#saiki angst hc bevausseee ummm
kusuokisser · 10 months
i think that kusuo is really uncomfortable with any psychical contact and he feels super guilty about it. like if literally anyone touches him he gets this uneasy feeling and wants to pull away from it but. he doesnt. because thatd probably confuse whoever's doing it.
and like its one thing when its his friends but its almost worse with his family and he feels HORRIBLE. every time his mom hugs him he just wants to take a shower because the sensation just upsets him. he needs to get the feeling of contact off of him.
but he feels REALLY REALLY bad about it because like thats his mom. the person he loves most on this earth. his MOMS HUGS make him feel so uncomfortable that he has to WASH IT OFF. imagine how much that would weigh on him.
i bet you kusuke plays up his love for their moms hugs too just because he knows how it makes kusuo feel. every time kusuo sees his brother recipeocate his mothers affection he feels downright horrible, thinking hes a bad son for not liking it.
he feels so bad in fact that one of the few times he used mind control was so that his mother wouldnt think its weird that he always showers after she hugs him. he doesnt want her to know how he really feels because he knows shell be sad. he knows it would upset her and he doesnt want that for her.
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