#please gang... im dying out here i have to talk about it with my irl friends and they're all like “ur a hazbin enjoyer? get well soon”
vaggie-enjoyer · 28 days
looking for hellverse discord server
does anyone know of an 18+ hazbin and helluva discord server? i've been looking on disboard but a lot of them have teenagers and children in them and i'd prefer an adult space Also a lot of them are roleplay based and i'm looking more for something where i can share art, talk about the shows, and formulate headcanons and aus with other fans.
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chiromantic · 7 years
hi its ya boy c ( he him / 18 / gmt / all that jazz ) back with another muse highly different from my Sinnamon roll jitae. i now introduce you to Magic man Min™, and let me direct you towards a strong piece of evidence that he is an otherworldly fairy irl:
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see what im talking about ? i hear you asking, why have you brought a fairy to a gang rp... and for that... i have no answer at all. still i hope you love him all the same, since he’s pretty different from the usual person you’d find on seoul’s streets . ps: pleAse don’t kick his ass he’ll cry for a while, go home, and proceed to put some sort of curse on your muses family that lasts for generations
TW FOR death, mentioning of car accidents, infidelity, addiction and rehab. 
if you’re into harry potter, he’s a boy version of professor trelawney, in that he has precognition of future events but they could be years into the future, making people think that poor min is bullshitting them because the events he predicts doesn’t necessarily happen in the here and now.
okay, he’s got to admit. sometimes he’s off with what he predicts; nobody’s actually ‘ magic  ’ but he does believe some people are born with this sixth sense, a feeling deep in the pit of their belly that something may happen and that his dreams are more realistic than others. 
he's had this talent since as long as he can remember and, sometimes he isn't sure how long that is. he feels like every time he has a premonition or a precognition he loses a piece of himself to "the chaos" that he associates his gift with. he can deal with the headaches and the random moments when they hit, but he hates not remembering memories that he should know.
he grew up relatively sheltered and wealthy, always attended church on a sunday, mother and father strict catholics. so you can imagine their reaction when their teen son suggested that he was seeing visions of the future, they sent him to a therapist who then recommended he be put into rehab - which he was for 5 years until he was old enough to get out and take care of himself. 
he bought a small shop in sinchon straight away upon escaping confinement. years of isolation made min a quieter and more hesitant person, yet that just added to the allure of his occupation. he loves reading tarot cards, tea leaves, because he can interpret them without really knowing and just following what his gut instincts tell him. 
he's kind of got a somewhat unhealthy addiction to sleeping tablets and pain killers. it's the only way he can sleep soundly without having a nightmare o/ headache that's actually probably some sort of precognition regarding the future. if he's out of it, he'll literally do anything and everything he can to stay awake.
however min does, of course, see nice things sometimes, but he feels like his "gift" likes to fuck him in the a*s and give him the bad stuff nine times out of ten. he's seen people cheating on their significant others, deaths in the family, even his own sister dying in a car crash that happened that very night etc. sometimes he doesn't even know WHO the vision is for until he hears a name or sees a face. but don't get him wrong, he doesn't mind his gift, he just wished it felt more like a gift instead of a burden.
he's generally a nice person, except on bad headache days or when he's not slept because of his nightmares. so he might snap occasionally at people but he really is a lovely person.  he likes people and believes they’re good at heart, but he’s wary of their intentions for him. he likes feeling secure and having people who know him in case he forgets, because some of his memories are usually mixed up with his dreams. tragic, yea. i don't see him having a huge group of friends, but probably a select few that he really trusts enough to let them in and know his secrets and share his memories with. bc he'll need people to help him remember at some point or another.
he's appreciative of the fact that he is one of the very, very few people blessed with such a rare gift, but he's just like "it doesn't define me, i need to be my own person" and because of the memory gaps he suffers with sometimes, he often times doesn't feel like he is his own person.
lbr: if you ask him to tell your future, he'll tell you that you're going to die. ( like that’s not how it works, and he's technically not lying, either. )
there’s more general info about him / his shop / just generally a Less Shit introduction to his character here
so if you wanna plot something, throw it at him or just like this. generally he's a lonely boy looking for friends, but i wouldn’t mind some frequent customers and people who truly believe he’s talking out of his Ass too
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