#pre primary school in Ghaziabad
haebix · 9 months
Unlocking the Power of Play: How Preschool Education Sets the Stage for Lifelong Learning
The importance of preschool education
Preschool education, especially at the Best Play School near Me, plays a crucial role in a child's development and sets the foundation for lifelong learning. It is during these early years that children's brains are rapidly developing and absorbing information like sponges. Preschool provides the ideal environment for children to explore, learn, and grow in a structured yet nurturing setting. Research has shown that children who attend preschool are better prepared for formal schooling and have higher academic achievement later in life.
In preschool, children are exposed to a wide range of educational activities that promote cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development. They engage in play-based learning, which is a highly effective method of teaching young children. Play allows children to make sense of the world around them, experiment with new ideas, and develop problem-solving skills. Through play, children learn important concepts such as numbers, letters, colors, and shapes, while also developing crucial social skills like sharing, taking turns, and cooperation.
The Best Nursery and Preschool in India not only prepares children academically but also helps them develop essential life skills. They learn how to communicate effectively, express their emotions, and interact with others in a positive and respectful manner. Preschool also helps children build self-confidence and independence, as they are encouraged to make choices, solve problems, and take responsibility for their actions. All these skills are fundamental for success in school and in life.
Benefits of play-based learning
Play-based learning is at the heart of preschool education and offers numerous benefits for young children. Through play, children are actively engaged in their learning, making it more enjoyable and meaningful. Play provides a hands-on approach to learning, allowing children to explore and discover the world around them through their senses. This multisensory experience enhances their understanding and retention of new concepts.
In a play-based learning environment, children are free to follow their interests and curiosity, which promotes intrinsic motivation and a love for learning. They have the opportunity to engage in imaginative play, which fosters creativity and problem-solving skills. Through pretend play, children can take on different roles and explore various scenarios, expanding their understanding of the world and developing empathy.
Play-based learning also promotes the development of essential motor skills. Children engage in activities that require fine and gross motor movements, such as building with blocks, drawing, and climbing. These activities strengthen their muscles and coordination, laying the foundation for future physical activities and sports.
Finding the best play school near you
When it comes to choosing a play school for your child, it is important to find one that aligns with your educational philosophy and meets your child's needs. Start by researching Play Schools near Me on map and it will show you all schools near you. Then gathering all the information about their curriculum, teaching methods, facilities, and staff qualifications. Reading reviews and seeking recommendations from other parents can also provide valuable insights.
Visit the play schools you are considering and observe the classrooms in action. Pay attention to the interaction between teachers and children, the quality of materials and resources available, and the overall atmosphere of the school. Trust your instincts and choose a play school where you feel your child will be safe, happy, and well-cared for.
Consider the location and convenience of the play school as well. A school that is closer to your home or workplace can reduce travel time and make it easier to drop off and pick up your child. Additionally, inquire about the fees, admission process, and any additional services or extracurricular activities offered by the play school.
Play school admission process and requirements!
Each play school may have its own admission process and requirements. It is important to familiarize yourself with these beforehand to ensure a smooth application process. Most play schools require parents to fill out an application form and submit certain documents such as the child's birth certificate, medical records, and proof of residence.
Some play schools may also require an interview or assessment of the child's readiness for preschool. This can involve simple activities to assess the child's language skills, motor skills, and social-emotional development. It is important to prepare your child for this process by talking to them about what to expect and providing opportunities for them to practice these skills at home.
It is advisable to start the admission process well in advance, as popular play schools often have limited availability and may require early registration. Stay organized and keep track of application deadlines to ensure you don't miss out on the opportunity to enroll your child in the play school of your choice.
Choosing the right preschool daycare
For working parents or those in need of extended care for their children, choosing a preschool daycare can be a great option. Preschool daycares offer a combination of early education and childcare, providing a safe and stimulating environment for children during the day. They often follow a play-based curriculum and offer a range of activities that promote learning and development.
When choosing a preschool daycare, consider factors such as the quality of care provided, the qualifications and experience of the staff, the ratio of caregivers to children, and the overall safety and hygiene of the facility. Look for a preschool daycare that offers a balance between structured learning activities and free play, as well as opportunities for outdoor play and physical exercise.
It is also important to consider the convenience and logistics of preschool daycare. Check if the daycare is located near your home or workplace and if they offer flexible hours that align with your schedule. Inquire about the fees, any additional services or meals provided, and their policies regarding sick days, holidays, and vacations.
Top-rated preschools in your area
If you are looking for the Best Preschool near My Location, there are several resources you can utilize to find top-rated options. Online directories and review websites often provide a list of preschools along with ratings and reviews from parents. Local parenting groups and forums can also be a valuable source of recommendations and firsthand experiences.
When evaluating preschools, consider factors such as the curriculum, teaching approach, facilities, and qualifications of the staff. Look for preschools that prioritize play-based learning, provide a variety of stimulating materials and resources, and have well-trained and experienced teachers. Take into account the overall reputation and track record of the preschool in terms of academic achievement and parent satisfaction.
Visiting the preschools in person is highly recommended to get a feel for the environment and observe how the teachers interact with the children. Take note of the classrooms, outdoor play areas, and any specialized facilities such as art or music rooms. Ask questions about the daily routine, the support provided for children with special needs, and the communication between parents and teachers.
The best nursery school near you
Nursery schools are an important stepping stone in a child's educational journey. They provide a nurturing and structured environment for children aged 3 to 5 years, preparing them for the transition to formal schooling. When looking for the best nursery school near you, consider factors such as the curriculum, teaching methods, facilities, and staff qualifications and parent review for their school. Because Parents' Testimonials for Preschool, can guide your decision-making process as you seek a nursery school for your kids that aligns with your child's educational and developmental needs.
