#ppau fun facts
livikattt · 1 year
daily fun but useless ppau fact #4
pretend i didn't miss yesterday. I'll do 2 today
there are 51 champions represented by only one Summoner (for now):
Akshan - Lourlo
Annie - Cryin
Ashe - Crownie
Brand - IgNar
Corki - LaMiaZeaLot
Darius - Adam
Evelynn - Selfmade
Gangplank - GimGoon
Hecarim - Santorin
Heimerdinger - Wadid
Janna - Mellisan
Jax - Impact
Jinx - Comp
Karthus - xPeke
Kayn - Spica
Kennen - Nuguri
Kled - Finn
Lissandra - Care
Lucian - Johnsun
Lulu - Zven*
Lux - Biofrost
Malphite - Doinb
Malzahar - Caedrel
Nilah - Patrik
Nunu & Willump - Mistake
Olaf - Bengi
Poppy - JunJia
Quinn - Alphari
Rell - Shenyi
Renata Glasc - Kellin
Riven - BrokenBlade
Rumble - Huni
Senna - Photic**
Skarner - Zanzarah
Soraka - Trymbi
Tahm Kench - Vulcan
Taliyah - Crown
Taric - Prismal
Teemo - Hai***
Trundle - Tarzan
Twitch - imp
Urgot - Evi
Vex - Xiaohu
Viktor - Ablazeolive
Volibear - Razork
Yasuo - Perkz****
Yuumi - Meiko
Zac - Blank
Zed - Faker
Zilean - Bjergsen
Zyra - PoohManDu
*- he's also Ezreal when acting as ADC
**- won't be the only Senna for much longer
***- Viper has a slight Teemo reference (he can blind enemies)
****- he's also Xayah when acting as ADC
yes, a lot of these are signature champions/meme picks. I am a simple creature.
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aryasage · 1 year
some fun facts about raftf
we took turns each controlling a character, each just shy of 100 (196 total turns taken, 98 each)
in theory this means that liv wrote spica pov and i wrote viper pov.
in practice this means that meiko made everything far too complicated and we sort of gave up on that
we had a bracket of 32 titles battle it out before settling on run away from the faith
a few of the almost-winners:
want you outta my head
think that they run this town
conquer the monster in your head
all in your mind and it's fighting you
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livikattt · 1 year
daily fun but useless ppau fact #17
meiko has successfully turned into all twelve animals of the chinese zodiac except for one but boy has he TRIED
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livikattt · 1 year
daily fun but useless ppau fact
gumayusi was originally senna, and keria was originally one of his many weird support picks. (I think he was wukong. but I could be wrong.) I changed keria first because I wasn't vibing with it, and besides, how the fuck do I describe keria bonking people with a stick while still making it keria-ish. guma was changed when i started writing his and keria's first fic, because senna's clunky ass relic gun doesn't make for very good fast-paced fight scenes.
currently, there's only one senna in-universe (that I have on the spreadsheet) but fear not, we might get another one soon. even if he'd be mad about being a doggy ad.
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livikattt · 1 year
daily fun but useless ppau fact #2
there are 50 champions that don't have a specific Summoner representing them in ppau-verse (...for now):
Aurelion Sol
Master Yi
Miss Fortune
*- this is a Void champion, so they're not assigned to Summoners. Some of them have made appearances at some point or another, and most of them have Void creatures based off them.
**-I won't be writing a Gragas-based Summoner any time soon, since his entire concept is just "fat drunk guy" and there's way too many issues with that for me to be able to respectfully translate him into this universe.
There are also a bunch of champions with only one Summoner representing them. Some of them will only ever have one Summoner, while some of them just aren't the right fit for anyone but that one person.
Thanks for reading the daily useless fun fact :D
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livikattt · 1 year
daily fun but useless ppau fact #5
pretty much all of my fics have different titles when I'm writing them on the doc. unfortunately I change the titles when I finish sometimes so I don't have all of them but here are the original titles
"lolesports professional players alternate universe chaos causing" aka "think you're dreaming of greatness"
"it's time for a new empireeee" aka "it's time for a new empire"
"scout can't sleep LOL" aka "one day you'll wish you hadn't"
"guma is a fool?" aka "counting failures (you can't let them go)"
"let the shadows take hold" was always the title...
