#poinsettia's rp prompts
poinsettia89 · 8 months
Definitely thinking about RPing a birth in a crowded, stuck elevator. The carrier and their partner having been on their way to head to the hospital on a chaotic weekend night, and a bunch of people keep piling into the elevator as it heads down the floors. No one makes much of how crowded it's getting, as they all anticipate on getting off. in the lobby— until the elevator stops moving entirely and everyone begins to worry. And in that overpopulated, overheated little space full of people complaining, the carrier's water breaks.
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poinsettia89 · 2 years
RP Scenario 2
Scenario: Angels and demons, reverse morality, and, of course, preg. I'm writing this with m/f pronouns currently, but I'm open to any gender for these concepts (not looking for mpreg though, thank you!)
After being discovered and taken in by an angelic creature, a woman develops feelings for him. They start a relationship, and after a few months, she finds out she's pregnant. Believing the angel to be genuine, charming, and kind, she's thrilled about the development despite any fears of complications or pregnancy.
However, as she nears her due date, things start getting more and more suspicious. Others who know of the angel are beginning to become more intense and rabid in their following, planning out massive events and doing dangerous things in their worship. The angel switches between lavishing her with attention, or lashing out, or ignoring her entirely for the most part.
In her loneliness, she begins spending time with a creature that the angel has locked up and silenced- a demon. He is displayed as a trophy for the cult, but she pities him. After unsuccessfully trying to convince the angel to let him go and free him, she starts spending time with him, bringing him trinkets, food, and other things to help him feel less lonely. They find ways to communicate without words, like sign language, writing, or drawing. The two develop feelings for one another, but given the situation, and her attachment to the angel, neither can act on it or admit it. She begins confiding in him about her own loneliness and her nerves about what's going on, but he's stopped before he can tell her what he thinks is really happening with the angel. When the demon's imprisonment guards find out he's trying to warn her, they no longer let her return.
In the last bit of her pregnancy, she finally discovers the truth- her angel has other plans than what he told her. She is to be a sacrifice, and her child is to be a cult leader for his followers to spread his power. Horrified at this, and not wanting her child to be doomed to such a fate, she attempts to escape. She's quickly discovered, leading to her near-capture as she suffers at the hands of the cult.
However, she's saved by the demon, who was given time to break out in the chaos of her escape. The two hurry to freedom, traveling to a small town and looking for other demons. No longer under the control of the angel, and far enough away to be safe, he's finally able to explain to her that the angels are not what they seem. He and a small group of demons are attempting to make sure that the angels stop targeting vulnerable creatures, including other demons and humans. These cults are becoming incredibly dangerous. However, he promises to keep her safe, and she swears to do the same for him. The two are finally free to act on their feelings and be together, but the threat of the cult and an angel missing his prize loom on the horizon.
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poinsettia89 · 1 year
RP Scenario 3
Scenario: Permapreg, curses, pirates, fantasy, magic, frequent birth. My captain OC uses she/her pronouns in this ad, but tbh, isn't too picky on gender stuff— hell, she's a magical pirate captain. Open to any gender partner. If you're interested in writing this with me, hit me up.
One of the most feared ships roaming the seas belongs to a crew of magical, largely non-human species, though a few select humans have been let in. They're notorious for robbing ships belonging to the monarchy or those involved in harming/trading/using magic humanoids for their own entertainment. The monarchy has their hands in some shady dealings, in particular the entertainment side of things that dabbles in magic.
Unbeknownst to a majority of their rivals, this ship's captain has personal experience with the cruelty that comes with this. Before she was a pirate, she was a siren— and an unfortunate victim of capture. She was sold to the monarchy for entertainment purposes, and was trapped performing for royals who would ogle her.
Eventually, her voice mesmerized a prince, the heir to the throne. His frequent dealings in dark magic allowed him access to a great deal of power, as well as opportunities to witness creatures such as the siren. Deciding that he would woo her to be his bride, he used magic to turn her into a human. Instead of being thrilled, as he had expected, she was horrified. He offered her power and riches if she would marry him and become mother to the next heirs to the throne. To his surprise, she spurned him, casting him away in hatred for the way he attempted to control her, and said she would never bear his children.