A good nursery school should focus on holistic development, promoting cognitive, social, emotional, and physical growth. Look for a nursery school that offers a well-rounded curriculum that includes language and literacy development, mathematical concepts, scientific exploration, creative arts, and physical activities. The curriculum should be age-appropriate, engaging, and designed to cater to the individual needs and interests of each child.
Check if the nursery school has a low student-to-teacher ratio, allowing for personalized attention and care. The teachers should be qualified and experienced in early childhood education, with a deep understanding of child development and effective teaching strategies. Inquire about the facilities and resources available, such as a library, play areas, and age-appropriate learning materials.
Creating a positive learning environment at home
While preschool education plays a crucial role in a child's development, the learning process does not stop when they come home. Parents can create a positive learning environment at home to further enhance their child's educational journey. Here are some tips to foster a love for learning and support your child's development:
Establish a routine: Consistency and structure are important for young children. Set a daily routine that includes dedicated time for learning, play, rest, and family activities. This helps children feel secure and provides a sense of predictability.
Encourage curiosity: Foster your child's natural curiosity by providing opportunities for exploration and discovery. Have age-appropriate books, puzzles, and educational toys readily available. Visit museums, parks, and other places of interest to spark their interest in the world around them.
Read together: Reading is one of the most effective ways to promote language and literacy skills. Make reading a daily ritual by setting aside dedicated time for reading together. Choose a variety of books, including fiction, non-fiction, and picture books, to expose your child to different genres and topics.
Engage in conversations: Talk to your child about their day, their interests, and their thoughts and feelings. Engage in meaningful conversations that allow them to express themselves and develop their language skills. Encourage them to ask questions and provide opportunities for open-ended discussions.
Limit screen time: While technology can be a useful tool for learning, it is important to set limits on screen time. Excessive screen time can interfere with a child's social interaction, physical activity, and sleep. Encourage alternative activities such as outdoor play, creative arts, and imaginative play.
The role of parents in early childhood education
Parents play a crucial role in their child's early childhood education. They are their child's first and most important teachers, providing love, care, and support that lay the foundation for future learning. Here are some ways parents can actively participate in their child's education:
Establish a partnership with the preschool: Maintain open and regular communication with your child's preschool teachers. Attend parent-teacher conferences, participate in school events, and join parent committees or volunteer opportunities. This collaboration ensures that you are aware of your child's progress, any concerns, and how you can support their learning at home.
Create a literacy-rich environment: Surround your child with books, magazines, and other reading materials. Read to them regularly and encourage them to explore books independently. Establish a cozy reading corner or a mini-library in your home to make reading a pleasurable and accessible activity.
Support homework and assignments: As your child progresses in preschool, they may be given homework or assignments to complete. Set aside dedicated time and provide a quiet and distraction-free space for them to work. Offer guidance and assistance when needed, but also encourage independence and problem-solving skills.
Foster a love for learning: Show enthusiasm and curiosity for learning yourself. Engage in activities that promote learning and discovery, such as visiting museums, going on nature walks, or conducting simple science experiments together. Emphasize the joy of learning rather than focusing solely on achievements or grades.
Celebrate achievements and milestones: Acknowledge and celebrate your child's achievements, big and small. Praise their efforts and progress, and provide positive reinforcement. This builds their self-esteem and motivation to continue learning and exploring.
Conclusion: Investing in your child's future through preschool education
Preschool education provides a solid foundation for lifelong learning and development. It offers numerous benefits, including cognitive, social, emotional, and physical growth. Play-based learning, a key component of preschool education, promotes active engagement, creativity, and problem-solving skills. By searching for the Best Play School near My Location on the search engine and catching the best school for your kids. This is the best way to actively participate in your child's education, you are investing in their future success.
Preschool education is not only about academic preparation but also about nurturing essential life skills, independence, and self-confidence. It sets the stage for a positive attitude towards learning and lays the groundwork for future academic achievements. As parents, you play a vital role in supporting your child's early childhood education and creating a positive learning environment at home. By prioritizing preschool education, you are giving your child the best start in life and setting them up for a bright and successful future.
Invest in your child's future today by finding the best play school near you and actively engaging in their early education journey.
Start your child's educational journey today by finding the best play school near you. Invest in their future success and provide them with a solid foundation for lifelong learning.
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maantechshubham · 1 year
Top Executive MBA Colleges in India
Top 5 Executive MBA Colleges in India Introduction
The MBA is one of the most sought-after degrees in the country, especially among students aiming for managerial positions in the private sector. Up until recently, very few individuals in India were familiar with the term "executive MBA." However, it is now one of the most popular courses among senior executives who wish to advance their career prospects.
Business executives should enroll in the executive MBA if they have at least five years of professional experience. The job experience requirements vary depending on the college. The applicant or students are permitted to enroll in this program and hold full-time employment at the same time.
And here you will get to know the list of the Top Executive MBA Colleges in India that includes. The Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Ahmedabad, the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Calcutta, Kolkata, the Faculty of Management Studies (FMS) in Delhi, the Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT Delhi), the Institute of Management Technology (IMT) in Ghaziabad, and the NMIMS School of Business are a few of them.
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Top 5 Executive MBA Colleges List 
Bangalore IIM
For those with outstanding credentials and 5 to 12 years of professional experience, the full-time Executive Post Graduate Programme in Management (EPGP), a demanding one-year residential program leading to an MBA, was developed. The EPGP offers students a firm grounding in fundamental management disciplines and concepts with a level of rigor comparable to that of a two-year MBA, as well as a comparable selection of electives and grading standards. One key advantage of the EPGP is the way the course material builds on the students' extensive and diverse work experience.
