#pls stop giving her a mini heartattack
outerspacebun · 2 years
Can any of you just imagine just the many times that Lambert’s first wife having to talk about Lambert’s about his recklessness. I can imagine just one time where they are engaged and after they were in a battle, she just couldn’t deal with it anymore so she lashes out. Afterwards she rushes to the castle in Fhridiad and shoves herself in their room. Lambert does his best to console her because he loves her and he knows she loves him too but doesn’t him to throw away his life.
And by the end of it she makes a little joke saying, “I hope our children don’t end up having your reckless behavior on the battle field and values their life.” Then Dimitri just, exists. He is much like his father, reckless on the battle field and doesn’t value his life.
Just, his mother watching over him is concerned about her baby. She is also probably scolding Lambert about it too. She is just like, “my boys, why must you be like this.”
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