#pros and cons squirrly seo
appandsoftware1 · 8 months
Squirrly SEO: Elevate Your WordPress Site with Best AI-Driven Rankings
Squirrly SEO, the ultimate SEO solution that provides you with the best in AI-driven goals for top rankings, may help you unlock the full potential of your WordPress website. Are you worried that despite having such a good website and such a good brand, your website is not getting any traffic? Many websites are trying to get everyone’s attention, and this is where Search Engine Optimization…
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5 best WordPress SEO plugins you should use in 2018
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Before reviewing our 5 best WordPress SEO plugins let's have a quick definition-what is SEO, search engine optimization, is the most important thing behind a successful website. Whether you have the best website in your niche, if your website is not perfectly optimized for search engines it would suffer in search results and never rank better. There are three types of search engine optimization. On-site optimization On page optimization Off-page optimization On-site optimization
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In on-site optimization, we optimize our server and server related files. ie; sitemap.xml, .htaccess, robots.txt etc. In this category, we also do optimization regarding google webmasters and other webmasters tools by submitting our website to search engines. On page optimization
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In this type of SEO, we optimize our WordPress posts and pages by adding optimized titles, using keyword rich content and meta tags etc.In WordPress, this is done by SEO plugins. We know Google is not a human it's just a computer program, sets with algorithms to read websites and their data and make a decision about the website, that actually on which topic this website belongs to. We optimize our web pages and posts for google bots to easily read and analyze our website. On page, optimization is a process by which we tell Google to categorize our website and rank it in search results. There is a rule of thumb that your website ranking depends upon how good you optimize your web pages and post for google search. Off-page optimization
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In off page optimization, we basically create backlinks for our website and promote our website's content in social media. As believe it is the most important part of SEO or search engine optimization. Think, when you want a service like medical services from a doctor. For this, you ask some authorized persons in your circle which doctor is good for that particular disease? And lastly, you go to the doctor who has most references. Am I right? Same as above google watch your backlinks that how many authorized or high PR websites referring your website. There are many types and procedures to obtain backlinks. Which I will discuss in my upcoming posts. Today we will discuss on page optimization and  5 best WordPress SEO plugins for perfectly optimize our WordPress pages and posts. Read Also 5 Site analysis tools to win the SEO battle  Increase WordPress website Speed 1. WordPress SEO by Yoast Plugin
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This is the most downloaded SEO plugin for WordPress. Yoast SEO for Wordpress can solve your all onsite SEO needs in one place. Yes, this plugin has the power to solve your all SEO needs in WordPress. Whether it is meta description optimization or Title optimization or Setting up the focus keywords in your post or page, this plugin is one man army. With two million installation and 15000 reviews, it has 4.3-star ratings in Wordpress plugins page. Not only Title description and keywords but you can write custom titles for your websites, archives, category and also tags. It has some additional feature called Open Graph Metadata, building custom sitemaps, twitter cards, and search engine ping. Whenever you update your website it pings search engines for indexing new update. There is a huge list of features in Yoast SEO. The key features of WordPress SEO by Yoast are Breadcrumbs Multi-Site Compatibility Snippet Preview Social Media Integration Website SEO Analysis Title Tag and Meta Tags Green and red signals for better optimization Pros: A feature-rich plugin where you can solve your all SEO needs in one platform. The basic free version is enough for basic blog optimization. Easy to use interface. Most used Wordpress plugin on the market. Cons: Decrease in website speed after Installation. Costly somewhere $80. 2. All in One WordPress SEO Plugin 
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All in one SEO Plugin for WordPress has 3 million active installs and 4.5 star rating with 500+ reviews in WordPress plugin page. It is also a feature rich plugin where you solve all your SEO problems in some clicks. It has an advanced option for developers so it's not to say wrong that it can work for anyone from beginner to advanced. The key features of All in one SEO Plugin for WordPress are It has Bad bot blocker which defends your website from harmful malicious bots who can decrease your website speed. Just like SEO Yoast, you can edit your .htaccess and robots.txt files from WordPress dashboard. MUltisite features like import and export to share settings with another site. With the open graph, it helps us to connect our website to social media. If you have Video website than it has a feature called video sitemap which you can submit to google webmaster for better optimization. But this feature is available in only paid version. Pros: Free version available for basic use and I am happy to say that the free version is better enough for the basic optimization of your website.  Cons: Not as much user-friendly as SEO by Yoast. Needs more scrolling to use its features. 3. Premium WordPress SEO Pack
