#put wade and nate and peter in an issue together and have them punch things and i guess i am happy.
sciderman · 7 months
Hi Sci! Have you read the newest Deadpool comic issue and if yes, what's your opinion on it?
you... kind of have to be more specific here, @somewhereinasgard my beloved... the latest deadpool issue i've read is deadpool: badder blood #5, which came out like, this week i think. it's cute. i like this series, but not because it's well-written (in fact, i have no idea what is going on, but that's just the way with comics these days i think), just because it's stupid and has all my boys in it.
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there's also something about rob liefeld's art that calms me. soothes me. heals me. reminds me of simpler times.
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this is ridiculouse. what the hell is that. liefeld wyd. i don't care. don't stop. keep doing this. whatever this is.
if you mean the latest deadpool issue proper, which i guess is deadpool #8 from like, a few months ago... yeah i read that too. i've been keeping up with deadpool (which is more than i can say for spider-man), and i guess i think it's fine but i feel very little about it. i feel very little about 616 deadpool at the moment. i feel like he's kind of being wasted. i wish someone would do something interesting with him. i feel so bored every time i read anything about him. (which i guess is preferable to how i feel whenever i read anything about spider-man - where i feel pretty mad.)
(have you seen this?? have you fucking seen this????????)
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peter. turn off your fucking batman voice you pathetic little worm of a man. i want to flush you down the fucking toilet.
anyway i hate comics.
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