#prestashop theme
Arctic Grey - One Stop Solution for Shopify Customizations
Arctic Grey provides an all-inclusive range of solutions for Enterprise Shopify Plus Merchants — from tailored Shopify theme customization to brand new UX design & development for CRO & AOV Optimizations. Customize your Shopify theme, or build a new store from scratch.
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Get an award-winning Shopify design & development team to work on your Shopify site. Arctic Grey is there for you, on-demand, and at your fingertips, when you need them most.
After a decade of dedication, Arctic Grey has forged excellent relationships with industry giants. They collaborate daily to craft engaging tech solutions for Shopify merchants - unlocking the power of ecommerce solutions that elevate online stores to new heights.
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Time to level up your e-commerce game, prestashop store owners! Say "hasta la vista, baby" to limitations and "hello, gorgeous" to Shopify. We know you're one-of-a-kind, that's why we offer personalized solutions to fit your biz like a glove. Our experts will make migrate from prestashop as smooth as silk, so you can focus on what really matters - growing your business.
Get your Free Custom Built Shopify Store Concept Design! See what we can do for you before you pay a dime.
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shareyourideas · 10 months
15+ Best Free Prestashop Modules You Must Use
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babinsomerville · 1 year
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tiencuatoi · 2 years
BA Social Login allows your customers to sign up and login with their account in popular social networks in a single click - no need to fill our forms and restoring lost passwords.
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prestashopaddons · 2 years
Dynamic Google Sitemap, XML sitemap
Dynamic XML sitemap for Google and other search engines. No cronjob requirement and easy to customize. Enable to handle large sitemap with millions of products and perfect for SEO! from All products https://ift.tt/R95gfKG
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digiartia · 2 years
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nick-23 · 2 years
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cfye-commerce-shop · 3 days
e-commerce platform
There are several popular e-commerce platforms that businesses can use to set up their online stores. Some of the most widely used platforms include:
Shopify: Known for its user-friendly interface and extensive features, Shopify is a popular choice for businesses of all sizes.
WooCommerce: Built on WordPress, WooCommerce is a flexible and customizable platform that seamlessly integrates with existing WordPress websites.
Magento: A powerful open-source platform, Magento offers advanced features and scalability for large businesses with complex requirements.
BigCommerce: This platform provides a comprehensive set of tools and features to create and manage online stores efficiently.
Squarespace: Originally known for website building, Squarespace also offers an e-commerce option with easy-to-use templates and customization options.
Wix Stores: Wix’s built-in e-commerce functionality allows users to create visually appealing online stores quickly.
Volusion: Designed specifically for small to medium-sized businesses, Volusion offers an array of built-in features tailored for e-commerce needs.
PrestaShop: An open-source platform, PrestaShop provides a variety of themes and modules for building customized online stores.
Each platform has its own strengths and weaknesses, so it’s important to consider factors such as budget, scalability, design flexibility, ease of use, and specific business requirements before choosing the right e-commerce platform.
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articlewave · 5 days
Top 10 des Thèmes PrestaShop Gratuits pour Booster Votre E-commerce
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Choisir un thèmes PrestaShop gratuit peut être une excellente solution pour les entrepreneurs souhaitant se lancer dans l'e-commerce sans investir immédiatement dans des options payantes. Cependant, il est essentiel de sélectionner un thème qui offre des fonctionnalités robustes, une bonne esthétique et une performance optimale. Voici notre sélection des dix meilleurs thèmes PrestaShop gratuits pour 2024, conçus pour améliorer l'apparence et la fonctionnalité de votre boutique en ligne.
1. Minimal Theme
Minimal Theme est parfait pour ceux qui recherchent un design épuré et moderne. Ce thème met l’accent sur la simplicité et la clarté, mettant en valeur vos produits.
Caractéristiques Principales :
Design Responsive : S'adapte parfaitement à tous les appareils.
Optimisé SEO : Structure propre pour améliorer le classement dans les moteurs de recherche.
Chargement Rapide : Temps de chargement réduit pour une meilleure expérience utilisateur.
