entirely by ourselves, and we struggled greatly with parts, but worked really hard on them. I strongly felt that I wanted to make it sound good, since Mafumafu wrote us a really great song, but the more I listened to it, the more I became unsure of what to do. I ended up making major changes to it right before the deadline. I believe that I was able to make it sound satisfactory for all the time I put into it. The version used in the anime has a different mix and mastering than the CD versions, so I hope you are able to hear both of them. Makeinu Drive (Loser Drive) Engineering: Soraru | Vocals/Lyrics/Composition/Arrangement: Mafumafu Soraru: As far as the sound goes, this is the simplest song out of all 8 of them, and I think it would really excite the crowd if we performed it at a concert. I want everyone in the audience to yell the “woof woof!” part. It was an easier song to mix because it didn’t have a lot of tracks, but Mafumafu has a ton of vocal tracks (harmonies, etc.), so the chorus and harmonies and such during the interludes were really difficult to deal with. I considered its role on the single and tried to make it the kind of song that you can listen to easily and smoothly. Keikoku (Courtesan) Vocals/Engineering: Soraru | Lyrics/Composition/Arrangement: Mafumafu Mafumafu: I wrote about a person who seems radiant at first glance, but in reality they are trapped somewhere that they don’t want to be, and I compared that to a silkworm moth. Silkworm moths look very lovely, but they can’t fly despite having wings, they don’t even have mouths to intake food or drink, and they die after only a few short days. My songs rarely ever contain any sensual content, so while writing these lyrics, I felt a bit excited, like I was doing something I shouldn’t be (laughs). The expression “rain that has never known the sky” is used as a metaphor for tears, and I particularly liked that phrase so I put it at the very end. As for the sound side of things, in order for the low tones that make up Soraru’s voice to come alive, I arranged the song so that each instrument’s rhythm was even more prominent than the musical pitches themselves. I wonder if it would energize the crowd at a concert (I’m sorry the chorus is so high). 
Wasurerarenbo (Forgotten Love) Vocals/Engineering: Soraru | Vocals/Lyrics/Composition/Arrangement: Mafumafu Mafumafu: One day, I happened to come across the words of someone who had drifted away from me, and from that I created this song. The more recognition you get, the more people come to know you as a result, but you also are forgotten by others more as well. That’s what this song is about. I don’t say that in a negative way at all, but rather, I wrote it to say thank you for letting me stay in your life even for just a little bit, and thank you for accepting this purely self-satisfying music of mine. I was very nervous about writing a one-sided song towards my listeners, since ever since I first started this line of work, I’ve always just covered my ears, put up walls around me, and only did the things that I alone wanted to do. I’ve uploaded a video for this song online, and the fact that it was accepted by everyone is just more evidence of how blessed I am. -Single #2: Anti-Clockwise-
Anti-Clockwise Vocals/Engineering: Soraru | Vocals/Lyrics/Composition/Arrangement: Mafumafu Mafumafu: I wrote this song as the ED for the anime “Clockwork Planet.” “Anti-Clockwise” means “counter-clockwise.” The lyrics are about the things in life that we’re unable to change as humans, and the ever-present beings who try to stand in our way. I tried to convey a sense of things coming to their end as I wrote it. The section referring to the “partially-destroyed piano” among other things is supposed to express how as innocent children, we found our own ways to enjoy broken toys, and even if that was the wrong way to play with them, we would get completely absorbed in them anyway. The lyrics are hard to understand, but I think I was able to condense the message pretty significantly with how I put it in the song. As for the music, I wanted to make it sound both robotic as well as convey a sense of mechanical insanity. Even right from the beginning it sounds pretty strange, with the intro piano part adopting the essence of an atonal “twelve-tone technique,” and while the other instruments are playing in a key, the piano partially loses its key as it’s mixed in. I really nit-picked with this song’s arrangement. Saiteki na Hito no Ayamekata (The Best Way to Kill Someone) Vocals/Engineering: Soraru | Lyrics/Composition/Arrangement: Mafumafu
Soraru: This song is about a girl who falls under what you’d call the “mentally ill” or “yandere” type. She wants to fill the empty space in her heart, so she actually goes and… it’s like that. I wanted to bring out the ominous feeling in this song, so I sang it while thinking in particular about the degree of volume in the chorus. This was the last song we finished, so I think we were able to produce its sounds pretty smoothly. Datsuraku Jinsei E Youkoso (Welcome to Dropout Life) Engineering: Soraru | Vocals/Lyrics/Composition/Arrangement: Mafumafu Mafumafu: I wrote this song to share jokes, self-deprecation, and black humor directed towards those of us who post videos online! It sounds like a really dumb song, and the lyrics and music itself really are just dumb. I wouldn’t say that it’s disavowing who we are as people, but rather, it’s a positive song about the various people who live in this strange, fun world, as well as an invitation for you to come join us in this world too. It might seem like these lyrics were written with just the “right brain and muscles,” but there’s phrases like “tachimachi tachimashita” and “ori ga oniai no you” included that I think are fun usages of words!
Suisei Ressha no Bell ga Naru (The Bell Rings on the Comet Express) Vocals/Engineering: Soraru | Vocals/Lyrics/Composition/Arrangement: Mafumafu Soraru: This was the first ATR song where we ever recorded live drums or requested certain performances for each part. It was a real struggle to figure out how to work with those sounds. Maybe in a certain way, you could say it was the most difficult of all the songs… We re-recorded parts of the vocals and changed the mix for the CD as well, but the more we performed it at our concerts, the more the “image” of the song became solidified, so now it sounds quite different if you compare it to the original video that we uploaded. I think we improved it quite a bit.
April marks the start of a new school year. How did you two make friends when you entered a new class? Mafumafu: I wonder how I could have done that. Soraru: Mafumafu’s answer is way too sad. You don’t want to waste your youth while you still have it, so first you need to use your courage. It’s best not to wait with things like this. What do you like to eat while looking at cherry blossoms? Soraru: Meat. Mafumafu: Sweet dumplings and sakuramochi. April 26th is “Bath Day.” Please tell us the process of how you bathe. Soraru: I start with the left arm and then rotate around, washing myself as I go. Mafumafu: I enter a healing capsule and my entire body is washed automatically. I like open air baths and cypress wood bathtubs.
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