"GENERATED PROMPT FIC" aka "the light we share"
"o7 more like o6 KEKW" aka "gone in a flash before our time"
"loser bracket KEKW" aka "there's no crown for losing"
"gumayusi more like gumayuSIMP" aka "someday both of us are leaving here"
as a treat, here are some titles of unfinished stories
obligatory showmaker fic
coping HARD bruh
faker backstory pog?
ls fanboy moment
all the ways that you could fall
the name that you fear
your fate is set in stone
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livikattt · 1 year
daily fun but useless ppau fact #16
when I say "thrown from the Rift" I'm not KIDDING. the victors have to get the losers off the Rift somehow, and 9 times out of 10, they just kinda... toss them off. Teams have different ways of doing things (for example, SSG would let Crown earthbend the enemy team out of there, Toph-style) but at the end of the day... some people drop them off. some people drop kick them. Tian roundhouses jankos into next week. stuff like that. so it can get a biiiiit personal up there.
speaking of personal, guess who ended up with the honor of throwing keria from the rift? :)
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livikattt · 1 year
rereading hall of shame (and easter eggs)
"the" damwon guild (skull emoji)
scout "resets" on the rift. i'm 99% sure that was supposed to be "rests". haha funny reset joke though
"Even if the sensors somehow missed it, I would have." this kind of works in context but it sounds fucking goofy
"I hated the idea of being like Viper, screaming myself awake every night." but he doesnt,,,,,,,,, he doesnt sleep at,,,,,,,,,, [look. i hadn't figured out Viper's Deal back then.]
"even Viper has a tear trailing down his cheek" dude... viper rly was supposed to be this stoic ass motherfucker wasn't he... and now he just has Trauma lmfao crazy how the world works
"Scout does the math on his fingers. “I think that checks out.”" DUDE THATS LIKE 10 APHELIOSES (wait actually i think this was an intentional reference bc i did the calculation on how much of an aphelios that was)
keria picks up guma's call with his words slurred from sleep or something but then he later says he was still awake?? cant tell if this is a consistency thing
“It’s telling me that 2022 is our year,” no,,,,, no it is not,,,,,
noctum is not black. it's silvery blue. thank u aryasage for finding my clownery as usual. listen,,, it's a METAPHOR GUYS,,,,, YEAH,,, PLANNED
"I dropped out of high school, so give me a break." so did faker jojo you ain't special
"“Holy fuck,” Razork says the second he finishes. Danny’s heart skips a beat as he waits for him to finish. The jungler runs his hand through his hair again. “That’s exactly what I was thinking of.”" there's an alternate scene where he says "that's exactly not what i was thinking of" or something, the more u know
Humanoid's TF ult cooldown will become a bit of an aneurysm causer for me later down the line.
I was gonna do regional differences (with koreans saying "void wastes" and north americans saying "void wilds") but I forgot about that so
in giafbot, there's a line where the only thing on it is the letter i and a quotation mark. and a period. i hate it.
"his body wreathed in shadows as he flies through the halls" fucking coward say he's flying through the walls
how fast did they get the fucking statues for the tsm memorial? that shit takes time! unless they had them sitting around Just in Case???
when texting guma, oner capitalizes faker's name but not keria's, and that is OUT OF CHARACTER ASF. NO WAY HE CAPITALIZES FAKER
grounded guma is allowed to have zeus as a chaperone. imagine asking someone younger than you to chaperone you just to get food
guma: hates damwon for losing msi and worlds 2-3
also guma: does the same thing [PAIN]
"That was supposed to be me, Gumayusi finally manages to think above the noise." faker has to think this about keria getting skewered too!