2. Classic Theme
Le Classic Theme est un choix polyvalent qui convient à presque toutes les catégories de produits. Son design sobre et efficace garantit une navigation fluide.
Caractéristiques Principales :
Compatibilité Mobile : Interface parfaitement adaptée aux appareils mobiles.
Personnalisation Facile : Options simples pour ajuster les couleurs et les polices.
Intégration Modules : Compatible avec de nombreux modules PrestaShop.
3. Warehouse Lite
Warehouse Lite est une version gratuite du populaire thème premium Warehouse. Il offre une base solide pour les petites boutiques en ligne.
Caractéristiques Principales :
Responsive : Design adaptable à toutes les tailles d'écran.
Support de Base : Documentation pour aider à l'installation et la configuration.
Optimisé pour la Performance : Chargement rapide et navigation fluide.
4. Fashion Store
Pour les boutiques de mode, le Fashion Store offre un design élégant et moderne qui met en avant les produits avec style.
Caractéristiques Principales :
Slider de Produits : Présentez vos collections de manière attrayante.
Layouts Modernes : Choisissez parmi plusieurs mises en page préconçues.
Optimisation SEO : Structure SEO-friendly pour un meilleur classement.
5. Electronics Hub
Le Electronics Hub est spécialement conçu pour les boutiques vendant des gadgets et des produits électroniques. Il propose un design dynamique et fonctionnel.
Caractéristiques Principales :
Filtres Avancés : Aidez vos clients à trouver rapidement ce qu’ils cherchent.
Vitesse Optimisée : Chargement rapide des pages.
Personnalisation Facile : Ajustez facilement les éléments du thème.
6. Organic Store
Pour les boutiques de produits biologiques et naturels, le Organic Store offre un design frais et vert qui inspire confiance et santé.
Caractéristiques Principales :
Design Naturel : Palette de couleurs et images en accord avec les produits bio.
Responsive : Parfaitement adapté aux mobiles et tablettes.
Optimisation SEO : Conçu pour un bon référencement naturel.
7. Furniture House
Furniture House est idéal pour les magasins de meubles et de décoration. Son design spacieux et ses images de haute qualité mettent en valeur vos produits.
Caractéristiques Principales :
Galerie de Produits : Mettez en avant vos meubles avec de belles photos.
Layouts Personnalisables : Plusieurs options de mise en page.
Compatibilité Mobile : Assure une bonne expérience utilisateur sur tous les appareils.
8. Beauty Shop
Le Beauty Shop est parfait pour les boutiques de produits de beauté et cosmétiques. Son design élégant et moderne attire immédiatement l'œil.
Caractéristiques Principales :
Slider Révolutionnaire : Présentez vos produits phares avec style.
Layouts Multiples : Options de mise en page flexibles.
Optimisation Mobile : Interface adaptée aux achats via smartphone.
9. Kids Store
Kids Store est conçu pour les boutiques vendant des produits pour enfants. Son design ludique et coloré plaît à la fois aux parents et aux enfants.
Caractéristiques Principales :
Design Coloré : Attire les familles avec des couleurs vives et des images engageantes.
Responsive : S'adapte à tous les types d'appareils.
Personnalisation Facile : Modifiez les éléments du thème pour refléter votre marque.
10. Sports Gear
Pour les boutiques spécialisées dans les équipements sportifs, Sports Gear offre un design dynamique et énergique.
Caractéristiques Principales :
Vitesse de Chargement : Optimisé pour une navigation rapide.
Galeries de Produits : Mettez en avant vos articles sportifs.
Compatibilité Mobile : Design responsive pour une expérience utilisateur optimale.
Choisir le bon thème gratuit PrestaShop peut considérablement améliorer l'apparence et la fonctionnalité de votre boutique en ligne sans coût initial. Les thèmes présentés ici sont parmi les meilleurs disponibles pour 2024, offrant des designs attrayants et des performances solides pour booster votre e-commerce. Prenez le temps d’explorer ces options et choisissez celui qui correspond le mieux à votre marque et à vos besoins commerciaux.