Narsee Monjee's NMIMS Institute of Management Studies Your business knowledge will increase as a result of this AICTE-approved curriculum (Imparted in ODL Mode), which will also give you the ability to identify unstructured issues and apply creative solutions. Learn about the fundamentals of business by using the pre-program modules from Harvard Business Publishing Education.
It usually offers several Executive MBA course specializations because it is one of the Best Online Executive MBA Colleges in India.
An executive MBA college in India is a great option for you if you are a seasoned professional in any field and want to advance your career. You can advance to the top levels of a company with the aid of an executive MBA. You would no longer serve as a company's primary technological employee. It gives you the best managerial and leadership abilities, enabling you to take charge and steer your business.
IMT Ghaziabad 
A division of the famous IMT Ghaziabad, the IMT Ghaziabad-Centre for Online Learning is committed to providing students with access to the best online and remote learning available in the fields of business and management. The AICTE and AIU-accredited college offers carefully chosen courses that foster critical and analytical thinking in students as they advance in their business and management abilities. You could locate credible training for Indian Online Executive MBA Colleges right here.
ISB (Indian School of Business)
The ISB, one of Hyderabad's leading business schools, strives to offer management education that is up-to-date with global standards. The university is among the few in the world to have obtained the "Triple Crown" accreditation from the Association to Advance Association of MBAs, EFMD Quality Improvement System, and Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), in addition to other honors and accreditations (AMBA).
Top Executive MBA Colleges in India Admission Process
The major method of admission for a Top Executive MBA College in India is through entrance tests. If a student has a strong job history and several years of experience, some colleges, including SP Jain, will admit them. The most crucial qualification is having a thorough knowledge of the industry you operate in and having insights into the market.
Step 1: The GMAT is the entrance exam that is most frequently accepted. For an executive MBA, the majority of IIMs consider GMAT. On the GMAT, a score of 750 or higher is excellent. Some items, including IIM Kozhikode, IIM Shillong, and IIM Rohtak, also accept the CAT, and the score is good for up to five years.
Step 2: Language Test - A language test is also necessary for some Executive MBA programs, including the EPGP at IIM Bangalore and the PGPX at IIM Udaipur. These courses expose students to other countries.
Step 3: The next step is a group discussion, which is designed to assess your communication abilities. You need to be knowledgeable about current events taking place around the world in order to perform well in this round.
Step 4: Writing an essay is a key component of the admissions process since it gives the business school a better understanding of the applicant's objectives and aspirations. WAT is really heavy, thus it needs to be prepared carefully.
Step 5: The final step is the personal interview (PI), which is regarded as the most important step because it is here that your overall personality will be assessed. The selection committee will consider a candidate's individual personality qualities before determining whether or not they would be able to contribute to the program.
Top Executive MBA Colleges in India Offer Course Lists
Corporate Strategy and Policy
Economics and Social Sciences
Entrepreneurial Learning
Decision Sciences and Information systems
Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources Management
Finance and Accounting
Production and Operations Management
Top Executive MBA Colleges in India Eligibility Criteria
The requirements for admission to executive MBA programs can differ from university to university. However, some of the fundamental requirements for eligibility continue to apply to the majority of Indian colleges. The basic requirements for eligibility for an Executive MBA include
A minimum of 55% overall at the 10th, 12th, and graduation levels from an accredited institution is required for the candidate.
As an additional criterion for qualifying, some universities may ask for project specifics completed at graduation, employment experience, and other things.
Candidates should be employed or running their own businesses when they apply.
A minimum of three to eight years of work experience is required to be accepted during interview sessions.
The applicant must have earned a passing grade on any of the applicable entry exams for MBA programs, including the GMAT, GRE, XAT, and CAT.
Top Executive MBA Colleges in India Review & Ranking
Rankings of Executive Colleges in India 
IIM Ahmedabad
Business Today’17 Ranking 1
NIRF’20 Ranking  1
IIM Calcutta
Business Today’17 Ranking 2
NIRF’20 Ranking  3
FMS Delhi
Business Today’17 Ranking 6
NIRF’20 Ranking NA
IIM Indore
Business Today’17 Ranking 7
NIRF’20 Ranking  7
IIM Kozhikode
Business Today’17 Ranking 8
NIRF’20 Ranking  6
IIFT Delhi
Business Today’17 Ranking 9
NIRF’20 Ranking  NA
Institute of Management Technology (IMT Ghaziabad)
Business Today’17 Ranking 10
NIRF’20 Ranking  Ranked 37 for Private MBA
NMIMS School of Business Management, Mumbai
Business Today’17 Ranking 11
NIRF’20 Ranking Ranked 24 for Private MBA
International Management Institute (IMI Delhi)
Business Today’17 Ranking 12
NIRF’20 Ranking Ranked 27 for Private MBA*
Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai
Business Today’17 Ranking 14
NIRF’20 Ranking Ranked 23 for Private MBA*
Top Executive MBA Colleges in India Placement
For individuals who are already employed in the corporate world, the Top Executive MBA Colleges in India are customized programs. This course will give you more knowledge and strategies that are necessary for a successful job or to advance in the corporate sector. Based on their work histories and through several Executive MBA course specializations, the candidates for this one-year course have numerous opportunities available to them. The following table provides insight into the potential job profiles that are available in various industries, along with job descriptions and average salaries, to help determine the future use of an Executive MBA.
Many colleges and organizations also offer the course as a certification program, allowing professionals to take it as a quick professional course in addition to the degree-granting format. Compared to residential or on-campus programs, this provides a lot of benefits, including being a lot more flexible and useful. A traditional EMBA or MBA course will cost far more than an online one. This instruction can therefore benefit a bigger group at a much cheaper cost.