"“What were you thinking?” He squawks," u fool. u absolute buffoon. u do not capitalize that h.
btw sboualh's on-crack summary style is incredible i love it (pats own back)
"despite being fired by someone who has a grand total of half an arm" this is projection
"(btw remember when i said it wasn't T1's year?? guma and keria heard me talking shit)" [PAIN]
the fact I did actual MATH to come up with guma's score... couldn't tell you what it was though
...so did I not have a consistent way of indicating people were talking through their communicators? k great I hate it
I fucking forgot that TSM and DIG headquarters are next to each other didn't I
spica and bjergsen were really about to break the summoner's code just to kill neo for disrespecting their bro
why are there weird spaces between italics and stuff I hate that
referring to spica as ming confused the shit out of me because yes that's his name but also like. rng ming exists. my brain nearly exploded on that reread.
the tone shift in chapter 2 of eticmealloyr kills me,,, we're doing this quiet night reflection and then BOOM IMPACT SHATTERING TACTICALS LEG
"But Biofrost spent way too long expecting to be a doctor to not at least learn a bit of healing magic." IS THIS A FUCKING ASIAN UPBRINGING JOKE I CANTTT
spica's interaction with bb is the same as meiko's with viper and im gonna die mad about that
I almost asked why the TSM squad had to walk out to the teleportation circle instead of driving before I remembered spica's tweets as he learned to drive...
spica's beliefs about death are very asian but idk if that makes sense in-universe
I say a whole army of Summoners attends perkz's wedding but i made the guest list and boy was that an exaggeration
...danny should not be fighting rn
why the fuck did I hyphenate mid-laner only once
does faker laugh at berserker being humble because he's used to having the cockiest ad carry in the world...
I like how I capitalize JackeyLove's name right but not Showmaker's. It's not happening. I do what I want. For example I capitalize BeryL properly because the man is a massive L
doublelift rly had to be SOOOO VAGUE
....showmaker's R cooldown is even shorter than humanoid's holy shit (then again he's a world champion so it's fine guys haha it's fiiiine)
"What's with this guy and answering questions with more questions." That should be a question mark... unless it's a bad haha funnie about purposefully NOT making it a question???
I'm pretty sure both meiko and spica have questioned viper's pronoun game with the same phrase. haha parallels guys! haha yeah!
when healing deft, keria tells him to stfu like twice in one minute
deokdam inviting viper to the festival sounds... sus.
I had to do it to make it seem serious, but it doesn't change the fact that ale types in complete sentences for the emergency alert
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livikattt · 1 year
daily fun but useless ppau fact #15
K/DA exists in this universe, do with that what you will
(the group, i mean. no one tracks K/D/A. but if you did it would be a bit....... well viper's kda would be LEGENDARY lemme tell ya)
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livikattt · 1 year
daily fun but useless ppau fact #14
i missed yesterday but this time i just pretend it do not happen so here's where every fic/chapter title came from
think you're dreaming of greatness: Take Over
it's time for a new empire: Phoenix
one day you'll wish you hadn't: Burn It All Down, chapter titles: wish (soraka r), you and me (yuumi w), end of the line (graves something or other), moonlight vigil (aphelios r), and harrowed path (viego e)
counting failures (you can't let them go): Edge of Infinity (the LEC one)
let the shadows take hold: Aphelios, the Weapon of the Faithful
the light we share: Burning Bright, chapter titles: a taste of destiny you're searching for (Awaken), light the way (Zeri, the Spark of Zaun)
gone in a flash before our time: Burning Bright
there's no crown for losing: MAD vs G2 rap battle
someday both of us are leaving here: Everything Goes On, chapter titles: like it's destiny (mediocre rap battle of the lec) (ive given up on capitalization), let's pretend a little longer (everything goes on), every time you bleed (legends never die), it's never over (awakened), chasing whispers (i'll find a way), these walls come tumbling down (guns for hire), while I'm by your side (everything goes on)
every time i close my eyes (a little less of you remains): I'll Find a Way, chapter titles: fate's call (kalista r), broken wings (riven whateverthefuck)
brute force and style combine: Here Comes Vi
dont ask me what run away from the faith is from 'cause idk arya chose it
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livikattt · 1 year
daily fun but useless ppau fact #13
in the most Ancient draft of ppau before I even figured it out, I had some rather cursed champion choices that were mostly arbitrary so here we go
doublelift would have been vayne
blaber would have been olaf but i thought kindred was Cooler and also how write angry man with axe
rekkles was going to be kai'sa... but then I realized how often that mf played jhin in 2021...
