#seeing transmasc hate like wow you really only save your kink nuance for trans men getting beaten and misgendered huh
transzilla · 2 months
Forcemasc to Me is really the tits when it's validating.. Like autofellatic, masturbatory, creepy, corny, just like cis men talking about What It Means To Be a True Man and the power of their balls, feeling like a fucking loser for being exhilarated by it, hell even cringy ... Ik when you pop off to some kink that is frankly horrible you get kind of a dopamine rush cus oooh im breaking the rules even tho u know psychologically its probably not the best thing for you. Its harder to do it and believe corny 80s shit right? Like omg, these cringe trans men on the internet, if i partake that makes me cringy too. Like... Yeah. Cringe and being uncomfortable and creeped out.. I thought thats how we roll here
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