#please take this with a hugeeeeee handful of salt and tears thankssss
deus-ex-mona · 2 years
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this is just a very questionable shin jidai english tl
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Throw a punch for a one-hit Kill
Let’s bid farewell to the old era
We’ve defeated it for good
We’ll make a declaration here and now
It’s time to raise the curtains on a new era
Let’s raise a ruckus
How long are you gonna remain here? You’re such a burden
Isn’t it about time for you to leave?
Even though you glare at me for my bad manners
I’m sick and tired of your outdated rules
I don’t need your boring instructions
Who cares about expectations? I’ll just fight head-on
Don’t make light of my abilities
Even a fallen mic onstage still counts as a drop
We’ll sing till our throats completely burn dry
We’ll dance till our bodies collapse
The current era has gone stale and we’re longing for more
So let’s fight it out the moment our eyes meet
Throw a punch for a one-hit Kill
Let’s bid farewell to the old era
We’ve defeated it for good
We’ll make a declaration here and now
It’s time to raise the curtains on a new era
Let’s raise a ruckus
Competing and clashing with each other for all eternity
Keeping our distance from each other
Affirming that we’re necessary to each other
Entrusting our lives to each other, we live on
You’ve been cast out of the leading role
You’ll never be able to erase your loss from your memory
Feeling sympathy for you, as you ran away tearfully,
I should’ve apologised with a “sorry” before you got hurt
I turned down your challenge for a fight,
I’d only be seen as a villain if I clashed with you in your victimised state
Don’t show me this side of you
I’ll be sure to forget it all by tomorrow. bye bye
There is nothing that cannot be broken
There is nothing that we cannot achieve
There will definitely be a future for us
So let’s fight it out the moment our eyes meet
Fire a bullet for the Kill
A single hit to your vitals spells the end
We’ve defeated you for good
Let’s show the new generation
A gamble of life and death
Hurry up and realise that you’re no match for us, that you’re way too weak for us
You don’t even have the right to speak to us
We’re the only special ones around
Too bad for you, just give up already
Can you hear us?
Are you wavering?
Are you feeling joy all the way down into your cells?
We’ll transmit it to you through your skin
Empty your thoughts and just feel it
It’s the birth of a legend
We’re passing the torch to you
You can’t move forward if you keep grieving forever
Just abandon your fate
Having accumulated things like feelings of pity,
We will
Throw a punch for a one-hit Kill
Let’s bid farewell to the old era
We’ve defeated it for good
We’ll make a declaration here and now
It’s time to raise the curtains on a new era
Let’s raise a ruckus
Competing and clashing with each other for all eternity
Keeping our distance from each other
Affirming that we’re necessary to each other
Entrusting our lives to each other, we live on
Let’s sing
Let’s dance
With this song
We’ll defeat it all
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