#read the text before u talk shit about my boy/assume he's just some terminally lighthearted idiot and not as deep a character as tim!!!!
mamawasatesttube · 9 months
It’s wild to me how people think Kon is the mentally stable one in timkon’s relationship, like they’re both equally fucked up, but Kon’s anguish is just swept under the rug and never touched again or played off as a joke, while Tim’s grief and mental issues get entire arcs
i mean i do think it's a good thing that tim does have acknowledgment of his issues in the text, ideally both of them would get that, etc. but also i to be entirely frank with you, i don't think the issue is that kon comics tend to brush off the horrors. i just don't think most of the people who perpetuate it in fandom this have actually read any of kon's comics to begin with lmao
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