#pek-pek chatters
sizzlingpenguincollector ยท 6 years
Power Rangers: Wild Force/Kim Possible/Jackie Chan Adventures: Chapter 3
Danny and Taylor tried to stand up and face Monkey Fist, down but not out for the count. "Who are you?!" Danny asked.
"Why, how silly of me not to make myself known." Monkey Fist said, mockingly. "The name is Monkey Fist..." Monkey Fist then chattered evilly as he bounced up and down with his fellow monkey ninjas. Taylor froze when she heard that name.
"I've seen him before." Taylor said. "He's one of Kim Possible's arch foes. He was once a world famous archaeologist who went insane studying monkey kung fu. Basically transforming himself into a monkey." Monkey Fist glared at her when she said that.
"What are you doing here?!" Danny asked.
"I'm here on business actually. And I can't have people like you interfering with my work." Monkey Fist said. "My minions will make short work of you. Hopefully, you'll be remembered fondly."
"Not if we have anything to say about it!" Cole said as he and the other Wild Force Rangers came rushing to their fellow Rangers aid. "Did we miss the party?"
"No, you're all just in time!" Taylor said as she and the other Rangers got into fighting positions.
"Well, it's nice to see the gang's all here." Monkey Fist smirked. "Anyway, the name is Monkey Fist and I'm here on business. So, let's make this quick and let me and my minions destroy you once and for all."
"That's not gonna happen!" Cole said as he and the other Rangers grabbed their morphers. "We're teach you something you won't forget!"
"Wild Access!" The Rangers called out. With that, they used their Growl Phones, and Merrick his Lunar Caller, to morph into the Wild Force Rangers.
"Very impressive." Monkey Fist smirked before turning to his army. "Kill them all!" With that, Mokey Fist, his monkey ninjas and Wild Force Rangers charged into battle, with Cole and Merrick battling Monkey Fist, and the other Rangers battling his minions. Both Cole and Merrick were able to block most of Fist's attacks, even landing one good kick, but Monkey Fist had the advantage, able to land a couple of hits on the Red and Lunar Rangers. "Very nice, both of you. But you both should probably know I'm skilled in in the art of monkey kung fu!"
Merrick froze as he heard that phrase. "Tai Shing Pek Kwar?" Merrick asked to himself, knowing the ancient martial art. Monkey Fist took advantage of his distraction to launch a sneak attack on the unsuspecting Ranger. But, Cole saw him coming.
"Merrick! Watch out!" Cole yelled, pushing his fellow Ranger out of the way, taking the hit himself. Monkey Fist laughed evilly as Cole laid down on the ground in pain.
"Cole!" Taylor cried out. "Get away! Hurry!" She was then tackled by monkey ninjas as she became distracted. Monkey Fist approached Cole wearing a wicked grin on his face.
"You just couldn't take the hint, could you?" Monkey Fist asked with a smirk as he reached into his back pocket. "Well, maybe this could help you learn a lesson." He then pulled out what appeared to be a samurai sword as Cole stood up with all his might. "Goodbye Red Ranger." Monkey Fist then swung down to deliver a fatal blow to the Red Lion Ranger.
"Cole! No!" Danny yelled as he pushed his fellow Ranger out of the way, taking the hit himself. Danny collapsed onto the ground as the samurai sword sliced through his suit, seriously injuring him.
"Danny!" Max cried out, rushing to his fallen Ranger and best friend. Monkey Fist then backed away as the rest of the Rangers gathered around the Black Bison Ranger.
"Well, this has been fun, but as I said before, I'm here on business. And now I have to get back to it." Monkey Fist smirked, feeling confident that he has injured a Power Ranger. "Minions! Come with me!" With that, Monkey Fist and his army fled from the Rangers as they tried to help their friend.
Danny then de morphed into his civilian clothes, still seriously injured. The Rangers then did the same. "Danny, why would you do that?!" Max asked, angry that his friend would put his life on the line for Cole's.
"I had to. Remember guys, never give up..." Danny said before groaning in pain again.