ONER XIN ZHAO HUHHHHHHH???? (I assume that this was before I knew about him being a black belt...)
viper was teemo.
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livikattt · 1 year
daily fun but useless ppau fact #12
as elise summoners, peanut and broxah got their powers from the vilemaw. this does not make it awkward when they run into it at perkz's wedding. not at all.
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livikattt · 1 year
daily fun but useless ppau fact #11
although Danny and Upset can both face-tank a lightning bolt (I’m sorry for the video game terms I had to) there’s still a limit to how much electricity they can absorb before it becomes too much for them to handle. This could be an issue because magic gives zero fucks about the actual limitations of the human body (see Lee “Scout” Ye-chan) so their magic wouldn’t stop absorbing electricity just because it was damaging their bodies. The same goes for razork, although he’s not at as much risk since he doesn’t passively generate electricity.
Nuguri is another story and is completely immune to any electricity-based attacks. This wasn’t always the case, since he was once prone to hurting himself with his own magic.
I would imagine both Nuguri and Danny having Lichtenberg figures on their skin by the end of 2022—Nuguri from when he was originally struck, and Danny after channeling too much power to get EG to Worlds.
I don’t want to jinx it but I might have manifested the power coming back on 🙏🏻 I’m the greatest
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livikattt · 1 year
daily fun but useless ppau fact #10
I'm putting it under a read more because it's long af (because... my dumbass.... makes a lot of jokes. if u didn't notice.)
chapter one: wish (soraka r)
“Not a single sign that the Rift’s champions, those gods amongst men, had ever been there at all.”
This was a vague reference to Damwon’s championship skins where they had wanted to appear as gods coming down from the heavens, if I remember correctly.
“And Faker would never be enough of a fool to trust someone who once lived in his shadow.”
Faker is (kind of) Zed in this au, so this is secretly a joke. ha ha.
chapter two: you and me (yuumi w) (get it? because meiko's skin is yuumi? i'm not funny ahahahah)
“Hmm,” Jiejie begins, his eyes wandering as he thinks. “I think Meiko would have wished for something to make him an even better support than he already is. Viper probably wished that he’d never miss a shot, and Flandre definitely wished for some magic that’s better than that smoke thing he does. That, or to be able to do this his entire life. Who knows?”
Two out of three isn't bad :)
“But Jiejie,” Scout says, intentionally mispronouncing his name. “How can you even be tired?”
I explained this in the end notes already, but Scout pronounces Jiejie’s name like 姐姐, which means older sister. Credit to my friend that only referred to Jiejie as “big sister” all throughout Worlds 2021. Bro is gonna fail Chinese III.
“Breathe, Yechan. Breathe.”
I’m pretty sure Scout is the only one to be referred to by his real name by his teammates, if you don’t count the introductions in the first EG fic. Generally, I try to avoid their real names, since it starts to feel a bit awkward once I’m writing about Ryu Minseok and not Keria or something. It’s too personal for me.
(Edit a few days later: I forgot about Miky but c’mon, I was not about to refer to him as “Mikyx” the entire fic)
(Edit a few more days later: Gumayusi got full name’d, shit is going down)
(Edit a few more more days later: everyone getting full name'd now this is not a drill)
quick tw for death but when my mom was crying to me about her dad's last wishes i. i kind of. i kind of went "AYO WHAT DID I HAVE MEIKO DO IN ODYWYH TO COMFORT SCOUT I NEED TO KNOW" and just tried to channel whatever he did
im that emotionally constipated kill me
chapter three: end of the line (graves q)
“He plays Teamfight Tactics until he sees stars when he blinks.”
Perhaps in this universe Riot Games is truly a small indie company…
“Scout tries to scream, but without the room to expand his chest, all that comes out is the faintest whine.”
This was tested to make sure it was an accurate depiction. I got sleep paralysis once when my sister was audibly on a call in the room over. I tried to scream. Didn’t work. The sound I made was actually very embarrassing. (it is ok to laugh at me for my sleep paralysis experiences. they are funny in hindsight. for more tips on how to handle sleep paralysis just hmu)
“We’ll go to Europe, then. I’ve heard there’s a retired Summoner that can suppress someone’s abilities. Maybe he’ll be able to suppress the Rift’s blessing as well.”