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sativababeuniverse · 30 days
Install PrestaShop + Content + Products + Plugins + Themes for $15
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rajasundari · 1 month
Decoding India’s E-Commerce Giants: A Closer Look at the Top 10 Players
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Shopify: Revolutionizing Online Retail Explore how Shopify's user-friendly interface and customizable themes are reshaping the e-commerce landscape, with success stories from brands like Chumbak and The Moms Co.
WooCommerce: The Power of Personalization Dive into how WooCommerce leverages WordPress to create unique online experiences, showcasing brands like The Souled Store and Fabindia.
Big Commerce: Scaling for Success Uncover how BigCommerce empowers brands like Ustraa and WOW Skin Science with multichannel sales capabilities and integrated marketing tools.
Magento: Enterprise-Level Excellence Discover how Magento is redefining enterprise e-commerce with its scalability and customization capabilities, featuring Tata Cliq and Pepperfry.
Wix: Creativity Unleashed Learn how Wix enables entrepreneurs to build visually appealing online stores with its drag-and-drop functionality, spotlighting brands like Bewakoof and Nicobar.
Squarespace: Sleek Design, Strong ResultsExplore how Squarespace combines elegant design templates with powerful e-commerce capabilities to drive sales and trust for brands like Nykaa Fashion and Zivame.
Volusion: Comprehensive Solutions for GrowthDelve into how Volusion provides businesses with customizable storefronts, built-in SEO tools, and secure payment processing, featuring success stories from Myntra and Zivame.
PrestaShop: Driving Innovation with Open SourceLearn how PrestaShop's open-source platform fosters collaboration and innovation, showcasing brands like Limeroad and Paytm Mall.
OpenCart: Empowering Entrepreneurs Explore how OpenCart offers a cost-effective and user-friendly solution for businesses looking to establish an online presence, featuring brands like Myntra and Flipkart.
3dCart: Feature-Rich Functionality for Results Discover how 3dCart provides a comprehensive e-commerce platform with advanced features and dedicated support, spotlighting brands like Zivame and Myntra.
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narolainfotechus · 1 month
Top Grocery Ecommerce Software for Successful Marketplaces!
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Are you ready to revolutionize your grocery business and build a thriving online marketplace? Look no further! We've curated a list of the top grocery ecommerce software solutions that can help you achieve success in the digital marketplace. Let's dive in and explore these game-changing platforms.
WooCommerce: WooCommerce, an extension of WordPress, is a popular choice for businesses seeking a customizable and cost-effective ecommerce solution. With its wide range of plugins and themes, WooCommerce allows you to create a feature-rich grocery store that meets your specific needs and attracts customers.
Magento Commerce: Magento Commerce is a robust and flexible ecommerce platform trusted by businesses worldwide. With its extensive customization options, powerful marketing tools, and seamless integration capabilities, Magento enables you to create a unique and engaging online grocery store.
Shopify Plus: Shopify plus is a scalable and user-friendly ecommerce solution designed for high-growth businesses. It offers a range of features tailored to the grocery industry, including mobile-responsive themes, secure payment gateways, and inventory management tools, making it ideal for building a successful online marketplace.
BigCommerce: BigCommerce is an all-in-one ecommerce platform known for its robust performance and scalability. Whether you're a small startup or an established grocery retailer, BigCommerce offers advanced features such as multi-channel selling, analytics tools, and seamless checkout experiences to drive growth and maximize sales.
PrestaShop: PrestaShop is an open-source ecommerce platform that empowers businesses to create professional and visually appealing online stores. With its intuitive interface, extensive module marketplace, and multilingual support, PrestaShop enables you to launch and manage a successful grocery marketplace with ease.
By leveraging these top-notch grocery ecommerce software solutions, you can elevate your online presence, attract more customers, and streamline your operations for success in today's competitive market. Whether you're looking for flexibility, scalability, or user-friendly features, these platforms have you covered. Start building your successful marketplace today!
For more detailed insights into each platform and tips on choosing the right one for your grocery business, check out our comprehensive blog at link to the blog post. Let's embark on this exciting journey of digital transformation together!