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It is a freemium plugin but very effective for your website if you pay for it. It has set of tools which will help you to control what you want to display in the search engine and what you don't want to display. As well as it has a capability to share your post in better style and appearance through which you can enhance your social media engagement with your website. It works well with all popular plugins like Woocommerce, WordPress multisite and other plugins. You may be wondered to listen that it has both On page optimization and off page optimization. This plugin has a good ranking in WordPress plugins page with a ranking of 4 stars by  700+ reviewers. The key features of Premium WordPress SEO Pack are Best feature is the Facebook planner. with this tool, you can share better facebook posts on your FB page. It also monitors your 404 error pages and informs you to solve this problem which can improve your ranking in search engine. Equipped with a great tool: Page speed insights. With this tool, you can instantly check your page loading speed in no time. You don't want to install a separate plugin for Image SEO. It has a built-in tool for SEO friendly images. Another great tool is Backlink Builder. With this tool, you can build backlinks from similar websites. Build Schema markup of your pages and posts with W3C Validator. One click On page SEO located in page editing settings. Very easy to use. Sets patterns for your every post with Pattern SEO Also, open graph and twitter optimizer. Pros: No free version available but in the development stage, Video sitemap feature, off-page SEO, Backlink creator, Schema markup, open graph and twitter optimizer. Cons: Not enough reviews to build trust. Costly somewhere $44. 4. SEOPressor WordPress plugin
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SEOPressor is another great plugin for WordPress on page SEO. It is doing better with Google's new algorithmic update called RankBrain. Rankbrain updates the algorithm to rank topic-based pages high. SEOPressor has optimized for google this new algorithmic update and doing much better in relation to other SEO plugins. The key features of SEOPressor WordPress plugin are A smart interlinking tool which interlinks all your posts and helps you to rank better and reduce bounce rate of your website. It's Dynamic Crawler Control, controls the robots crawling in your website. Just like other SEO plugins it has XML sitemap generator also. Its Keyword SEO Score Checker easily monitors your keywords that how it will affect your ranking. It has another keyword research tool called LSI keyword finder which will find keywords related to your primary keyword. It has a readability score just like SEO by Yoast which can score your posts readership. This plugin can check if your post, is over optimized, to save you from googles penalty of degrading over optimized web pages. Pros: Coplete SEO package in one plugin. Whether it's on page SEO or Off page SEO or On site SEO. It's capable to resolve all SEO related problems in your website. Cons: Not much user friendly and pricey too with recurring payments $9 per month. 5. WordPress SEO by Squirrly
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SEO by squirrly has 2.1 million active installs with 4.5-star rating and  400+ reviews. With easy to use functions it has the power to write an effective blog post which is human-friendly and search engine friendly too. Means you can write an effective post which can rank better in the google search. The key features of SEO by squirrly plugin are Greenlight signal just like SEO by Yoast which can indicate you that you did the best job. It's Keyword Headline Suggestions suggests you the keywords related to your primary keywords to use in the headline for better ranking. A great tool called Content Strategy Tracking tracks all your content strategies. Wow, it has artificial intelligence called Social SEO AI which can help you to create great content. Also, weekly monitoring feature which can monitor your SEO tweaks weekly basis. Pros: Slideshow for understanding user interface and most user-friendly interface in all above SEO plugins. SEO expert neil patel also referred it several times.  Cons: Free version has no advanced features but it is forgivable. Conclusion, What is the best SEO plugin from my side… I think my article solve your question roaming in your mind want SEO plugin to choose for your website.  These SEO plugins are most popular plugins used in WordPress community and give you a better result if you use one of them. They can let you put in the 1st-page ranking sure if you wisely use them. Every SEO plugins listed here are best but I strongly recommend All in One WordPress SEO Plugin because it has the power to rank you higher in no time if you use it perfectly. Try once this SEO plugin and you will see the results. Click here to download If this post helped you in any way then please do me a favor and share this post with your friends and family. You might also like What is SSL and How to Install SSL Certificate on Website Expired Domains: Your Key to Success in Online Marketing Read the full article
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