Some of you (by which i mean aryasage) caught it already, but this is a reference to Caedrel. In a different version, Scout’s response is, “No, he’ll just cancel it.”
chapter four: moonlight vigil (aphelios r)
“He’s not stupid—he knows what sleep deprivation does to people. (He’s read the Russian sleep experiment creepypasta, after all.)”
Somehow I doubt he would have been able to get his hands on that one, but whatever. Either way it’s kind of terrifying, and if it was true, this fic would go in a very different direction. Would not recommend it if you're scared easily or if you spend too much time thinking about everything that could go wrong.
“Telling the whole story to the rest of his team is quite possibly the hardest thing Scout’s ever done, if he ignores the past week or so.”
“You look like shit.”
In a different version, Scout absolutely snaps at Jiejie and then proceeds to verbally and emotionally obliterate him. I kind of wish I had been able to keep it in, since I thought it was kind of fun in a “haha angst goes brrr” kind of way, but it didn’t really fit in with the rest of the chapter.
“Scout sniffs, gratefully accepting the tissue someone hands him. He’s been going through a lot of those lately, despite it being November.”
Is there even a no-nut November equivalent in China??? Either way I thought I was hilarious in the moment.
“Forcibly inducing sleep (aka punching Scout in the head) is out too once Viper mentions brain damage, even if Meiko insists he can fix it.”
They don’t test this theory, but Meiko is 100% confident that his magic can repair brain damage. In the end, they decide it’s not worth finding out.
ppau leak: this comes up later
I spent thirty minutes googling how to meditate just to write this chapter. Worth.
“Scout tries to respond. His body doesn’t move an inch. Somewhat deliriously, he imagines himself as a meme. Aw, shit. Here we go again.”
‘“You need to relax.” Jiejie leans forward, holding two fingers to Scout’s head. “And trust me. Do you trust me?”’
Jiejie quotes Evelynn here for no other reason than He Can.
chapter five: harrowed path (viego e)
“Forgiveness is a bitch, and so am I.”
My English teacher wouldn’t let me use this line in my personal essay, so I put it here instead.
“It’s then that Scout realizes they’ve been moved from the couch to someone’s room, where two twin beds have been haphazardly shoved close to each other.”
no homo [lolrpf shippers I'm looking at u.]
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livikattt · 1 year
daily fun but useless ppau fact #9
the xayah/rakan powers come from the ppau equivalent of vastayan magic. it's kind of a hereditary thing, yknow... vastayan blood and all that. so anyway ofc when perkz switches to adc he's not part of any vastayan bloodline but you know. if you've gotta blood oath yourself to your guild anyway, might as well do a vastaya blood transfusion while you're at it. the transformation is painful as one might expect but worth it (for perkz at least)
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livikattt · 1 year
daily fun but useless ppau fact(s) #8
ft. showmaker and canyon because 8 is my lucky number and they sure as hell finished at least in the top 8........... [pain.] as usual user aryasage knows most if not all of these already
showmaker uses whatever cards he has available to make his special ones, which means he can teleport using an enchanted mega charizard ex card or something
in 2019, jankos aims for a killing blow on showmaker and misses (as usual), hitting him opposite the heart instead. the thing about nidalee spear wounds is that they BURN like hell long after the actual wound's been healed (rip Keria)
in 2020, canyon aims for the same spot on jankos because he's petty like that, and unlike jankos, he actually hits his target spot-on.
after falling from the rift in 2019, canyon asks showmaker to make him a new spear. showmaker is twisted fate not ornn so that turns out to be pretty difficult but teamwork makes the dream work
while canyon's wish is pretty much public knowledge, the only person that knows showmaker's wish besides showmaker himself is canyon.
also canyon 100% considers just murdering jiejie + scout after worlds 2021 when jiejie comes to showmaker for help, just because scout traumatized the shit out of showmaker (who, ironically, didn't get much sleep after finals either)
they're bffs your honor
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