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indirapuramschool · 2 years
Fill the online form of Nursery Admission as the first step
When applying to Cambridge School for pre-primary admission, fill the online form of nursery admission as the first step. Complete the form with all necessary details to start the process of application to Cambridge.
Visit: https://ip.cambridgeschool.edu.in/about/
Shakti Khand II, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad, UP 201014 9818191692
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drskids630 · 2 years
Which are the top 10 master franchises preschool in India?
A preschool is a facility that provides pre-primary education to children, who are generally between the ages of 3 to 5. Preschools use a variety of methods of instruction, such as play, exploration and structured activities. A standard preschool curriculum includes literacy and numeracy skills, arts and crafts, social studies, physical education and health education. The curriculum also covers basic concepts in science and technology.
Drs Kids
Drs Kids is a master franchise in India for preschools in India. It is one of the top 10 master franchises for preschools in India with over 100 branches across the country and another 25 abroad, including Dubai. The company has a chain of preschools that offer services ranging from pre-school to primary education, which include special attention to language development, physical education and science as well as music and art appreciation classes.
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A few things make Drs Kids stand out from other schools:
· Its curriculum includes learning through playtime activities that encourage children to use their imagination while having fun at the same time
· There is an emphasis on early childhood development that helps prepare children for further schooling
· Every day begins with a morning assembly where parents are invited to join their kids at school
BrainyBeans Kids (BBK)
BrainyBeans Kids (BBK) is a franchise of the UK-based BrainyBeans, which has been running preschools since 1999.
BBK is a preschool franchise that offers a range of services to children aged 3 months to 6 years. The company has more than 100 centers in India and Nepal and is expanding rapidly with new centers opening every day. BBK’s growth has been fueled by its unique model of providing services through an innovative mix of education, play and care — all under one roof.
EuroKids International Ltd. (EKI)
EuroKids International Ltd. (EKI) is a global preschool franchise that operates more than 300 schools in India. It is the largest preschool franchise in India and has more than 500 schools worldwide with over 80 branches in China and over 30 branches in South Africa.
EKI was founded by Barbara Stocks, who started out as a teacher at London’s Royal College of Music. Her passion for musical education led her to open an academy where she could teach children how to learn music through fun activities such as singing songs, dancing, playing instruments, etc., rather than focusing on exams only.
Today EKI has become one of the top 10 master franchises in India for preschools in India because it offers:
· Curriculum based on Montessori method which is proven to stimulate brain development through activities like learning through play;
· A well-trained staff to provide quality education;
· A safe environment that fosters learning at every age level;
Kangaroo Kids Education Limited (KKEL)
Kangaroo Kids Education Limited (KKEL) is a preschool franchise in India that has been in business for over 9 years. Kangaroo Kids Education Limited (KKEL) is a preschool franchise for children aged between 2 and 12 years. The company aims to provide quality educational services to children by providing them with safe, hygienic, and secure learning environments with trained teachers who are focused on educating the children. The company also offers programs that allow parents to connect with their kids through interactive learning programs as well as group activities such as field trips, sports tournaments etc., along with individual lessons when needed.
The Kangaroo Kids Education Limited (KKEL) has 50 centers across India including Delhi NCR area covering areas like Gurgaon; Noida; Faridabad; Ghaziabad; Rohini etc., where they offer day care centers or full-time preschool education options for kids aged between 2 months to 12 years old
Little Elly
Little Elly is a preschool franchise that was started in 2012 by Elly Educational Services Pvt. Ltd. The company has more than 200 centres across India, offering preschool education and playgroup activities.
The Little Elly program aims to prepare your child for school by developing three skills: reading, writing, and mathematics. It also teaches them how to eat or drink safely without choking (with supervision).
Growing Minds Learning Centres Pvt. Ltd.
GML is a pioneer in preschool education in India. It has been ranked as one of the top franchises in India and has more than 200 schools across India. The company has been around since 2005, and it’s one of the largest preschool chains in India. Its annual revenue exceeds $20 million USD.
Apple Kids International Preschool & Daycare
Apple Kids International Preschool & Daycare is a branch of Apple Kids International, which is a chain of preschools in India. The school is located in Bangalore and offers full-day preschool education up to the age group of 5 years.
The curriculum of Apple Kids International Preschool & Daycare focuses on learning through play, with an emphasis on language development and social-emotional skills. The school uses a mix of Montessori and Reggio Emilia models for teaching these early childhood skills, allowing children to learn through play while developing their own interests and strengths at the same time.
DreamZ Education Services Pvt. Ltd. (Sesame Street India)
· DreamZ Education Services Pvt. Ltd. (Sesame Street India)
This is a joint venture between Sesame Workshop and DreamWorks Animation SKG, Inc., the creators of Sesame Street and the world famous characters from The Muppets. DreamZ Education Services Pvt. Ltd. (Sesame Street India) has been awarded the master franchise in India for Sesame Street in India, making it one of the first countries outside of North America to host this iconic brand in an educational format for preschoolers and children aged 2–6 years old across multiple media platforms including television, digital content and live events.
The Doodle Bugs Play School & Day Care Centre
The Doodle Bugs Play School & Day Care Centre
[School hours]
Age range of children: 2–5 years
Type of curriculum: Montessori Method supported by Singapore Curriculum across Kindergarten and Primary Sections. The Indian Curriculum is also taught from KG to Std IV, along with the CBSE syllabus for Std V — IX. The school aims at providing a holistic learning experience for the child through various exploratory activities like art & craft, music, dance & drama etc., all based on the Montessori method which focuses on understanding the child’s natural inclination towards learning.