"We have to get him to a hospital!" Alyssa said, helping Danny onto his feet. "Let's go." The Rangers then carried Danny as they made their way to the Turtle Cove hospital.
ack in Middleton, Ron Stoppable grew extremely worried as school was out for the day. Right now, he sat with Rufus at his table at Beuno Nacho eating nacos, without Kim by his side. Over the course of the day, Kim has not talked to or even acknowledged Ron, making him extremely nervous. "Kim? Not talking to me at school? Not sitting with me at lunch? Not full on kissing me in the hallways? And now, skipping Beuno Nacho? Rufus, something is very wrong..." Ron said with fear in his voice. "Do you think this could be because of the Camille Leon sitch?" Rufus thought about it for a second and shrugged. They then noticed Kim's rival, Bonnie Rockwaller coming in. "Maybe Bonnie knows something."
Ron approached Bonnie at her table, making the queen bee growl with annoyance. "What do you want loser?" Bonnie asked.
"Bonnie, have you talked to Kim at all today?" Ron asked. Bonnie rolled her eyes at that question.
"No. Why? Something happened?" Bonnie asked.
"She's been acting like I wasn't even around all day at school. She didn't talk to me, sat with me at lunch, or full on kissed me in the hallways. And now, she hasn't showed up here to eat with me." Ron explained. "I don't know, but I think it has to do with me mistaking her for Camille Leon, almost landing her in trouble, and letting Camille off scot free." Bonnie's face formed a wicked grin as she heard that. I can't resist, Bonnie thought to herself.
"Really? If that's the case, looks like you screwed up big time." Bonnie said. "You might as well find yourself someone else before she makes it official."
Ron tried to figure out what Bonnie meant before he put two and two together. "Wait a minute. Are you saying that Kim's gonna dump me?" Ron asked.
"No duh." Bonnie replied. "It's so clear that your blunder has gotten K so upset that she's using the silent treatment as a starting point to end the whole thing. If I were you Ron Stoppable, I better return her gifts and delete her from your contacts before she fully drops the break up bomb on you. Hoped you enjoyed it while you did." Bonnie then left her table, leaving with a nervous Ron with his thoughts and Rufus.
"No, she's just trying to mess with me. Right, little buddy?" Ron asked, pushing what Bonnie said to the back of his head, with Rufus nodding in agreement, then blowing a raspberry to signify how ridiculous Bonnie is. "Bonnie is trying to get inside my head, just like she did when I thought Kim was gonna dump me for an athlete. But that's not gonna work. I'm gonna go talk to Kim, and maybe we'll have the whole thing straightened out." Ron then exited Beuno Nacho and went to the Middleton Mall, where he was sure Kim was there.
On the island of the Animarium, the other Wild Force Rangers all sat around, feeling guilty over Danny's injuries. They have took him to the hospital where he was examined, and is now resting. Princess Shayla saw them and became concerned. "How's Danny?" Shayla asked sadly.
"He's pretty badly hurt." Alyssa replied. "The doctors said it could possibly be a month before he recovers." Max punched a rock in frustration.
"This is all my fault. I should have taken the hit." Max said, his teeth clenched. Cole placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.
"Don't blame yourself." Cole said. "We'll figure out a way to go on without Danny for awhile. Right now, we have to figure out more about that Monkey Fist guy."
"I know somethings about him." Taylor said, standing up. "He's one of Kim Possible's arch foes, he used to be an archaeologist who basically became a humanoid monkey himself."
"Anything else?" Alyssa asked.
"He's skilled in the ancient art of Tai Shing Pek Kwar." Merrick said, causing the other Rangers to stare at him. "Monkey Kung Fu."
"How do you know about it Merrick?" Cole asked, curiously.
"Merrick has studied it before." Shayla answered. "It was once one of our proud martial arts. But Animus had it banned when most of his students became obsessed with it, and almost became evil."
"He said that he was in Turtle Cove for business." Alyssa said, thinking out loud. "What in the world did he mean by that?" The Rangers all thought hard over what he said before a thought came to Cole's mind.
"He's after something." Cole said. The other Rangers stared at him, confused. "It won't be long before he gets it. We have to make sure that whatever he's after, it can't fall into his hands."
"But what about Danny?" Max asked, concerned.
"Unfortunately until he recovers, we must find a replacement for him." Princess Shayla said. "Hopefully it won't be long until we find one who can control his Bison Zord." Taylor placed a comforting hand on Max's shoulder.
"Hey, never give up, right?" Taylor asked with a smile. Max then smiled and nodded in agreement.
"Yeah. Never give up." Cole repeated with a smile. Even though that Danny was not gonna be fighting with them for awhile, they would find a way to fight this new enemy of theirs.
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