#revisiting old art is so weird tho bc i agree with ur statement so i dont recognize my ocs
agent-lapin · 4 years
I was looking at some of your old art, and it kinda looks like High and Flo slowly swapped personalities(?), and I was wondering if you wanted to talk abt the evolution of your ocs?
this is funny because it really does seem like it!! i think theyve definitely evolved personality wise over the years, but I think 80% of the reason they “looked like they switched personalities” was more due to my lack of artistic skill 🤔 for example, I didnt know how to draw guys very well and often leaned towards very strict, straight lines to compensate! Because I just wanted flo to look handsome 🥺 (tbh u can still see this a bit now, Florent is a cheerful individual but i mostly draw him not smiling just bc I think he loiks more handsome that way lmaoo 😭😭) For High, I was already used to drawing dif types of girls, but she had always (and still is) a very cute looking girl. Back then, I struggled with balancing the cute aspect of her appearance (large round eyes, smiley) with her actual more grumpy personality. Like I didnt know hoe to show this aspect of her personality as per my vision whilst still maintaining the cute look and not making her look old! I think while i still need to work on florent, High is currently p accurate to what I think of her tho 🥰🥰
For evolution outside of how I portrayed them in art, since theyre my oldest ocs, I think when I was younger i fell in the trap of having florent the kind of controlling man and high a more meek girl.. when I ended up revisiting them at university (when I rly brought them back!) I really wanted to rework this because I had realized the issues with the portrayal of such relationships and the influence media had had on younger me ! so i really wanted 2 things... first, that their power dynamics were more or less balanced, and 2, that they were both able to stand alone as individuals, and not be characters where their sole personality trait is ”dating each other” (something I felt was v important). Over time my vision of High became less sunshiney, and more irritable, while for flo, I turned to focus more on that happy go lucky aspect of his personality. That being said, I think both of them go beyond these facets - theyre just two aspects of my ocs that I personally really like 🥰
Sorry for the long reply, theyve had a lot a lot of evolution!!!! hahaha
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