Curriculum philosophy: The educational philosophy of Doodle Bugs Play School is based on that children learn most in an environment where they feel free and secure while being guided by adults who listen carefully to their needs so as to provide them with opportunities for unstructured play during which they develop their own sense of order and meaning while interacting with others within this framework (Montessori). At Doodlebugs we believe that children learn best through hands-on experiences that are meaningful and relevant to them (play). So our teachers give ample opportunities for playtime throughout each day so your child can explore his or her interests freely without any pressure from adults (child centered).
Curriculum Content: We provide a rich blend of curriculum content consisting both traditional as well as innovative subject areas such as Science experiments using household materials; Environmental studies where children are encouraged through outdoor activities such as gardening etc., Maths concepts including counting numbers up till 100; Language arts topics such as Shapes & colors etc.; Music instruments taught through story telling sessions where kids learn about cultures around us through folk songs from different countries; Dance sessions using basic movements related with music beats taught in class
These are the top 10 master franchise for preschools in India.
· Drs Kids
· BrainyBeans Kids (BBK)
· EuroKids International Ltd. (EKI)
· Kangaroo Kids Education Limited (KKEL)
· Little Elly
· Growing Minds Learning Centres Pvt. Ltd.
The preschool industry in India is growing rapidly and many players are trying to make their mark in this market. The best way to do so is by taking up a master franchise in India and expanding throughout the country. This will help them get access to a large number of customers and also make it easier for them to operate their business.
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neweraschool · 3 years
How a School's Culture Affects Your Kid's Learning?
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While most schools emphasize more on academics but the attention schools provide to the cultural and moral values for your kid is also important. The school culture and values describe what it stands for and makes and affects your child's beliefs and the way they think. New Era School, a leading preschool in Ghaziabad, gives the same culture and values to your kids. school's culture and values shape your child's behavior and approach in life; hence, it is an essential attribute for a school. Some of the best preschools in Ghaziabad have excellent school culture to make your kids better person. Are you looking for a pre-primary school in Ghaziabad? Enroll your kids at New Era School to get an excellent school culture and moral values experience.
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dpsindirapuram · 3 years
Top 5 CBSE Schools In Ghaziabad
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Ghaziabad, the marvellous city, has many options to lead to better education and a better way of life. It has an excellent educational system. Academic excellence is one of the educational system's top focuses. It is providing young pupils with the knowledge they need to advance in their academic pursuits. Its educational system is made up of qualified teachers that are exceptionally committed to their students. There are numerous excellent CBSE Schools in Ghaziabad that provide pupils with a great education and the ideal environment for a bright future.
List of Best CBSE Schools in Ghaziabad-
Delhi Public School, Indirapuram
Delhi Public School, Ghaziabad
Bal Bharti Public School
Ryan International
D.A.V Public School
Delhi Public School, Indirapuram
Delhi Public School in Indirapuram, Ghaziabad, was established in 2003 and is a renowned school under the Delhi Public School Society, New Delhi. The institution, which is affiliated with the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), has a dynamic educational philosophy that adapts to the changing requirements of society.
Delhi Public School Ghaziabad, Raj Nagar Extension
Delhi Public School Raj Nagar Extension Ghaziabad is a coed day school in Meerut Road, Ghaziabad, with classes ranging from Nursery to XII. The school is affiliated with the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) and follows the International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum. Classes range from Pre Primary School (Pre School) to Senior Secondary School (XI-XII) and follow the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) and the International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum (IB).
Bal Bharti Public School Ghaziabad
Bal Bharti Public School is one of the best private schools in the city. BBPS Ghaziabad is the school's official name. The school was founded in 2015 with the goal of providing opportunities through high-quality education. Ghaziabad's Bal Bharti Public School is a co-educational school that is part of the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). Every year in March, students take the AISSE (class X) and AISSCE (class XII) exams.
Ryan International School, Ghaziabad
Ryan International School, Ghaziabad, combines high-value delivery with modern learning tools to ensure a safe, healthy, positively energising, intellectually challenging, learning & enjoyable environment. The school is committed to engaging students in active, collaborative, and technology-based learning methodologies to develop formative and summative assessments of their learning.
D.A.V Public School
Despite the fact that this DAV, like others, draws on Vedic Sanskrit traditions, it was awarded an International School Award by the British Council. The school consistently receives good marks in the categories of value systems, social accountability, and infrastructure and amenities. D.A.V Public School is the third best CBSE School in Ghaziabad, with a teacher-to-student ratio of 1:15.
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rishabhgroup12 · 4 years
7 Reasons You should Look Forward to Invest in Vaishali Property
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Looking forward to settle in NCR region? Ghaziabad is a flourishing place to be. It is the most popular city of Uttar Pradesh. Right from infrastructure to decent localities and major facilities to help residents survive the modern day needs. The city is also one of the most universally chosen cities for residential purposes. Life is easier and more convenient here as compared to Delhi and other regions such as Gurugram and Noida.
There are a number of reasons this place makes for a great choice to live. Some of the best ones include the following listed below:
1. Malls
The presence of best malls in close proximity such as The Mahagun Metro Mall and many others make this area one of the top choices for people looking forward to settle in NCR area or those who wish to relocate from Delhi.
2. Good Education Centers
Did you know Vaishali is revered as the education hub of the NCR? Yes, the city is fast developing as one of the best and award winning area in terms of building education centers, pre-schools, primary schools, and colleges. So if you are planning to relocate with family, Vaishali is the place to be.
3. Better Commutation Connectivity
Buying a 2 bhk flat in Vaishali will offer you faster and easier connectivity through metro routes. This means you can cut down on travel time to office, shopping centres and nearby regions. Saves, time, money and energy! Rishabh Group, one of the reputed developers havee come up with many new projects offering better commutation connectivity.  
