#provide that actual moral support like no Strap It Tf On energy please; how about a bit more appreciation for the specifics of this....
also just in the genre of [winston having an absolutely heinous time] a premise that would never happen is like, winston knowing he's autistic, and the company having an afternoon like imagine a nominal collective / preemptive Sensitivity Training(tm) type powerpoint about all the hypotheticals of not being sueably shitty towards an autistic person in the business realm maybe, and winston increasingly Seething through all of it (and like you know like all the guidelines / info would be mostly shit in the realm of Inaccurate to Insulting to both, anyways) (but also b/c it's like There's An Autistic Person Here The Whole Time And Everyone Gives Him Shit Always And This Is Never Seen As An Issue (it's winston)) and having this moment like jeez winston why are you so mad lol is it b/c you think you're such hot shit smarter than everyone and you'd hate to have to respect an autistic person b/c you think you'd be better than them or whatever else, cue a) any superficial kneejerk interpretations of winston must be accurate b/c also As Though he has depth & as though he deserves further effort at consideration and b) w/great overlap: any Negative interpretation of winston's shit must b/c accurate, b/c he clearly sucks. tl;dr this symposium on how to be respectful / considerate Enough to hypothetical autistic people one could encounter in the workplace (diagnostically disclosed of course) and a definite autistic person everyone treats miserably being bullied into being nonverbal for resenting the entire situation
(also this would never happen b/c hr shit just doesn't exist. wendy wasn't even unequivocally in an hr role this finale when why in god's name wouldn't she be. and when she Was, say, in s5's first episode, you had people clearly harassing the newcomers as well as basically staging these "pranks" that could easily be assault that would clearly target taylor re: a user of any nongendered bathrooms here, not to mention that party also just making the like homophobic/transphobic/misogynist jokes about everything as they're called to come together on this, and wendy's response to this plus "but also taylor's quants are unfriendly, maybe" is "i'm so disappointed in all of you, it's All your faults & you're not trying hard enough" like thank you wendy. and then she resolves it all by pranking everyone Pretending to have a violent altercation really hard (only so much pretending though, wendy vs random employee's hardware that episode) like And That's Mediation. so i’m pretty sure they wouldn’t / don’t have anything like sensitivity training and i’m pretty sure even if anyone knew winston was autistic it’d be like well winston you need to try harder too (as is also like the general attitude like ah to be nd means Your social skills....are bad/deficient) anyways like yet more things he could just up & quit about like yeah fire me even, is there severance)
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