#rain is always the most excited and ambrose is the one who always falls asleep in the cozy atmosphere
feistyvampire · 11 months
@archaictold said: [ fuchsia ] ! | meme fuchsia - a blissful memory.
Edgar had always looked forward to this every year. Driving around the city during the Christmas holidays had long since become a tradition among him and his friends. He can see December bobbing his head to Christmas music as he drives, fingers tapping against the wheel while they wait on their turn to go at the traffic lights.
Rain is busy staring out the window at the various lights decorating the store fronts along the sides of the street they’re on, taking as many pictures as they can get before the car is moving again.
In the back, Ambrose has half-dozed off, hardly paying much mind to the scenery after about the first hour of their drive. None of them bother to try to wake him, figuring he needs the rest, and Edgar has to admit— he’s just happy Ambrose is able to sleep peacefully around them all.
The most he does is carefully drape his jacket across Ambrose’s lap before turning his own gaze out the window on his side, chin resting against a hand as he settles himself in to watch the vibrant Christmas lights go by once they’re on their way again, Christmas tunes still playing from the speakers.
Edgar finds himself grinning, happy simply to be in the company of his friends enjoying something so sentimental.
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