4. Affordable
Vaishali is one of the most affordable localities to live at present in Delhi-NCR region. The best part is that the area is replete with all necessary modern amenities. Rental accommodations are also very affordable. Eating outside has a lot of impressive options from Dhabas to fine dining restaurants and 5 star hotels. Tiffin services are also available at anywhere between 2k and 3k a month which makes an affordable option to hostlers, PG residents, office goers and college students. According to a survey, it is revealed that single person can easily live in this area for 20k a month.
5. Internet Facilities
This is yet another reason you should consider shifting to Vaishali. The place promises some of the best and fastest internet service facilities. The service providers have come up with several attractive plans for the residents.
6. Metro
Accessibility to metro will make you proud of your decision to invest in Vaishali. Metro has made life easier. You can move in around and far from the city without wasting much time. People in Vaishali find commuting very convenient.
7. Pollution
Pollution level is lesser in Vaishali than Delhi and nearby regions. This is definitely a strong reason to consider buying or renting a property in this region.
With so many amazing reasons to live in Vaishali, it is the right time to consider an investment. The property business will buzz soon and the prices may skyrocket once the market picks up.
Website- http://www.rishabhgroup.co.in/
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Kindergarten years are the most crucial time in a child's life, so make sure it is spent with enormous joy, positivity and delight. Select a school where love blossoms and your child receive care and attention under the guidance of professionally trained teachers. http://www.kudozpreschools.com/
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Aamrapali English School is one among the top 10 affordable CBSE Schools in Ghaziabad.  Our primary focus is to impart quality education to students and identify their potential. At Aamrapali English School, the learning environment is more than just a classroom. Each pre-primary space is a warm and secure community atmosphere designed to meet the child’s needs at every developmental step. Our -certified teachers are specialists in pre-primary children, skilled at guiding each child through carefully planned activities and lessons that build sensory-motor skills, socialization, self-esteem, independence, a sense of order, concentration, and cooperation. Best Affordable CBSE Schools in Ghaziabad
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sksworldschool · 2 years
Best International School in Greater Noida Focuses on Excellence in Education
Choose the Best International School in Greater Noida for your Child
Today, with a stunning infrastructure, state of the art technology, and easy accessibility from Delhi, Noida and Ghaziabad, SKSWS is a preferred choice for pre-primary, primary, secondary and senior secondary education. Enrol today if you want your child to study at the best international school in Greater Noida. Forms are available on SKSWS’ official website.
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haebix · 9 months
Building Strong Foundations: The Importance of Preschool for a Child's Cognitive Development
Introduction to the importance of preschool for cognitive development
As a parent, one of the most important decisions you will make for your child's future is choosing the right preschool. By researching Preschool and Daycare near Me to find the best preschool and gathering all the information about them because preschool plays a vital role in nurturing a child's cognitive development, laying the foundation for their lifelong learning journey. During the early years, children experience significant cognitive growth, and this period is critical for shaping their cognitive abilities. In this article, we will explore the importance of preschool in fostering cognitive development and how it impacts a child's long-term academic success.
The cognitive development milestones in early childhood
Early childhood is a time of rapid cognitive development. From birth to the age of five, children go through various cognitive milestones. In the first year, they learn to recognize faces, respond to their name, and develop basic problem-solving skills. As they grow older, their cognitive abilities expand to include language acquisition, memory development, and logical reasoning. By the time they reach preschool age, children are ready to delve deeper into cognitive skills, such as critical thinking, decision-making, and creativity.
The role of preschool in nurturing cognitive skills
Best Play School for kids, provides a structured environment where children can engage in activities that promote cognitive development. Through play, exploration, and guided learning experiences, preschoolers are exposed to a range of cognitive stimuli. They learn to follow instructions, solve puzzles, engage in imaginative play, and develop their fine motor skills. Moreover, preschool teachers are trained to facilitate cognitive growth by providing age-appropriate challenges and scaffolding children's learning. By creating a nurturing and stimulating environment, preschool lays the groundwork for future academic success.
The impact of cognitive development on long-term academic success
Cognitive development during early childhood has a significant impact on long-term academic success. Research has shown that children who have a strong foundation in cognitive skills are more likely to excel academically throughout their school years. Strong cognitive abilities, such as critical thinking and problem-solving, enable children to grasp complex concepts, analyze information, and apply their knowledge effectively. By fostering cognitive development in preschool, we set our children on a path of lifelong learning and achievement.
Benefits of preschool for cognitive development
Enrolling your child in a quality preschool program offers numerous benefits for their cognitive development. Firstly, preschool provides a structured and stimulating environment where children can engage in various activities that promote cognitive growth. They have access to educational materials, interactive games, and age-appropriate puzzles that challenge their thinking abilities. Secondly, preschool offers opportunities for social interaction, which enhances cognitive development. Through group activities, children learn to communicate, collaborate, and engage in problem-solving with their peers. Lastly, preschool teachers are trained professionals who understand the importance of cognitive development. They provide individualized attention, identify areas of improvement, and implement strategies to support each child's cognitive growth.
Choosing the right preschool for cognitive development
When choosing a preschool for your child, it is crucial to consider the program's approach to cognitive development. Look for a preschool that emphasizes hands-on learning, critical thinking, and problem-solving. A curriculum that integrates cognitive development into all aspects of learning will provide your child with a well-rounded education. Additionally, consider the qualifications and experience of the teachers. Preschool teachers should have a solid understanding of cognitive development and be skilled in fostering cognitive growth in young children. Visiting prospective preschools, talking to teachers, observing their teaching methods and Parents Testimonials for Preschool that can help you to make an informed decision.
