#rhaenyra deserves the throne & can do what she likes now cause greens killed her son... daemon should have done MORE to...
gameofthronedd · 1 year
There's a lot I can put up with in this fandom because, hey, it's GOT/HOTD and it's an inherently violent/gross/graphic show and franchise.
But people who actively support/justify/encourage the murder of literal children make me so sick. And I wish I was lying but I've seen and heard people say that Daemon was justified for B&C or that he should have done way worse.
Yes, I know it's a show, dw. I'm not even someone who really wants kids and sometimes they are a little annoying, sure. But it's just kind of weird to me that people will support arguably one of the most heinous and tragic acts of violence in the Dance, and encourage/want more of that. Strange behaviour.
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