#poring over the files and the event archives trying to piece the mystery together
classicjdog · 1 year
13 sentinels is absolutely positively batshit fucking insane
just finished the game last night and WOW is it fucking good
#throughout the final stretch of the game i found myself almost avoiding or stalling on making progress cause i didn't want it to be over#cause experiencing this game's story and all the twists and turns#constantly trying and inevitably completely failing to figure where the fuck this is all going#poring over the files and the event archives trying to piece the mystery together#watching old cutscenes back because you're trying to figure out some specific thing#and the rare times where watching that cutscene back didn't help with what you were originally there for#but it helped you figure out something COMPLETELY DIFFERENT#the even rarer times (at least for me lol) where you ACTUALLY figure out something pretty big just before the game explains it#just playing the story and actively trying to piece it all together is one of the most joyously fun experiences i've ever had with a game#the amount of times this story had me staring at the tv with my jaw on the floor#or throwing my hand over my mouth to stifle a yell because it was like 3 in the morning#like it's kind of insane how much new information the game is constantly bombarding you with#and yet it actually wraps up in a super satisfying way imo#and also the freedom the game gives you in regards to the order that you consume the story is soooo wild to me#like the order in which big reveals are made can change soooo drastically depending on whose stories you go through first#like there are so many scenes where like#if i hadn't seen this other specific scene from another character's story first#i would have been completely fucking baffled by what i was watching#oh and also i was watching a playthrough of the game while i was playing through it#woolieversus to be specific#being very careful to stop anytime they started something that i hadn't got to yet#which happened pretty often because again#you have so much freedom in the order you play through the story chapters#but following along with another playthrough definitely helped me get a better grasp on a lot of things#and obviously it helped me retain information so much better than i would have on my own#and tbh just listening to them bounce ideas off each other and thinking to myself about the theories and shit they'd posit#that was a lot of fun too#so yeah shout outs to woolie and reggie#i never would've heard of or tried out this game if it wasn't for them#i had more shit to say but i'm running out of room in the tags and i'm hella tired cause i haven't slept yet so i'll just leave it there
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