#right now I’m just struggling a bit mentally and want to crowdsource some favourite episodes because I’ve already watched all of mine
whatsagirltoblogabout · 6 months
What are your favourite White Collar episode(s) and why?
I’ll start. My favourite episode is season 3 episode 10 Countdown, because I’m a huge fan of shenanigans. There’s just so much subterfuge and excitement packed into this one episode, I love it!
Spoiler warning, I’m going into detail under the cut.
First and foremost, the whole “throwing his fedora off the top of a building and then jumping after it, parachuting down and then picking it up and putting it back on” thing is everything to me. Like, that’s peak Neal Caffrey™️. The sheer audacity has me swooning.
That whole caper involves so much great stuff. A classic Caffrey forgery, some mind games in getting Peter to lock him in the closet, Mozzie running the technical side of things while wearing an elaborate disguise, delightful banter, a daring last-second escape that lands him right back where he started in the nick of time. It’s just *chef’s kiss* peak shenanigans.
And that’s not even all of it! There’s the whole thing with Agent Melissa Matthews from DC Art Crimes, which plays almost like psychological slapstick comedy as Neal tries to maintain the facade that he’s an Interpol agent without any of the White Collar team catching on. And it all comes crashing down at the end, but Melissa is so cool about it! I feel like she doesn’t get enough appreciation for taking it as well as she does, considering she’s an FBI agent who just got taken for quite a ride by a notorious con man. And she just gives him a respectful “well played” and peaces out! Legend behaviour. Especially compared to her boss, who’s the picture boy for sore losers LOL.
Speaking of Kramer, while he does have his annoying moments in this episode, he also has some really fun ones. His first meeting with Neal is pretty enjoyable, though I’ll admit to being biased because I adore chocolate. And the end, when Neal authenticates his own painting and then Kramer gets to plant the seed in Peter’s mind about Neal being the forger? Peter’s moment of realization is so good, it’s one of my favourite shots in the whole episode. The rest of the season didn’t quite deliver as much intrigue on that front as they seemed to promise with that moment, but they do have a fun callback in the season finale when Peter asks how Neal pulled off the switch and doesn’t believe the real answer.
My other favourite episode is 5.11 Shot Through the Heart, because the dynamics of two liars lying to each other is so delicious. But I’ll spare y’all the in-depth ramble about that one ;)
You, of course, do not need to go on for as long as I did, though you are more than welcome to if you’re so inclined. I’d just like to know why you’re choosing the specific episode(s) that you are, in whatever way and however many words you want to use :)
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