Preschool activities and strategies that promote cognitive development
Preschool activities play a vital role in promoting cognitive development. Here are some strategies and activities that are commonly used in preschools to nurture cognitive skills:
Imaginative Play: Encourage children to engage in imaginative play, such as pretending to be different characters or creating stories. Imaginative play enhances cognitive skills, such as problem-solving, creativity, and language development.
Puzzle Solving: Provide puzzles and problem-solving games that challenge children's thinking abilities. Puzzles help develop spatial awareness, logical reasoning, and critical thinking skills.
Storytelling: Read stories to children and encourage them to retell or create their own stories. Storytelling enhances language skills, memory, and imagination.
Sensory Play: Engage children in sensory play activities that stimulate their senses. Activities like playing with sand, water, or clay help develop fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and cognitive abilities.
Number and Letter Recognition: Introduce children to numbers and letters through fun and interactive activities. This helps develop early numeracy and literacy skills, which are essential for cognitive development.
The importance of parental involvement in supporting cognitive development
While preschool plays a significant role in fostering cognitive development, parental involvement is equally important. Parents are their child's first and most influential teachers. By actively engaging in their child's learning journey, parents can support and enhance cognitive development. Here are some ways parents can promote cognitive growth at home:
Encourage Exploration: Provide a safe and stimulating environment where children can explore and discover. Allow them to engage in hands-on activities that stimulate their curiosity and problem-solving skills.
Foster Language Skills: Engage in conversations with your child, read together, and expose them to a rich vocabulary. Language development is closely linked to cognitive development.
Play and Problem-Solve Together: Engage in play activities that promote cognitive skills, such as building blocks, puzzles, and memory games. This not only strengthens the parent-child bond but also supports cognitive growth.
Limit Screen Time: Excessive screen time can hinder cognitive development. Set limits on screen time and encourage activities that promote active learning and engagement.
Provide a Balanced Diet: A healthy diet is essential for brain development. Ensure your child receives a balanced diet rich in nutrients that support cognitive growth.
Common misconceptions about preschool and cognitive development
There are several misconceptions surrounding preschool and its impact on cognitive development. It is important to address these misconceptions and provide accurate information to make informed decisions for your child's education. Here are some common misconceptions:
Preschool is only for socialization: While socialization is an important aspect of preschool, it is not the sole purpose. Preschools also play a significant role in fostering cognitive development and preparing children for future academic success.
Academic pressure is necessary for cognitive development: Preschool should not be about academic pressure. It should provide a nurturing and stimulating environment where children can learn through play and exploration. Academic pressure at such a young age can hinder cognitive development rather than enhance it.
Cognitive development is solely the responsibility of the preschool: While preschool plays a vital role, cognitive development is a continuous process that involves both preschool and home environments. Parental involvement and support are crucial for optimal cognitive growth.
Conclusion: The lifelong benefits of a strong preschool foundation
In conclusion, preschool plays a crucial role in nurturing a child's cognitive development. It provides a structured environment, guided learning experiences, and opportunities for social interaction that foster cognitive growth. By enrolling your child in a quality Preschool & Daycare in India and becoming a part of your kid’s success journey. Remember, parental involvement is equally important in supporting cognitive development. By actively engaging in your child's learning journey, you can enhance their cognitive abilities and set them on a path of success. So, take the first step towards building a strong foundation for your child's cognitive development and enroll them in a quality preschool program today!
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doubtapp · 2 years
Delhi-Tamil Nadu-Uttar Pradesh-Mumbai-Haryana-West Bengal-Telangana-
States and UTs such as Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Mumbai, Goa, Telangana, and others have closed schools, colleges, and other educational institutions in order to stop the spread of Omicron.
The vaccination program for children aged 15 to 18 has begun. However, state and UT administrations such as Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Mumbai, Goa, Telangana, and others have once again closed schools, colleges, and other educational institutions in order to keep children safe in the midst of the Omicron outbreak. The closure of schools is intended to halt the spread of the fatal sickness.
In response to rapidly escalating disease cases, Delhi issued a yellow alert on December 28 and closed schools immediately. The Delhi government has granted a winter holiday for pre-primary and elementary school pupils from January 1 to 15. Following the decision of the Delhi government, states began to contemplate closing primary schools.
To tackle the escalating number of coronavirus cases, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin ordered the closure of all schools up to Class 9 on Wednesday. According to the CM, physical education classes would continue for students in grades 10 and 12, despite board exams and a vaccination drive.
Schools in Noida, Ghaziabad, Hapur, and Greater Noida have been closed due to an increase in Omicron cases and strong cold waves. The state government has declared winter holidays in government schools up to class 8. From December 31, 2021, to January 14, 2022, the schools will be closed for 15 days. Private schools, on the other hand, have received no guidelines yet.
The Mumbai Municipal Corporation has ordered the closure of primary schools around the city in order to combat the spread of COVID-19. The city’s primary and upper primary schools were due to reopen on January 3rd, but that date has been pushed back until the end of the month.
Following a spike in Omicron cases, the state government adopted stringent measures, including school and college closures. The state administration, according to the notification, has proclaimed a winter holiday in schools, which will last until January 12.
Due to a spike in COVID-19 cases, the state administration has imposed a school and other educational institution shutdown commencing January 3. “All academic activities in schools, colleges, and universities must be halted.” The government regulation specifies that “only administrative operations with 50 percent of employees at a time must be approved.”
Because of a surge in COVID-19 cases and the Sankranthi vacations, Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao has ordered that schools and colleges be closed from January 8 to January 16, 2022.
