#poke au thoughts ๐Ÿ–ค๐Ÿˆโ€โฌ›
katsukikitten ยท 7 months
If I could draw it'd be bakugou and his Pokemon line up
Typhlosion, Houndoom, Blaziken, shiny Charizard, Arcaine, Lucario, and a random ass Corviknight because that's his tank. (And cause when Bakugou was younger and his houndoom was houndour, houndour found a hurt rookiedee in the backyard and doing what dogs do by playing around with it and Bakugou nursed it back to health. It slept in a cardboard box on his nightstand and Bakugou hand fed it ๐Ÿ˜ญ). I say seven cause Houndoom has never been in a pokeball except when he was first caught ๐Ÿ˜‚
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And Bakugou has TONS of Pokemon in his PC because he for sure min/max every fucking battle. Is not afraid to stop by a PC before a gym to switch out Pokemon to what he needs. Has beaten the elite four five times and each time totally different pokemon and always refuses to stay and be champion cause
"It's be pretty fuckin boring waiting around all damn day for some weak ass extra to beat."
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