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daffodilsw77 · 2 months
best e commerce platform
Choosing the best eCommerce platform depends on various factors, including the size your business, budget, technical expertise, and specific feature requirements. Below are some of the most popular eCommerce platforms, each with its own strengths and suited to different types of businesses:
1. Shopify: Known for its ease of use, Shopify is a hosted platform that offers a range of customizable templates. It's suitable for small to medium-sized businesses and provides a comprehensive set of tools, including payment processing, inventory management, and a vast app store for additional functionality.
2. Magento (Adobe Commerce): Magento is a powerful open-source platform best suited for medium to large businesses that require scalability and customization. It offers extensive features and a large community of developers. However, it may require more technical expertise or developer resources to set up and manage.
3. WooCommerce: This is a free, open-source plugin for WordPress, making it a great choice for those already familiar with WordPress. It's highly customizable and suitable for small to medium-sized businesses. It allows you to turn any WordPress site into a fully functional eCommerce store.
4. BigCommerce: BigCommerce is a hosted platform that serves a wide range of business sizes. It offers an array of built-in features, including multi-channel selling, excellent SEO capabilities, and a variety of themes. It's designed for those who want a comprehensive solution without the need for extensive customization.
5. Wix eCommerce: Wix is known for its drag-and-drop website builder, which makes it easy to create an online store. It's ideal for small businesses and entrepreneurs who want to manage an eCommerce site with minimal technical skills.
6. Squarespace: Squarespace provides beautifully designed templates and is user-friendly. It's best suited for small to medium-sized businesses that prioritize design and simplicity over extensive customization.
7. PrestaShop: A free, open-source platform that offers powerful features and is customizable with add-on modules. It's suitable for small to medium-sized businesses and requires some technical knowledge to get the most out of it.
8. Salesforce Commerce Cloud (formerly Demandware): This is a highly scalable, cloud-based platform designed for large enterprises with complex needs. It offers a range of features, including AI-powered personalization and multi-channel selling.
9. OpenCart: OpenCart is a free, open-source platform that's user-friendly and offers a simple management interface. It's suitable for small to medium-sized businesses and supports multiple languages and currencies.
10. 3dcart (now Shift4Shop): 3dcart offers a robust set of eCommerce features including advanced SEO tools and is suitable for businesses of all sizes. It's a hosted platform that provides various pricing plans, including a free tier if you use their payment processing.
11. Shopware: Popular in Europe, Shopware is an open-source platform known for its flexibility and focus on creating emotional shopping experiences. It's suitable for businesses of varying sizes and offers a high degree of customization.
Each eCommerce platform has its pros and cons, and the best choice for your business will depend on your specific needs, technical resources, budget, and growth plans. It's important to evaluate each platform carefully, considering factors like ease of use, scalability, available integrations, support, and total cost of ownership before making a decision.
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tiencuatoi · 2 years
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prestashopaddons · 2 years
Extra Customer Fields for registration form & checkout page
Add extra fields to the registration form and checkout page. Collect additional customer information when they create an account or place an order. from All products https://ift.tt/xBpC2c6
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fazal-abbas · 2 months
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I will create and design a responsive website for your business
About this gig
Did you know a standout website can convert a staggering 65% of visitors into customers in just one visit?
Beware - a shoddy website spells business disaster. If you offer a stellar service, shout it from the digital rooftops with a captivating site.
My skills aren't confined to a single platform;
I can work my magic on Wordpress, Shopify, Bigcommerce, Squarespace, Joomla, Blogger, Wix, Prestashop, Drupal, Magento, and more.
Why Me?
4 year Experience
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Free On-page SEO
What do we include?
Any kind of Business website
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Free/Premium Themes
Responsive for all devices
Blog includes
Social sharing features
Google map integration
Any kind of contact form
Nice looking layout
24 Hours Customer support
Free SEO
100% money-back guarantee
Clean and Professional Designs
What kind of website we can create?
A website for your
Jewelry Shop
Hair Salon
Beauty Products
Ready for a tailored solution? Custom orders are also available.
All-in-one SEO pack
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Gravity Forms
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Website type
Website features
Social media
Customer support
Read More!
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