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emma6677 · 3 years
How Ghaziabad Is Becoming A Home For Best Schools In Up
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Ghaziabad is emerging as one of the most rapidly, developing city of Uttar Pradesh. It is seen as the most preferred residential hub for working professionals in Delhi and NCR. And this has given rise to some of the best schools in the city. Let’s understand what makes Ghaziabad the home to the best schools of the city-      
Accessibility and Economical city: One of the primary reasons for professionals to set up their home in Ghaziabad is because of its easy accessibility to Delhi. The well-connected roads, spacious residential societies and economical living is what makes it the most preferred choice for families to settle down. Ghaziabad attracts a sizeable IT/ITES workforce from Noida which makes it affordable for those who cannot afford Delhi prices.
Top English Medium Schools in Ghaziabad: English is the most widely spoken language in the world. Therefore, it is imperative for students to understand, learn and communicate in English right from the start of their schooling journey. Some of the top schools in Ghaziabad are English medium that prepares children to take on this competitive world early on in their lives.      
State- of- the- art-Infrastructure and world- class-education: The city accommodates plush green spaces which makes it easier to come up with state-of-the-art infrastructure with world-class education to the students. This helps in the overall development of children and makes them stand out from their competitors. Some top English medium schools in Ghaziabad even have campuses where a separate sports complex is spread in 3 acres along with the academic campus which is a home to over 2000 students.  
Transport facilities following CBSE guidelines: All transport arrangement in schools comes with strong security and compliance management system which are strictly audited and follow CBSE guidelines with regular compliance checks. All fleets are GPS enabled with CCTV cameras, first aid and fire extinguisher pre-installed in the buses.
Curriculum taught by global faculties: The curriculum in some of the best CBSE schools in Ghaziabad is taught by highly educated and renowned faculties from abroad. This forms the basis of global education and career opportunities for the students. The idea is to prepare students for global challenges and competition.
In conclusion, when it comes to top English medium schools that meets state-of-the-art infrastructure then Ghaziabad is the right place to be.  
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aspamscottish · 3 years
The List of 10 Best Schools in Ghaziabad
While admission sessions are not far away, you are running around, shuffling between housework, and trying to choose the best school for your kid. However, if you stay in Ghaziabad, there is some good news for you. In this article, we have listed the best schools for your child. Take a look.
Top 10 Schools in Ghaziabad
ASPAM Scottish School
ASPAM is one of the best CBSE schools in Noida that aim to offer quality education by sticking to the best activities that it follows, thereby allowing the teaching profession and the school leadership team to support the organisation's view. Student mentorship is important in developing a serious awareness of who they are and what they want to become. It provides a platform for students to inspect with innovative ideas, fix new thoughts and experiment with various perspectives by involving them in creative projects and improved learning activities to make their future bright. Highly competent, dedicated teachers deliver a unified curriculum that encourages teamwork, creativity and independence.
Delhi Public School
DPS, Ghaziabad is the only school to appear in the Top 8 list of schools in Ghaziabad city. The school follows unofficial evaluation with less prominence on rote learning from nursery to 5th standard. Delhi Public School students are also motivated to practice in competitions such as Olympiads. It has also invested in independent boards in every classroom and laptops for teachers to improve teaching-learning.
Gurukul, The School
It is a part of the Gurukul Education Society and is one of the top schools in Ghaziabad. It was founded in 2002, and it aims to prepare students for 'real life.' The school focuses on the quality of education as it just follows and contributes to social change. It follows CBSE subjects in a clear way, making studying an exciting experience for students.
DLF Public School
It was set up in 1996 to create socially responsible global citizens. It is affiliated with CBSE and contains CCE in its syllabus. This school also puts great importance on discipline, culture, and sports.
St. Paul's Academy, Ghaziabad
It is a Christian minority co-ed institution encouraging primary education to kids from all caste, statuses, etc. it was set up in 1986 and offers classes from pre-nursery — class XII. It follows the ICSE syllabus.
Holy Child
It is an all-girls convent school famous for its academic and sports acquirements. It was founded in 1959 by the Sisters of Charity. It is accredited with the CISCE board and provides classes from pre-primary — class XII. This school has one of the largest libraries in Ghaziabad, with more than 16k books.
Bal Bharati Public School
It is a senior secondary co-ed school, situated in Brij Vihar, accredited to the CBSE. It is one of the first primary schools started by the Child Education Societies. Its pre-primary level follows the Montessori Method of teaching. They pay special attention to the mental, physical and social growth of the child through well-adapted activities. The school also encourages co-curricular activities such as drama, dance, quizzes, etc.
Amity International School
It was set up in 2003, accredited with the CBE, and provides education from nursery to senior secondary level. It has four different laboratories for science, math, computer, and a Montessori lab.
Khaitan Public School
It is an English Medium co-ed school, established in 2002. Its goal is to provide an improving and encouraging learning environment by offering programs that promote academic excellence and support the overall development of the students. KPS is accredited to CBSE and follows the CCE curriculum. It provides classes from pre-nursery to the toddler standard.
Seth Anandram Jaipuria School
It is a co-ed day boarding school built on 5.5 acres of land and has a rich green campus. It is accredited to CBSE and provides classes from primary – XII. The school has intermedia-enabled classrooms with interdependent smart boards and projectors.
On a Final Note
Choose the best school in Ghaziabad that suits your child best. The right decision while choosing your kid's school can pay huge dividends later in their life.
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neweraschool · 3 years
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Find Best pre primary schools in Ghaziabad. Best play school in pandav nagar, Ghaziabad offering cheerful, nurturing, and stimulating atmosphere that emphasizes a love for learning One of the Best preschool in Ghaziabad, providing your child a safe and secure environment. Admissions are open now at preschool near you in Ghaziabad -New Era School
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