neopronouns · 4 months
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flag id: four flags with 6 stripes. the top flag's stripes are bright red-pink, yellow-orange, light golden yellow, greenish-grey, dark greenish-grey, and dull light yellow-green. the bottom left flag's stripes are purplish-pink, light purplish-pink, light golden yellow, silver, dark silver, and dull light blue-green. the bottom middle flag's stripes are turquoise, light turquoise, light golden yellow, orangish-grey, dark reddish-grey, and dull light green-yellow. the bottom right flag's stripes are green, yellow-green, light golden yellow, purplish-grey, dark purplish-grey, and dull light brown. end id.
banner id: a 1600x200 teal banner with the words ‘please read my dni before interacting. those on my / dni may still use my terms, so do not recoin them.’ in large white text in the center. the text takes up two lines, split at the slash. end id.
relatiflux relatifemflux | relatimascflux | relatineuflux
relatiflux: a gender that fluctuates depending on the relationship one has with the people around them, becoming stronger around those one is close to and weaker around those one is not close to
relatifemflux: a feminine gender that fluctuates depending on the relationship one has with the people around them, becoming stronger around those one is close to and weaker around those one is not close to
relatimascflux: a masculine gender that fluctuates depending on the relationship one has with the people around them, becoming stronger around those one is close to and weaker around those one is not close to
relatineuflux: a neutral gender that fluctuates depending on the relationship one has with the people around them, becoming stronger around those one is close to and weaker around those one is not close to
[pt: relatiflux: a gender that fluctuates depending on the relationship one has with the people around them, becoming stronger around those one is close to and weaker around those one is not close to
relatifemflux: a feminine gender that fluctuates depending on the relationship one has with the people around them, becoming stronger around those one is close to and weaker around those one is not close to
relatimascflux: a masculine gender that fluctuates depending on the relationship one has with the people around them, becoming stronger around those one is close to and weaker around those one is not close to
relatineuflux: a neutral gender that fluctuates depending on the relationship one has with the people around them, becoming stronger around those one is close to and weaker around those one is not close to. end pt]
for anon!
in the base flag, the top 3 stripes are colors representing close relationships, saturated to represent the gender's strength, and the bottom 3 are colors representing less close relationships, desaturated to represent the gender's weakness. the rest carry over the saturation, but use colors associated with femininity/masculinity/neutrality at the top and the opposite at the bottom.
the terms are 'relati' from 'relationship', 'fem'/'masc'/'neu', + 'flux'!
tags: @radiomogai | dni link
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