Resentful and resourceful, he punished the siren through a curse— she would remain pregnant, stuck as a human and living with the ordeal of frequently having to give birth and experience the pain of it.
However, the siren escaped, fleeing back to the sea, the only place she'd ever known as home. As she was unable to truly return to it, she fought her way to the powerful ranks of pirates on the high seas, accumulating a viciously loyal crew of others like herself. They attempt to defend others from the wrath they all so often experience.
Of course, her fearless and danger-seeking demeanor is partly a facade to cover up her own shame at what's happened to her, and she largely tries to deal with her condition alone, despite her crew being willing to help. The only person she seems to let in is her first mate, who serves as her right hand on the sea, and her confidant and lover behind closed doors. As the ship slowly gets into more trouble, her crew searches for a place to hide, but danger seems to lurk behind every wave— especially after certain individuals find out the captain's vulnerability.
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poinsettia89 · 2 years
RP Scenario 1
Scenario: A beauty and the beast situation, but with preg/monsterfucking.
A woman stumbles into a castle one night, buried deep in the woods and far from the rest of society. She's exhausted and almost delirious from a horrendous journey, traveling through snow and on the run, but she manages to get inside. Unbeknownst to her, the castle's key resident is the heir to a royal family of shapeshifters, all of whom have been trapped in monstrous form from a curse placed upon them. They stay in their castle at all times, terrified of what the outside world would do to them if they ever left. The monstrous heir has vowed to protect them, and thus puts on a dangerous persona to keep them safe- but the woman who's been on the run tugs on his heart strings. Deep down, she seems as desperate as him, even though she remains unafraid of his appearance. He's close to making her leave, but upon realizing she's heavily pregnant and in bad shape, allows her to stay and hide out.
While helping to nurse her back to health, he quickly finds out she's been trying to escape a hunter who has been pursuing her relentlessly, having kept her in an abusive relationship after getting her pregnant. She claims she only stayed because she was worried the hunter would turn his anger on her father if she left, but she was finally forced to do so to protect her parent, unwilling to give any more details. The prince feels empathetic to her situation and promises to help her stay safe. She treats him with a level of kindness that he hasn't felt in years. The two bond quickly, tumbling into a sexual and romantic relationship.
However, their slice of paradise shatters when the hunter finds their castle, and is determined to get the woman back and kill the prince. In order to protect him when the hunter attacks, she suddenly shifts into a beast as well- making the prince realize why she had left earlier. Her mother had been a shapeshifter who was killed by hunters, but the woman been raised by her human father and concealed the ability to remain safe. She didn't know if her own child would be able to control the shifting when it was born, so she left to protect them both.
The two manage to momentarily escape and she turns human once more; however, the stress of shifting breaks her waters, leading the prince and the rest of the castle to try and fight off or hide from the hunter and keep the woman safe as she labors.
After a final confrontation, the hunter finding the lovers hidden in the top of the tower, the prince finally kills the hunter. He helps the woman give birth, utterly relieved she's alright after such a hard delivery. He's terrified the woman will finally consider him truly a beast after witnessing such violence, but she instead confesses her love for him and says she wants to stay, breaking the curse on the family of royals and allowing them to regain control over their shifting. He promises to be there for her and their children, whatever it takes, and the two take their rightful place to rebuild a forgotten kingdom and grow their new family.
*If you're interested in RPing this or have similar ideas, DM me. :) I'm a literate paragraph/novella style writer. I only write as a carrier, but I'm open to nearly any gender pairing (f/m, nb/m, nb/f, f/f, nb/nb, just not m/m as I prefer to write female and nonbinary characters. Would prefer if your character had the ability to breed mine (no matter the gender, I love queer and trans pairings). Also open to a/b/o aspects in this prompt, me writing for the carrier/omega. Characters must be of age and 20+, preferably around their mid to late twenties. Feel free to drop me any questions! ^^
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